What is your problem?


I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
Ok. I've realized that my real problem with religion is not that people believe in unprovable, mystical things (it does personally irritate me though and I will constantly debate people simply in an attempt to figure out what the hell they could be thinking. Pffftt). My problem is twofold:

1) Preaching the stuff as though it were fact.

2) Promoting it into in the public domain (i.e. politics and public policy).

This, I believe, requires responsible and intelligent citizens and forumites(?) to be as agressive and relentless in the countering of religious pronouncements as they are in pushing them.

What's your problem?
My problem is that I have a huge prick and few women will accept it inside of them long enough for me to satisfy by urges.
That and I’m too ill to care.
My problem is that I was born a Thousand years earlier; I should have been born in the year 3001.

Damn I am trapped among morons who follow leaders and give too much powers to individuals,
Stupid Stupid Stupid Humans.
Hurricane Angel said:
My problem is Pat Robertson, he's a priest worth about 200 million USD... and nobody cares!?
Yeah, whatever happened to that "vow of poverty" thing? :rolleyes: :p
My problem is getting really really hooked to an idea (However far fetched) only to discard it the next day.
My other problem is seeming overly passionate and sometimes very convincing about a topic I don't know jackshit about and am only somewhat interested in.
Oh, and a big ego.
i have a problem when i am lumped in with religious fanatics.

as crunchy cat once so eloquently put it: "Devil Inside is more on the 'diet cola' side of things, religiously."

:p i still laugh about that, cuz it is so true, and soooo false at the same time.
My problem is the lamb vindaloo I have just eaten and the rather large hole it's currently burning in the back of my throat.

Oh and religious people. They're also a problem - I am allergic to their stupidity.