I have had my faith ridiculed almost daily in here for the past few years mate. I have no problem with my faith being ridiculed because i am confident in the faith. When i see people ridiculing my faith it causes me to look upon them with a mixture of sorrow and loathing.
What StrangerInAStrangeLa did moved over a line however in quoting me and altering what i had said. That shows StrangerInAStrangeLa to be a person worthy of contempt by all.
You of course have put down "All Praise The Fake Ancient Daze" , but that is your input and i have quoted your words correctly without tampering, without intellectual dishonesty.
I understand that many in here are united with StrangerInAStrangeLa with a spirit of hatered for the love of the truth, but even among those who are filled with hate there are standards to which they will not go below. If people in here cannot see how StrangerInAStrangeLa actions are not a serious breach then all i can say is their hate has blinded them to an extent of impairing their judgement in the basics of honesty.
So insult me and insult the Creator if you wish but make sure your vain and pathetic rantings are your own.
All Praise My Absurd Cruel Fantasy