What make someone beautiful?

first of all, this is in free thoughts. secondly, your first post wasn't even comprehensive or explanatory at all. you just stated physical characteristics which appeared to be just focused on the technical aspects of a picture.

if you meant otherwise, then you should have explained it instead of making a short comment which had little to no relevance to the topic.

almost everyone that has replied has been so far off by focusing on literal physical attributes when in fact people do not just find those attributes attractive or unattractive.

don't push it off on someone else as if they are not learning or misunderstanding.

besides, what one finds beautiful is not going to be necessarily the same for another no matter how great the blending or symmetry. that's why it was stated it is a personal (subjective) opinion because the op perhaps did not understand that. also, one shares what they think is appealing simply because there may be others who do see it that way. as a matter of fact, some people find some imperfections to be attractive while others don't. some people like the most garish while others like the other end of the spectrum as well as anything in between. some people don't even like symmetry or blending just as some like variety as well as some don't.

perhaps you need to learn a little. everything you said could be taken out of a rote textbook and nothing you have said is something i'm not already aware of or the status quo opinion. it was a generic rough estimate. how about that?

i don't think my pictures were irrevelant, i think that they provide a different perspective for one to think about.
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