What natural purpose does petrolium/oil serve?

What natural purpose does petrolium/oil serve for the Earth? I was talking with a friend online the other day and she was mentioning how we should leave nature alone because everything fits together and plays an important role in it and tampering with anything has it's consequences so obviously the topic of oil came up but we couldn't think of it's purpose. So we were thinking up some crazy ideas and we both mentioned how it could be natural lubricant for the Earth in much a ways as it is for our mechanical engines. Who knows, maybe we need to apply some of that earthly lubricant to techtonic plate areas, heh.

So yeah, what purpose does it serve, if any, other than just being there?

- N

This may sound like mysticism, etc... but have a look at the game (yes, video game) Final Fantasy VII. The story focuses on a society dependent on 'Mako' energy which is siphoned from their planet. I've always felt, quite unscientifically, that this was close to the truth. Certain recent events have bolstered my private superstition.

I apologize for 'polluting' the forum with such 'nonsense', but in this case I feel it somewhat warranted.