What or whom do atheists posit as their highest authority?

The highest authority on everything, the ultimate authority. That upon which an atheist calls as his justification for whatever it is he does.
There is (nor can be) any such 'authority'. An appeal to an authority is only required when one feels the need to avoid responsibility.
there isn't a need for a "highest authority" IMO. I guess thats the difference between an atheist and a theist, we can get by on our own, while theists need some kind of father figure to make them feel safe and warm.
myself, my own sense, reason, and intellect, my morality is soli down to me there is no higher power then humanity.
who else did you expect, an alien, a spotted pink unicorn or santa claus.
I do good because it's the right thing to do, not because a god tells me, and certainly not because it would put be in good stead for a after life. which I know theres not.

Atheists are not a group that has any such agreed principle or agreement.

The question has no answer, or might have a million+ different answers.

Atheists have only one thing in common - an absence of belief in the existence of a god or gods - nothing more should or can be implied by that position.

To obtain an accurate answer you will need to ask each atheist in the world individually.

I recognize my own desire to be at peace in my family, community, and the world. There is no authority that can grant that to me. All of my social behavior stems from this.

I have described to you and given you guidance on researching the natural evolution of morality and ethics. We all have it naturally to a greater or lesser degree. There is zero need for morality or ethics to be imposed from outside (i.e. god).

You may have the preconception that man is inherently evil. You, of course, get this from holy books. You think we need a divine edict regarding this. You are wrong.

Man is inherently good. No group could survive long enough to evolve intellect at all if not for a natural tendency for good. You must cooperate, help each other, protect each other, and care for each other, to survive. Those that don't, in general, fail to pass their genes to the future, unless you are a solitary hunter/carnivore.

Of course there is a normal distribution of moral and ethical traits. If you don't know what that means, research some statistics. So there will always be the average peaceful, cooperative core, and then the more aggressive leaders, the shy and timid, and a smattering of the violent and the complete recluses.
water said:
What or whom do atheists posit as their highest authority?
When it finally boils down to it, our own opinions, our own reasonings, our own decisions, and no-one-else's.
water said:
The highest authority on everything, the ultimate authority. That upon which an atheist calls as his justification for whatever it is he does.
Although Cris is correct, Atheists typically do not possess the hubris necessary to claim justification by "the highest authority on everything".

Religion is but a reflection of mans' egocentrism.

In the name of what do atheists demand that theists present proof of God?
What gives them the right to demand such proof?
those are only the stupid ones. it's probably in the name of "no proof? then we are right yesssss highfive"
Cris said:


Explain and define how reasonableness is the highest authority there is.

Justify why all should adhere to reasonableness.
water said:
In the name of what do atheists demand that theists present proof of God?
What gives them the right to demand such proof?
In general, demand is too strong a word. No atheist, nor any other person, can effectively demand you to supply proof for your faith.

However, if you propose that God exists, one of the questions coming from a critical crowd might very well be: "why do you propose that God exists?". If that crowd happens to have enjoyed a scientific education, they are probably going to apply certain established and pragmatic criteria to your answer which you may, or may not, comply with. In the latter case though, do not be surprised if the crowd does not accept your explanation.
stretched said:
Authority, Schmaurority. Why the fixation with authority?

Without authority it's hard for less empathetic people to feel the guilt they require to punish and hate themselves. This is why right wing god fearing types seem to hate everybody different from themselves, because they have no empathy, and they hate themselves and deny themselves free thought and pleasure in the name of their god. I'm sure, in time, a treatment will be available to remove these negative feelings, so people won't need god.