What religion are you?

What religion are you?

  • Christian

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Pagan

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 23 44.2%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 15.4%

  • Total voters
I'm atheist, its the only rational answer that i have come up with about religion. Everybody argues about who invented god. Its all fariy tales, lies, and corruption. Minipulation of the masses by evil gits, followed by the weak.
"What religion are you?" I am of no religion. Somebody should ask God, "what religion are you"? Maybe somebody on sciforums already knows.

Peace be with you, Paul
I am a follower of The Messiah Jesus.

Not very successfully, but it's the thought that counts ;)

All Praise the Ancient Of Days
Beryl: "True, true. I asked the question incorrectly. Sorry."

When you asked, "what religion are you?" did you mean organized religions such as mentioned in your poll, christiantity and etc. If this is what you meant, I am of no religion, but in your poll I marked 'other'.

Religion: belief in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and whorship.

battig1370: "If you were able to ask Jesus, "what religion are you?", what would He say?"

Jesus' personal God was his Father that Jesus loved, prayed to, whorshiped and was obedient to. --- Jesus prayed three times, "O Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." - (Matt. 26:39)

Jesus said, "ALL POWER is given unto ME in heaven and earth" - (Matthew 28:18) --- "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but MY WORDS shall not pass away." - (Matt.Rev.24:35)

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." -(John14:6)

My personal God is Jesus, but Saul/St.Paul's 'Mystical Jesus' is not my God. Those who whorship the 'Mystical Jesus' of Saul/St.Paul's are whorshiping 'The Image of the Beast'. I'm not a christian because the founder of christianity was Saul/St.Paul and his 'Mystical Jesus' that claimed to be The Jesus of Nazareth.

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370: > "If you were able to ask Jesus, "what religion are you?", what would He say?"

Brutus1964 would say, Jesus is a Mormon.

Peace be with, Paul
jumble_nuts said:
I assume people usually put that they are Athiest for shock value and not because they truely don't believe in God or something. Take for instance most Satanist will make the claim they are athiest. However the thought never crosses their mind that if the devil is real to them then God would have to be real because the devil would have never been created if God didn't exist.

How can a satanist claim to be atheist ? Its still having faith in a myth. Don't satanists just do it for the partys . The sex ,drugs, and rock'n'roll thing ? Must say that if i was forced into a religion, satanism looks the most fun ;)
I am a Christian. I am a registered engineer by profession and education. I believe that Jesus is resurrected from the dead. If he wasn't then somebody please show us the bones of this dead person.

Anyone that doesn't believe Jesus existed, died on a cross, and was resurrected should read a book by Josh McDowel titled: "Evidence that Demands a Verdict." Josh was an atheist that set out to disprove christianity in his philosophy doctoral thesis. As Josh said: Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. There really is no debate on the subject of whether he existed or not as a man.

As one of my agnostic engineering co-workers said concerning evolution, even 4 billion years wasn't enough time to evolve man from dirt.

Evolutionists claim that they are the smart ones, and anyone that believes in god is just plain stupid. Last time I had my IQ measured it was 136. Newton, Einstein, Edison, Kelvin, and many other notable scientists believed in a god. Evolution theory was around in their day (except for Newton).
I believe that Jesus is resurrected from the dead. If he wasn't then somebody please show us the bones of this dead person.
If you cant find the bones, is it more logical that he rose from the dead, that you're looking in the wrong place, or that he never existed?
There really is no debate on the subject of whether he existed or not as a man.
Then please prove he existed then since it shouldnt be too hard, then you can work on proving if he did anything significant.
As one of my agnostic engineering co-workers said concerning evolution, even 4 billion years wasn't enough time to evolve man from dirt.
Thats a pretty baseless statement.
Evolutionists claim that they are the smart ones, and anyone that believes in god is just plain stupid. Last time I had my IQ measured it was 136. Newton, Einstein, Edison, Kelvin, and many other notable scientists believed in a god. Evolution theory was around in their day (except for Newton).
I dont think they claim they are smarter, just more logical, im sure you'd find however most people here have a similar IQ to yours, and just a helpful note for you, name dropping will not make a religion more popular.
Woody said:
I am a Christian. I am a registered engineer by profession and education. I believe that Jesus is resurrected from the dead. If he wasn't then somebody please show us the bones of this dead person.

Anyone that doesn't believe Jesus existed, died on a cross, and was resurrected should read a book by Josh McDowel titled: "Evidence that Demands a Verdict." Josh was an atheist that set out to disprove christianity in his philosophy doctoral thesis. As Josh said: Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. There really is no debate on the subject of whether he existed or not as a man.

As one of my agnostic engineering co-workers said concerning evolution, even 4 billion years wasn't enough time to evolve man from dirt.

Evolutionists claim that they are the smart ones, and anyone that believes in god is just plain stupid. Last time I had my IQ measured it was 136. Newton, Einstein, Edison, Kelvin, and many other notable scientists believed in a god. Evolution theory was around in their day (except for Newton).

Anyone who belives Jesus actually existed should read The Jesus Puzzle

There is a debate and the evidence suggests that Jesus as a man is a later christian development from the at the time common Christus concept of a heavenly intermediatry between an unknowable god and all too knowable humans.

4 billion years is plenty of time, i suggest a visit to talk origins, this is a debunk of this argument


Evolution btw does not deny god, it doesn't say anything about god, its only a problem to biblical literalists and inerants. Most christians get on just fine with it.

Einstein did not believe in what you would recognise as a god
firstly I'd like to welcome you Woody to sciforums

I am a Christian. I am a registered engineer by profession and education. I believe that Jesus is resurrected from the dead. If he wasn't then somebody please show us the bones of this dead person. can you show us the bones of your long dead ancestors, you've started you statement with an idiocy.

