What religion are you?

There are millions in each of those categories, as for me - I am not religious.

I am an Islamic scientologist and, on weekends, a Hindu Kovorkian.

On holidays I take on the roll of a Christian Druid and just for Christmas I am a Navajo Santa Clause.
I'm an agnostic because I think both theism and atheism are irrational.

How can you be so sure that something exists if you can't see it, hear it, touch it, etc.?

How can you say that something can't possibly exist just because you can't see it, hear it, touch it, etc.?
Acid Cowboy

It is called faith my child....you lack the faith my child....

now give me an AMEN :)
As my nickname suggests: I am PROUD MUSLIM....I was born Muslim , I lived as muslim and I will continue to live as Muslim and I will die Muslim.
Proud_Muslim said:
As my nickname suggests: I am PROUD MUSLIM....I was born Muslim , I lived as muslim and I will continue to live as Muslim and I will die Muslim.
You're muslim!!!...dude I had you pinned as a Christian, no doubt.

Wow..you think you know someone.
"God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom."

Religion is for those who don't have the inclination to think for themselves regarding spiritual issues.

Meaning that for instance uhm... someone who is a brilliant carpenter doesn't necessarily need to comprehend epistemology, but yet has questions in that area that need answers. Religions offer a prescription of answers to the questions that ail you. Now please put your cake in the collection plate.

The closest thing I could use to describe myself in terms of religion would be "taoist", except that really, calling one's self a "taoist" is at odds with the nature of being a "taoist" I think, as this label is trivial.

I'm not sure how to untie the knot that you see. If you saw the tao, I think you'd understand what I mean. I don't know you though, so I don't know what you see. Help me out and I'll try to explain if you want me to.

Oh and I don't think "taoism" is really a religion, it's more philosophy really as I see it. Maybe I missed something. I don't know of any "taoist" monastaries, or blah blah, but I haven't really looked into it. Actually I didn't even seek it. I read about it a long time ago when I was discovering buddism and the eastern view and since I have found the tao along the way without really looking for it.

To understand what the tao is(n't), is not.

Is not (trivial).

I have only recently come to really understand what tao is and it's hard to explain. It took me a very long time to really see it. Hell as far as I know, I don't understand it at all compared to how I will understand it ten years from now. The best I can explain might be "the universe if it were not observed". It is unknowable, yet we infer that it functions fully without the requirement for observation. We can never confirm our inference, as the act of inference disturbs the tao.
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Now I think you should attempt to untie all the knots you just tied around yourself.

Katazia said:

Now I think you should attempt to untie all the knots you just tied around yourself.


Do I have to? Okay, where would you like me to start?
I'm with Acid on this one. Agnostic. And for the reason he said because frankly I could not have put it better myself.

Oh my, this must be a first, I'm agreeing with Acid :p... lol..

And Sarge... hehehe.. hilarious.. :D
Proud_Muslim said:
As my nickname suggests: I am PROUD MUSLIM....I was born Muslim , I lived as muslim and I will continue to live as Muslim and I will die Muslim.

why didn't you tell us before, you could have at least given us a clue.
