What proves God?

As humans we are not capable of comprehending God's existence, as we can't understand or explain the meaning of our very own. My guess is that we are simply not programmed to aquire this ability. Not now anyway.

I can comprehend my own existence, I know the meaning of it.
I can comprehend my own existence, I know the meaning of it.

When it comes to life, the only thing we all agree on is its continuity. And so we all have the need to leave something behind when we are gone from this world, generation after generation. But we never understand why, for what purpose?
When it comes to life, the only thing we all agree on is its continuity. And so we all have the need to leave something behind when we are gone from this world, generation after generation. But we never understand why, for what purpose?

There is no purpose.. see I understand! :D
Pincho Paxton

If there was proof of God you wouldn't need faith.

If we take Adam as an example, he lacked faith but ''knew'' God, let alone
just having proof of God.

If there was proof of God, this site would be much quieter.

I tend to think if there was no proof of God, it would be much quieter.

If there was proof of God there would be less killing.

Doesn't follow.

If there was proof of God I wouldn't be posting this.

If there wasn't proof of God you wouldn't be posting this.

If there was proof of God Religion would come under factual knowledge.

That's not a requirement.

If there was proof of God the Bible would be in every home.

Same as above.

If there was proof of God Hitler might have been a very, very nice man.

He may have been very nice to someone, or at some stage in his life.

If there was proof of God there would be less animals due to the great flood.

Not if the flood was only regional as opposed to world wide.

If there was proof of God nobody would dare to put Jesus on the cross.

It was ignorance why this happened.
They thought Jesus was blaspheming God.

Pincho Paxton

If we take Adam as an example, he lacked faith but ''knew'' God, let alone
just having proof of God.

I tend to think if there was no proof of God, it would be much quieter.

Doesn't follow.

If there wasn't proof of God you wouldn't be posting this.

That's not a requirement.

Same as above.

He may have been very nice to someone, or at some stage in his life.

Not if the flood was only regional as opposed to world wide.

It was ignorance why this happened.
They thought Jesus was blaspheming God.


Your replies do not work logically, they only say things which you want to say which doesn't count as any form of counter-argument. For example you use Adam as having knowledge of God. It isn't acceptable to use the Bible as proof of God, so Adam isn't allowed in any example. Do you know why you can't use Adam? Because God is indicated in the Bible, so you can't use the Bible to self-fulfil the Bible. If you use that sort of logic you have lost all arguments before you post them.

It is like me writing a book about Pincho who told Jan that he was God. I shall call this book.. 'The Book Of Janasis.' Now when you post next I can say that according to you, I am God. My book tells this story, therefore you are my proof that I am God. This is the same as saying that Adam knows God.

Do you see how illogical that is?
Aquinas' 5 ways use change (1st), causality (2nd), contingency (3rd), degrees of being (4th) and final causality (5th) as premises in proofs that can in principle demonstrate the existence of something that just is necessary being itself (3rd), whose essence is its existence (2nd), that is an intelligence analogously speaking (5th), that just is good (4th) and is purely actual (1st) and what classical theists call God.

Check out The Last Superstition and Aquinas: A Beginner's Guide to get started if you are interested.
Regardless, try explaining a rainbow in the sky.

The idea that there is a link or correspondence between music and colour is a very old and very persistent one. According to McClain’s (1978) analysis, Plato linked the major second and perfect fifth to yellow and the perfect fourth to red, in an extension of the Pythagorean harmony of the spheres to encompass planets, tones and colours. Aristotle (1984) suggested a parallel between the harmony of colours and the harmony of musical intervals. Newton (1730/1952), when investigating the spectrum of light, linked the intervals tone, minor third, fourth, fifth, major sixth, minor seventh and octave to the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

In additive colour mixing (mixing coloured lights) the primary colours are red, green and blue. They combine according to the following rules: red and green make yellow, and yellow and blue make white (or grey, depending on the brightness). Similarly a major third and a minor third make a fifth, and a fifth and a fourth make an octave. (Other musical intervals can be regarded as compounds of these primaries. For example, a major seventh is a compound of a perfect fifth and a major third, and a minor sixth is a compound of a perfect fourth and a minor third.) These rules can be represented by tree structures.


One of the basic elements of music is called color, or timbre (pronounced "TAM-ber"). Timbre describes all of the aspects of a musical sound that do not have anything to do with the sound's pitch, loudness, or length. In other words, if a flute plays a note, and then an oboe plays the same note, for the same length of time, at the same loudness, you can still easily distinguish between the two sounds, because a flute sounds different from an oboe. This difference is in the timbre of the sounds.
Timbre is caused by the fact that each note from a musical instrument is a complex wave containing more than one frequency. For instruments that produce notes with a clear and specific pitch, the frequencies involved are part of a harmonic series. For other instruments (such as drums), the sound wave may have an even greater variety of frequencies. We hear each mixture of frequencies not as separate sounds, but as the color of the sound. Small differences in the balance of the frequencies - how many you can hear, their relationship to the fundamental pitch, and how loud they are compared to each other - create the many different musical colors.