Anyone that doesn't believe Jesus existed, died on a cross, and was resurrected should read a book by Josh McDowel titled: "Evidence that Demands a Verdict." Josh was an atheist that set out to disprove christianity in his philosophy doctoral thesis.no he's was an apologetic and now has a new gospel of self love/self esteem, he just after your money, he was never an atheist or could have ever been, it dont work that way.(he's not a good example) As Josh said: C S Lewis said in is book mere christianity Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. There really is no debate on the subject of whether he existed or not as a man.proberly not in those books, but there is no prove for a historical jesus, try reading Dr Albert Schweitzer book "The Quest For The Historical Jesus", the most definitive study that's ever been done on the subject, admitted that there isn't a shred of conclusive proof that Christ ever lived, let alone was the son of God. He concludes that one must therefore accept both on faith.

As one of my agnostic engineering co-workers said concerning evolution, even 4 billion years wasn't enough time to evolve man from dirt.so are you still dirt, i'm not
Evolutionists claim that they are the smart ones, and anyone that believes in god is just plain stupid.no there not stupid there just delusional, you can be highly intelligent, but it how you use that intelligence Last time I had my IQ measured it was 136. so your slightly below average, not bad but not something to sing about. Newton, Einstein, Edison, Kelvin, and many other notable scientists believed in a god. Evolution theory was around in their day (except for Newton).

Einstein: bad example was not religious, he was more an agnostic.( a couple of quotes)

Why do you write to me "God should punish the English"? I have no close connection to either one or the other. I see only with deep regret that God punishes so many of His children for their numerous stupidities, for which only He Himself can be held responsible; in my opinion, only His nonexistence could excuse Him.

A religious person is devout in the sense that he has no doubt about the significance of those superpersonal objects and goals which
neither require nor are capable of rational foundation.

neither was edison( a couple of quotes)

Edison investigated the supernatural as he did the natural world and said, "I have
never seen the slightest proof of the religious theories of heaven and hell

My conscience seems to be oblivious of Sundays. It must be encrusted with a sort of irreligious tartar.

and thomson/kelvin another irreligious person.

but you can use newton.
Last edited:
*Brutus1964 would say, Jesus is a Mormon.

Ggggssss!! it's early morning I thought you said Jesus is a Moron!!.
LOL :)

musta said:

"I am a Christian. I am a registered engineer by profession and education. I believe that Jesus is resurrected from the dead. If he wasn't then somebody please show us the bones of this dead person. can you show us the bones of your long dead ancestors, you've started you statement with an idiocy.'

Yes, I can show my family lineage back to the 14th century.

I ask the same question of evolutionists: "Show me the bones of partially formed species -- the evidence should be abundant if evolution is true."

Lem said: "Then please prove he existed then since it shouldnt be too hard, then you can work on proving if he did anything significant.

Ans: Josh McDowel answered this argument. By the way when we say "BC" on a calendar -- that supposedly means before christ -- right? Before a fiction -- now isn't that interesting?

musta said:

Last time I had my IQ measured it was 136. so your slightly below average, not bad but not something to sing about.

Average on an IQ test is 100. Your average college professor scores between 128 and 132 -- wow they must really be dumb on your scale!

As far as Jesus really existing, did his disciples get together and make it all up? How do you know Confucious, Mohammed, Alexander the Great, or anyone else existed if you can't believe eyewitness accounts?
1) what religion are you?

I'm irreligious.

2) if you are atheist and consider that you do not have a religion, explain why you think that's right.

It is the pinnacle of hubris to presume one knows the mind of god.

Independent! I believe in a divine being but I nurture other beliefs from many different religions.
By the way when we say "BC" on a calendar -- that supposedly means before christ -- right? Before a fiction -- now isn't that interesting?
Why would it be? A Christian country basis its calendar on its religion(which may or may not be right) whats interesting about it? Especially since its only the year 1426 in Islamic calendars(and an Islamic year is shorter than a christian one), so they arnt alone in what they've done really, now is that interesting?
Average on an IQ test is 100. Your average college professor scores between 128 and 132 -- wow they must really be dumb on your scale!
in america maybe the average is 100 but the whole world average that is 140.
do you understand how they work out the averages.

http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1997/dec/d28-001.shtml check this out

State Avg. IQ 2004
1 Connecticut 113
2 Massachusetts 111
3 New Jersey 111
4 New York 109
5 Rhode Island 107
6 Hawaii 106
7 Maryland 105
8 New Hampshire 105
9 Illinois 104
10 Delaware 103
11 Minnesota 102
12 Vermont 102
13 Washington 102
14 California 101
15 Pennsylvania 101
16 Maine 100
17 Virginia 100
18 Wisconsin 100
19 Colorado 99
20 Iowa 99
21 Michigan 99
22 Nevada 99
23 Ohio 99
24 Oregon 99
25 Alaska 98
26 Florida 98
27 Missouri 98
28 Kansas 96
29 Nebraska 95
30 Arizona 94
31 Indiana 94
32 Tennessee 94
33 North Carolina 93
34 West Virginia 93
35 Arkansas 92
36 Georgia 92
37 Kentucky 92
38 New Mexico 92
39 North Dakota 92
40 Texas 92
41 Alabama 90
42 Louisiana 90
43 Montana 90
44 Oklahoma 90
45 South Dakota 90
46 South Carolina 89
47 Wyoming 89
48 Idaho 87
49 Utah 87
50 Mississippi 85
it looks like you'd be a genius in mississippi.

Yes, I can show my family lineage back to the 14th century. so can I, but can you go back any further, after all that's only six hundred years.