What Religion Would you Be Apart Of?

Understood, but ultimately useless to the thread. But yes, thanks for clearing it up.

I wouldn't go so far as to call it useless. You asked a question and I answered it honestly. Can't ask for more than that really.
Prince James Buddism does indoctrinate children - how old was the Dalai Lama when instigated/identified as such? Is Wicca regarded as a religion? Does it have a diety or transcendant power? Texts or 'prophets' to which followers can refer?
You might just get that wine gum with Taoism...but I wouldn't really want to be a follower of any religion that would have me
Except perhaps Flying Spagetti Monsterism

Prince James Buddism does indoctrinate children - how old was the Dalai Lama when instigated/identified as such? Is Wicca regarded as a religion? Does it have a diety or transcendant power? Texts or 'prophets' to which followers can refer?

Theoretically, if the child, even if he was the Dalai Lama, did not want to be the Dalai Lama, the monks would not have been able to force him to be so. Moreover, Tibetan Buddhism is but one school of Buddhism, and as many religions which have different sects, others may disagree with their practices.

Wicca is regarded as religion, yes. It has two deities: The Horned-God and the Triple-Goddess, also known as the Lord and Lady. There are Wiccan myths, such as which recall the yearly cycle of death and rebirth the God (representing nature) undergoes, each time being reborn as the son he produced with the Goddess, who in turn becomes him in the next year, as well as stories of the creation of the world, and other such things. Gerald Gardner (the founder) certainly wrote stuff on Wicca, as have various other people on the matter, and thus there can be consisdered to have some prophets. Wicca also has a clergy of High Priests and Priestesses who preside over covens.
ye see PJ that's what I'm here for to learn from enlightened debate. OK Wicca is a religion. I think Taoism might be regarded as a philosophy rather than a religion but that's the one I'd probably go for. Not that I would really.

I am quite glad I was able to offer you some information, then!

Though as to whether or not Taoism can be considered a religion: It is generally conceived as such, and more religious-aspects of Taoism which go beyond simply Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching and Hua Hu Ching, do take on a more traditionally religious sense. But yes, Taoism, like most Oriental religions, skirt the line betwixt religion and philosophy.