What religion are you?

What religion are you?

  • Christian

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Pagan

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 23 44.2%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 15.4%

  • Total voters


WWAD What Would Athelwulf Do?
Registered Senior Member
Since polls can only do so much, I'd like it if everyone could also make a post with their answer...

The questions are 1) what religion are you?, and 2) why do you feel that that is the correct religion to be? (or if you are atheist and consider that you do not have a religion, explain why you think that's right. Agnostics, please explain why you doubt religion/what religion you're leaning more towards.)

By the way, I am asking this out curiosity, without any sinister motivations. This isn't intended to turn into a religious debate, although I know there's a good chance it will. I also hope that the question itself, or the options presented in the poll, don't bother anyone... I'm tired at the moment, and I'm sure I'll be missing some religions that I should have added. I'm also going to list atheist and agnostic as religions, even though I know there's plenty of discussion over them not being religions (for different reasons.) And I'm putting just "pagan" to include Wiccan and other pagan religions, because they're too numerous (a lot of pagan religions I think are more or less exclusive to one person) and I can hardly list them all... if you're pagan, please explain what you believe in the forum. Likewise, I've put just "Christian" instead of trying to list all the denominations.
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Atheist (absence of theist belief) since I do not find any theistic proposition convincing.
To answer my own question: I am pagan. I believe that all plants and animals are equally alive and have equal rights to life and fair treatment... that doesn't, however, mean that I think it's always wrong to kill. I think it's wrong to kill without reason, or without much of a reason, but I don't have problems with killing something to eat it, to defend yourself, or to defend something you care about or your source of food so long as there isn't a reasonable alternative (pulling weeds in the garden is okay, shooting a dog that's after your sheep is okay but only if you couldn't make it stop without killing it). I'm a bit of a hypocrite in the sense that I slap mosquitoes and such even though they weren't trying to kill me... but in a sense it's still protecting yourself so I think it's somewhat okay. Not to mention mosquitoes aren't exactly endangered, which brings me to my next point of religion. I have a strong belief in the natural order of things and in maintaining that. For instance, I pull garlic mustard in my woods because it isn't native, and back to the first point because it's hurting the woods and therefore something I care about and am responsible for protecting. Also, I will eat deer because they are natural prey animals and it makes sense for a human (omnivorous, relatively big, evolved to walk upright and therefore be able to hunt even things that they can't hunt without tools) to eat one. I would not eat a dog because it doesn't seem natural to me for something like a human to eat something like a dog, since they are naturally better predators than us and not any smaller than us. I am, however, fine with scavenging anything... as a rule I wouldn't, but that's taste and not morality (yes, I've seen Spartacus.) Environmentalism a very important part of my religion, as you could probably gather. I also feel strongly and religiously on various issues (gay marriage should be legal, war is usually wrong, and others) but I guess I can't really explain why because there's not any one rule that applies to all of it... although if anyone has questions on individual issues I'm sure I can explain it.

I feel that my religion is correct because much of it is science with a twist. I didn't really get into it as a religion... I was thirteen before I realized that it WAS a religion, and not just opinions.
My name states my religious position!. :)

no need to explain if the position of atheism is best, what's best is what is best for you, however I find that atheism is the most "logical" position.

Agnostics, please explain why you doubt religion/what religion you're leaning more towards

Religion just tries to assume and define that which they do not know. Religion is basically just philosophy about God. If there is a "spiritual God", he'd be on a totally whole nother plane of reality and there'd just be no way of us being able to prove or disprove his existance. If neither side can prove or disprove the existance of something, it's pretty silly to make any absolute claims that theists and athiests make being for and against. If something is unknown, it's well, unknown, so that's what my neutral belief of agnosticism is. Both extremeist sides are using a whole lot of faith in saying God does or does not exist while I just logically sit back and wait until some actual convincing proof comes along.

I do, however, believe that there is "something" more out there, but it is more of a personal belief, not a common mainstream one. I don't make the mainsteam religious mistake of making an arrogant ass out of myself by assuming I actually know who and what that "something" is and then try to preach and convert others to my beliefs which are probably only 0.01% close to the truth yet claim it to be 100% truth.

/end semi-rant

- N

no need to explain if the position of atheism is best, what's best is what is best for you, however I find that atheism is the most "logical" position.

My most logical position poops on your most logical position. :p
I am particularly drawn to Buddhism, Taoism and Vedanta Philosophy, but fully subscribe to none of them.

I usually describe myself as "agnostic by default".
Basically, I don't think it matters whether or not God exists for several reasons...