Your replies do not work logically, they only say things which you want to say which doesn't count as any form of counter-argument. For example you use Adam as having knowledge of God. It isn't acceptable to use the Bible as proof of God, so Adam isn't allowed in any example. Do you know why you can't use Adam? Because God is indicated in the Bible, so you can't use the Bible to self-fulfil the Bible. If you use that sort of logic you have lost all arguments before you post them.

It is like me writing a book about Pincho who told Jan that he was God. I shall call this book.. 'The Book Of Janasis.' Now when you post next I can say that according to you, I am God. My book tells this story, therefore you are my proof that I am God. This is the same as saying that Adam knows God.

Do you see how illogical that is?


By the same token, you should also refrain from using the bible to prove Gods' non-existence. For example you said:

If there was proof of God you wouldn't need faith.

If there was proof of God the Bible would be in every home.

If there was proof of God there would be less animals due to the great flood.

"If there was proof of God nobody would dare to put Jesus on the cross."he

The door swings both ways. ;)


By the same token, you should also refrain from using the bible to prove Gods' non-existence. For example you said:

If there was proof of God you wouldn't need faith.

If there was proof of God the Bible would be in every home.

If there was proof of God there would be less animals due to the great flood.

"If there was proof of God nobody would dare to put Jesus on the cross."he

The door swings both ways. ;)


You can, the door doesn't swing both ways. If I wrote that Blue was Red my words prove that my words are wrong, but never prove that my words are right.
Pincho Paxton

If we take Adam as an example, he lacked faith but ''knew'' God, let alone
just having proof of God.

Wrong. He had great faith, or God would not have spoken to him, let a lone take him to the garden. He simply did not understand why to trust God, so he lusted for the tree of knowledge.

Not if the flood was only regional as opposed to world wide.

Thats my belief. If humans had just evolved then they hadn't spread throughout the land yet. It is very possibly that a "great flood" occured.
The proof of God, as imputed in the posts by the God affirming crowd, is quite simple.

You need only one thing: truth.

How do you get it? Evidence.

What does it say? God was created by humans to explain the mysteries for which they had no science.

Conclusion: the existence of God has been proven.

The proof of God, as imputed in the posts by the God affirming crowd, is quite simple.

You need only one thing: truth.

How do you get it? Evidence.

What does it say? God was created by humans to explain the mysteries for which they had no science.

Conclusion: the existence of God has been proven.


I know all science with no mysteries remaining.
Conclusion: God's creation to explain science has been eliminated.

I'm not adding QED as it's a parrot word.
The proof of God, as imputed in the posts by the God affirming crowd, is quite simple.

You need only one thing: truth.

How do you get it? Evidence.

What does it say? God was created by humans to explain the mysteries for which they had no science.

Conclusion: the existence of God has been proven.


The idea that there is a link or correspondence between music and colour is a very old and very persistent one. According to McClain’s (1978) analysis, Plato linked the major second and perfect fifth to yellow and the perfect fourth to red, in an extension of the Pythagorean harmony of the spheres to encompass planets, tones and colours. Aristotle (1984) suggested a parallel between the harmony of colours and the harmony of musical intervals. Newton (1730/1952), when investigating the spectrum of light, linked the intervals tone, minor third, fourth, fifth, major sixth, minor seventh and octave to the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

You can't compare between music and colors when you don't know what a color is (I was referring to naturally-born blind people). Therefore, you can't understand the idea of existence because the human mind is not capable of doing such. It's much greater and much more complicated than we can ever think.
The idea that there is a link or correspondence between music and colour is a very old and very persistent one. (etc.)

I enjoyed reading your post. I have always been fascinated by this kind of thinking, even since I was a kid.

You may also know that many of the classical composers associated colors with keys, or individual chords. And some of the more exotic creations came out of what they said were color imaging, such as in the tone poems or tone painting genres.

And look - we have a condition - what's it called ...chrom- something, where the listener sees colors due to a brain condition.

All of this is very interesting, because perception is a quite deep layer of brain function yet accessible to us at the cerebral level, I mean, we can discuss it as common experience.

As far as the bearing on God, I see that your way of looking at this is exactly the opposite of my complaint that religion blocks the intellect.

I therefore nominate you as Cardinal (picking a color) of the Secular Harmonists.
which part?

that truth springs from evidence?

or that there is evidence god was fabricated from lack of science?

either one should be fairly easy to resolve.

Whos truth, and whos evidence? God is why, not how. Gods abilities, science, is how.