What Religion Are U???????

What Religion Are U????

  • Christian

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Sikh

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 29.5%

  • Total voters
Atheism isn't a religion. An option to say "no religion" would have been more appropriate and that could include agnostics, humanists, brights and other free thinkers.

Yes Thank You Kat.

anyways, these moderators are such bastards, why have they tried to close this thread the fucking computer boffs.
I am non-religious, but I don't reject the existence of God, at least not yet.
If I had to choose a religion, I would pick Unitarian Univeralism, because it sounds like it tolerates and respects all religions. :)
I am a practising Christian who prays daily and attends Mass two to three times a week.
So, I just voted "other".
I do "believe" in gods, but as of yet there is no nature or characteristc that I can acredit them of.
I am still thinking about them, kept me busy for some years no. But I doubt that I´ll ever define them in the way some holy scriptures do.

Hurray for the christians, they are the strongest religios entity in this poll yet.
Satan worshiper. Why aren't Satan worshipers on the poll? We do have our own bible.
It looks like the creator of this poll omitted quite a lot of religions. That´s just the way things are.
Interestingly, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Muslims, etc. are questioned and trashed in this forum so often; yet Satan worshipers are carefully avoided. Scared? :p

I'm kidding, I don't really mean to bitch. It's just that everyone forgot Satan, out of all things....
I am a follower of The Messiah Immanuel/Jesus. There are so many different shades of grey in many of the religions you list that i do not want to select one.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I am a follower of The Messiah Immanuel/Jesus. There are so many different shades of grey in many of the religions you list that i do not want to select one.
M*W: Adstar, how are the names "Immanuel" and "Jesus" associated with each other? There seems to be some confusion between the meanings of these names in the Bible. I've seen Immanuel interpreted like this:

"Im" indicates plurality, in this case, "im" could refer to "manu" meaning "many people" or "humankind." "El" is, of course, a reference to "god." My question is, does the "im" apply to "manu-many people" or "El/elohim-many gods?" Therefore, does that infer a "title" for Jesus, because I don't recall anyone referring to Jesus as Immanuel except where the angels told M&J to call him that. Where are the Biblical references that Jesus was commonly referred to as "Immanuel" instead of "Jesus?"

Also, I've read that Jesus' name was more correctly known in either Hebrew (which I think not) or Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke in his time would be "Ye'shua ben Miriam" AND/OR "Ye'shua ben Joseph?" Since the usual lineage of names follows down the father's line, historically Jesus would have been called "Ye'shua ben Joseph." If that's the case, I would think that if this Jesus was actually a real person, born of a young woman, and was considered to be "God," his name more logically would be "Ye'shua ben Abba-El" or simply "ben-el?"

If there's anyone out there who speaks Hebrew, help me out here!

This presents yet further confusion as to the given name to Jesus. Was he considered to be "Miriam's son," or was he called "Joseph's son" or the "Son of God?"
whitewolf said:
Interestingly, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Muslims, etc. are questioned and trashed in this forum so often; yet Satan worshipers are carefully avoided. Scared? :p

I'm kidding, I don't really mean to bitch. It's just that everyone forgot Satan, out of all things....

God would have to be recognised if Satan was recognised ;)
Unitarian also. Studied martial arts in high school and college and worked out with lots diverse religious background of Christians, buddiets, some muslims, athiests, and agnostics--and a couple of wiccans. I became pacificist in philosphy during those times and like eddiemrsci (which made me smile to read) pointed out unitarism finds good in others beliefs whereas Christanity with its overtones of repent to be saved conflicted with my post high school pacifisic beliefs.
Out of the way question:
Do you guys consider Mormonism to be under Christianity or is it some separate thing?

I am a slave of Christ Jesus and unlike poor, delusional Kat.. I AM a free thinker by the grace of the Father of lights and the Spirit of Holiness, which liberates me through the blood of the Lamb eternally.

That sums up my religion.

God is my God.
devout roman catholic :) sorry didnt mean to post twice!!!!
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