If I found absolute proof that God(s) exist(s) tomorrow, or absolutle proof that there is no God at all, it wouldn't change how I live my life and what I think is important.
I agree with Ayn Rand's statement (paraphrasing) "To live your life by anyone's morals but your own is to live an immoral life."
I know what I personally think is right and wrong, and try my best to live a life of intergrity by adhering to my value system.
One of the biggest problems I have with most religions is that they try and tell you what to believe rather than encourage you to search for what you personally believe.
This practice discourages personal exploration and expansion, and rather encourages an obedient sheep mindset.
I think people should think for themselves.
In discouraging people to do that, these religions are doing a great disservice to humanity.

If you take a close look at the major religions (past and present) and history (what we know if it so far) it is quite obvious (to me, at least) that many of them have borrowed or stolen stories from each other.
In fact, if you trace backwards and visualize the different religions of the world it starts to resemble a family tree of sorts, they way they split off each other and splinter and where they combine (there is some inbreeding in there too ;)).
This tells me that much of it started in one (or a few) ways.
My current belief (it evolves with the more I learn) is that much of it started with agrarian peoples using the stars, the sun, the planets and moon to help develop an understanding of the planting/harvesting seasons.
Before the advent of written language they gave names and personas to the heavenly bodies and the shapes they recognized in constellations.
They told outlandish "folk" stories with these characters because they were interesting and really the only way to remember.
For example when they saw the "lion" rise over the west mountain, it meant that it was time to start planting the corn etc...
These stories were combined with superstitions and the stories that were told about the creation and other things that were mysterious and unknown.
Think of how unfathomable it is when you consider that the universe may be endless and eternal, just about as unfathomable as if it wasn't.
So they told stories.
Those stories developed and evolved over the years, and when people started migrating and meeting people of other cultures that were previously isolated (at least in all living memory) people combined their stories and they evolved further.

The other possibility is that they all evolved from the one truth about the God(s).
If there is an intelligent being behind the creation of all things, what does it matter?
I really don't think the creator would care if his creations prostrated themselves before him and praised him or not.
If he did, he would have given us direct knowledge of him and clearly made his intentions known.
The world would resemble the stories of the Old Testament, and it simply doesn't.
If it once did, but does not now, then God must have simply gone away or turned his back.
Maybe he simply turned his attention to another species on another relatively insignificant speck of a planet.
Who knows? Not me. Who cares? Not me.

There is a lot more to it than that, I could go on for hours (and have been known to) but I have to pull the plug sometime. :D
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1) what religion are you? and 2) why do you feel that that is the correct religion to be?
I describe myself as an Agnostic Atheist, i know god cannot be proven to exist or not exist until we die(hence Agnostic), but i dont believe he does based on logic, faulty religion, the fact that i dont believe in things until they are proven or are beyond reasonable doubt, and the general fact that i dont care/it doesnt matter, since it wont change my views on life(hence Atheist).
This position is right for me and makes sense to me, naturally to a theist it would not, and each to their own there is never going to be one true way to live/religion its all about what works for you and you alone, and its about time we decided it doesnt matter if people believe differently since we cant all be the same.
I don't follow any particular religion, but the Eastern religions suits me best, although there is truth in Christianity and Islam too.
Since I believe the self is equal to God, the highest importance is to follow oneself.
Atheist. There is no evidence or convincing reason to even assume there might be some deity(s) guiding everything.
Anyone who visits these boards even semi-often will know that the atheists will overrun this poll but I am Muslim converted from Christianity. I dont dislike Christians or Jews (although I got problems with Israeli leadership) nor do I feel that all non-Muslims are "doomed" Islam teaches me that each indivual will be judged according to his works when the time comes.....not judged by man but by the Creator...Unfortunatly there are no true "Islamic" countries out there to set an example for Islam so the corrupt Islamic leaders usually take the Headlines while the typical mainstream Muslims tend to play "catch up".....anyways peace to you :m:
well, i clicked 'pagan' on your pole, for i love its original meaning of 'country dweller'...i LOVe Nature and Nature's intelligence

I would also have clicked 'explorer' if you'd had it cause that what i usually say a lot, 'i am exploring' which i am... trying to be as open as i can

i am aware of a patriarchal mindset running through most institutions East and West. which denigrates Nature and natural being
for example, Buddhism. Buddhism is a touchy subject for many people cause it is THe Eastern belief system that's been turned to by disillusioned westerners. so it's a good example to use about what i mean--though i dont particularly want to go into it too much in this thread.....it claims life is suffering, and imposes on people the notion they are lost in ignorance and need to do the meditation pose so as to get too. whereever. in other words YOU ARE GUILTY AS YOU ARE!.....

same with Zen
same with any system that has masters, gurus, those that 'know' and 'ypu dont know'...then they become your authority

