What is your perception of God?

Since I have had the experience of seeing spirits and leaving my body as a spirit I am heavily inclined to believe and perceive that such is no myth.

Yes, I do feel and think that there is God.

God is beyond human comprehension to fully understand, normally detect, and witness. That I have had the great fortune to have an emanation of God speak direct to me my own doubts are no longer.

God is both before the beginning and the beginning of all that is, both the end and after the end of all that is, and the sum of all that is in between. God is neither One nor Two and does not conform to standard human logic as it is in these times...dualistic. God both created life and did not create life, God was both created and not created.

A deluded person will be incapable of making any sense of these words or understanding what they mean.
and what is faith good for?

Ever been in a life and death fight...

Have you ever seriously needed to have faith in yourself...

Whether for another or for self...faith is in many cases good for many things...

When hiring someone...would you do so if you had no faith in their ability to do their job...
