What language did Adam, Eve and the Serpent Speak?

Secondly I am greatly agrieved at this insult. You step over the line when tampering with a quote, but that is nothing compared to tampering with a quote from a messanger of God. May you be forgiven and woe to you if you are not.


Woe betide those who tease a messenger of God!
Be careful, he may smite seven generations of your bloodline!
I draw attention to the alteration of the quote. In my letter i said.
"All Praise The Ancient Of Daze"

WOOT! "All Praise The Ancient Of Daze!" Oh no! I added a "!"!

Secondly I am greatly agrieved at this insult.

You should smite yourself until you are over your pride and hubris.

You step over the line when tampering with a quote, but that is nothing compared to tampering with a quote from a messanger of goD.

Yeah! Over the line! No fair thinking of Daze before me!

May you be forgiven and woe to you if you are not.

All are forgiven. No woe shall befall anyone on this account.

Happy to help!

"All Praise The Ancient Of Daze!"
I draw attention to the alteration of the quote. In my letter i said.
"All Praise the Ancient of Daze"
But in your quote you have altered it to say:
"All Praise The Ancient Of Daze"
Firstly i would like to know if the Owner of this site and the Moderators of this site will tolerate people giving quotes that have been tampered with?
Secondly I am greatly agrieved at this insult. You step over the line when tampering with a quote, but that is nothing compared to tampering with a quote from a messanger of God. May you be forgiven and woe to you if you are not.

All Preys The Ancient Of Days

You should've altered the quote of my post because 80% of it wasn't needed thus wasting space & our time scrolling down to get to your babbling.
I didn't alter the quote. It was IPU. Attributing to me something IPU did is blasphemy. Messanger you don't want. Prostate yourself with your ass toward the North Star & praise IPU's beauty before it's too late.
So if you don't like hearing it, he's not allowed to type it? It's your faith, not his. If you don't like hearing it ridiculed, then plug your ears.

All Praise The Fake Ancient Daze

I have had my faith ridiculed almost daily in here for the past few years mate. I have no problem with my faith being ridiculed because i am confident in the faith. When i see people ridiculing my faith it causes me to look upon them with a mixture of sorrow and loathing.

What StrangerInAStrangeLa did moved over a line however in quoting me and altering what i had said. That shows StrangerInAStrangeLa to be a person worthy of contempt by all.

You of course have put down "All Praise The Fake Ancient Daze" , but that is your input and i have quoted your words correctly without tampering, without intellectual dishonesty.

I understand that many in here are united with StrangerInAStrangeLa with a spirit of hatered for the love of the truth, but even among those who are filled with hate there are standards to which they will not go below. If people in here cannot see how StrangerInAStrangeLa actions are not a serious breach then all i can say is their hate has blinded them to an extent of impairing their judgement in the basics of honesty.

So insult me and insult the Creator if you wish but make sure your vain and pathetic rantings are your own.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I have had my faith ridiculed almost daily in here for the past few years mate. I have no problem with my faith being ridiculed because i am confident in the faith. When i see people ridiculing my faith it causes me to look upon them with a mixture of sorrow and loathing.
M*W: Sorrow I can understand, but loathing? How long have you been sciforums, Adstar? You know that you are in the minority belief here. Why do you keep coming back? Wouldn't you be happier, or at least less loathing, to be a member of a christian forum?

I understand that many in here are united with StrangerInAStrangeLa with a spirit of hatered for the love of the truth, but even among those who are filled with hate there are standards to which they will not go below. If people in here cannot see how StrangerInAStrangeLa actions are not a serious breach then all i can say is their hate has blinded them to an extent of impairing their judgement in the basics of honesty.
M*W: The truth you speak of is relative. You see the truth one way, and we see it the other. Nothing's going to change here.

So insult me and insult the Creator if you wish but make sure your vain and pathetic rantings are your own.
M*W: Adstar, don't you think that sounds a bit arrogant? You are putting yourself on the level of the god you believe in. Others who believe in your same god would be offended that you think you are the only one on the level with their god.

You are not going to change anyone's mind on this forum. If that is your intention, the administration needs to put out a notice so when new members register, they will be aware that sciforums is a place where theists will try to convert them.

You've been here a long time, so I think you like the punishment.
I have had my faith ridiculed almost daily in here for the past few years mate. I have no problem with my faith being ridiculed because i am confident in the faith. When i see people ridiculing my faith it causes me to look upon them with a mixture of sorrow and loathing.

What StrangerInAStrangeLa did moved over a line however in quoting me and altering what i had said. That shows StrangerInAStrangeLa to be a person worthy of contempt by all.

You of course have put down "All Praise The Fake Ancient Daze" , but that is your input and i have quoted your words correctly without tampering, without intellectual dishonesty.

I understand that many in here are united with StrangerInAStrangeLa with a spirit of hatered for the love of the truth, but even among those who are filled with hate there are standards to which they will not go below. If people in here cannot see how StrangerInAStrangeLa actions are not a serious breach then all i can say is their hate has blinded them to an extent of impairing their judgement in the basics of honesty.

So insult me and insult the Creator if you wish but make sure your vain and pathetic rantings are your own.

All Praise My Absurd Cruel Fantasy

It is you & your kind who hate & ridicule truth. When you ridicule truth & promote fantasy, you should expect to be ridiculed.
No 1 here who noticed what IPU put there thought that was what you originally wrote.
If you believe I will suffer horribly for eternity due to not believing in your absurdity, I couldn't be any more worthy of contempt than that.
Posting your opinions & fantasies or whatever is 1 thing but when you say "ALL praise my fantasy", that is a different thing & should be challenged. Don't try to include me in your absurdity.
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