WEST--'original sin' shame about sexuality, about taking hallucinogens, about experiencing ecstasy (not the drug..hehe)...about communing with natrual energies

so you want to know the roots of all this. this is where exploring comes in. you find this cross section happening where Earth becomes seen as evil or illusion/"Maya' by these controlling-dudes

it is really EXTREMELY ineresting to explore, believe it!

in our so-called secular world in theeeeeee (trumpets blare(((((((Age Of SCIENCEEEEEE!.....all of the above is still here festering away beneath the superficial. feeling sbout Nature--FEAr of it. wanting to up pn it, control it. JUST the same as their predecessors wanted to control GODDESS...by disecting here, and slaggin off the 'bad WILD un-rameable bits'....same now, though not spoken of in such archic terms. but damage still being done and justified in pages of scientificy-important rhetoric and math

what do i want to happen then?

i want to encourage the reemergence of Goddess awareness
Yorda: Since I believe the self is equal to God, the highest importance is to follow oneself.
M*W: I agree with you. IF... there is a god, God would be humanity. We would not all be separate or individual 'gods' but would be the bearers of the ultimate life force.

Religion and churches not needed.
I follow a dynamic mixure of all goods in all religions, atheist and agnostic thoughts. Strangely i find myself more clear than any specific group. :p
I am a non-fundamentalist, non-evangelical, student of christianity. I am also taking courses in Zen, and taoism. I spend my "away from school" time reading about secular perspectives, science, and comparative mythology, and these often have more influence in my thinking than many of the things I study in "class".
I have been in school for twenty years, although I would consider the years I spent before studying, "pre-school", which, as you know, are an important part of a student's development. Also, I took a couple of years off around 1997-2000.

the above is as close as I can get to "what religion am I?" without hurting my brain.

P.S. mom, please send money as they tell me I need a valid student ID.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I agree with you. IF... there is a god, God would be humanity. We would not all be separate or individual 'gods' but would be the bearers of the ultimate life force.

I don't know if it should be called "God" or not, but that's the closest word people understand today

Religion and churches not needed.

Religions can help people, but of course, 'God has no religion.'
Beryl said:
what religion are you?,
btw, atheism is not a religion,
religions worship some imaginary deitys/gods and such while atheism is a lack of belief in these.
if you are atheist, explain why you think that's right.
after seeing what religious fanatics can do;such as the historys infamous Crusades,Inquisition,witches burning,and lately the 9/11 attacks,
killing abortion providing doctors,standing in the way of science and research such as cloning,stem cells etc
,its obvious that most if not all religions are not conducive to happines for all mankind ,rather serve to divide and separate and often kill others just for the simple reason they dont share the same beliefs as you.
not to mention exploiting their believers financialy
atheists know this life is all we have so might as well make it the best posible here on earth for everyone...yes everyone!
atheists preffer reality however crappy it may get its still beter than lying and deluding yourself that it may get better in some imaginary afterlife for which theres absofuckinglutely no evidence to be seen anywhere.
atheists have no reason to hate or kill anyone,except in self defense maybe and only as a last resort,(in my case anyway)
and no reason to start any wars b/c God told me to.
so yes atheism,
nonbelief in fantasy fairy tales invented by some neanderthals way back at the dawn of civilization
relying only on your own judgment of what is wrong or right is the only logical conclusion that makes sense on how to live.
and if youre wondering where do we get our morals from see www.atheists.org/Atheism/ethics.html
I assume people usually put that they are Athiest for shock value and not because they truely don't believe in God or something. Take for instance most Satanist will make the claim they are athiest. However the thought never crosses their mind that if the devil is real to them then God would have to be real because the devil would have never been created if God didn't exist.
The majority of atheists I have met (not all, mind you) actually seem to be more Anti-Religionists than Atheists.
The majority of paganists I have met, especially "Wiccans" *tries to be respectful and not laugh at their "religion"*, are actually just Anti-Christianity.
jumble_nuts said:
I assume people usually put that they are Athiest for shock value and not because they truely don't believe in God or something. Take for instance most Satanist will make the claim they are athiest. However the thought never crosses their mind that if the devil is real to them then God would have to be real because the devil would have never been created if God didn't exist.
Regardless of whether God is real or not, if they worship Satan as a supernatural ruler of the underworld, then Satan IS a God, therefore they are NOT atheists.
I have known some Satanists that do not calim to be atheists, they just claim that God sucks for various (usually pretty valid) reasons.

The pathetic silly little Gothettes at the mall hanging out at Hot Topic pretending to be disinterested and wallowing in... whatever the hell it is they wallow in... and turning thier noses up at the "conformists" while they ALL dress the same as each other... Those are the ones that generally say stupid crap like "I am an atheistic satanist" because they don't get enough attention from their self-absorbed Christian parents and got beat up in school for whining about it.