What proves God?


Valued Senior Member
What is a proof of God? How does one prove faith, after passifist is the greatst virtue one can have?
Thanks for highlighting one of the biggest problems with theism. With you around to do my work for me I have nothing left to do here.
What is a proof of God? How does one prove faith, after passifist is the greatst virtue one can have?
Isn't the Bible for one continually detailing situations where there was going to be a proof of God?

I think if you set up a test the proof is there. Why don't you try it?:)
If there was proof of God you wouldn't need faith.
If there was proof of God you wouldn't need the Big Bang, or the singularity.
If there was proof of God, this site would be much quieter.
If there was proof of God this forum would be very different than it is now.
If there was proof of God there would be less killing.
If there was proof of God I wouldn't be posting this.
If there was proof of God Religion would come under factual knowledge.
If there was proof of God the Bible would be in every home.
If there was proof of God death would be a happy outcome to life.
If there was proof of God Hitler might have been a very, very nice man.
If there was proof of God there would be less animals due to the great flood.
If there was proof of God nobody would dare to put Jesus on the cross.
If there was proof of God I would become the second most intelligent person that ever lived.... :D
Isn't the Bible for one continually detailing situations where there was going to be a proof of God?

I think if you set up a test the proof is there. Why don't you try it?:)

Care to share examples? I am not the biggest fan of the King James Bible. REMEMBER, the devil was a creation of God, he is and always will be part of God, just as I will and you will. What are your favorite verses?
If there was proof of God you wouldn't need faith.


If there was proof of God you wouldn't need the Big Bang, or the singularity.

But they would still be posible.

If there was proof of God, this site would be much quieter


If there was proof of God there would be less killing.

Uh huh

If there was proof of God Religion would come under factual knowledge.

Religion is wrong, God has proven that beyond a reasonable doubt

If there was proof of God the Bible would be in every home.

Not the bible as we know it.

If there was proof of God death would be a happy outcome to life.

If we achieved God we would not need death.

If there was proof of God Hitler might have been a very, very nice man.


If there was proof of God there would be less animals due to the great flood.

People died out just as much as animals.

If there was proof of God nobody would dare to put Jesus on the cross.

Jesus was proof of God.

If there was proof of God I would become the second most intelligent person that ever lived.... :D

What is a proof of God?
Proof, proof. This ain't geometry. If we are talking about what it takes for someone to believe in God, then we are talking about a lot of different kinds of evidence/experience/deduction for each individual or at least each group.
The Babel fish. It proves gods exists, but then by his own reasoning causes him to disappear in a puff of logic.
Does a blind person believe in light? What proof of that would be enough sufficient for you to convince him that this great element exists in our world, althought he will never be able to feel, hear or see it? What will you tell him and how will you describe it? Will he ever understand?
Does a blind person believe in light? What proof of that would be enough sufficient for you to convince him that this great element exists in our world, althought he will never be able to feel, hear or see it? What will you tell him and how will you describe it? Will he ever understand?

We can see it, the blind person knows that they can't see. Unless the blind person is delusional enough to think that they are the same as everybody else they take our word for it. Otherwise they think that we are lying, and what would bring a blind person to believe that everyone is lying to them?

They will understand through lack of delusional thinking.
Nothing proves it but those who believe in a God are only using faith to base their beliefs upon one. That's why I and many others don't believe in a God because of it being a belief and not a fact. I'd rather be honest about life and death than to try and fool people into believing things that just aren't true as far as scientific evidence or even common sense is considered .
Does a blind person believe in light? What proof of that would be enough sufficient for you to convince him that this great element exists in our world, althought he will never be able to feel, hear or see it? What will you tell him and how will you describe it? Will he ever understand?
Lights do give off heat. Blind people are quite capable of detecting heat.
As humans we are not capable of comprehending God's existence, as we can't understand or explain the meaning of our very own. My guess is that we are simply not programmed to aquire this ability. Not now anyway.