What is your perception of God?

I don't think there is a "God" in the religious sense, but I do think there are probably other intelligences out there.
Yeah, you're right, we don't. But don't you think that such intelligence had to come from something greater than us? I mean, as people, we are considered miracles.

How is it that we live on this earth, in this nature, and are able to survive?
We were made to live on this earth.
Sounds like a masterpiece created by someone or thing or spirit.
Sounds like it, but it's not. How much more of a miracle would it be if no one created it?
Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit,
it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the
body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this
great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

Gospel of Thomas​

And that's exactly what happened. Our bodies evolved and functioned to produce the perception of spirit. It is an illusion, but it's a great one, and of natural origin.
Do you think there is a God? What is God to you?
I believe that there are many gods and goddesses, and other similar yet lesser spiritual entities. I also believe that they all emanate from a single source, or Prime Mover. Variously referred to in Wiccan literature as The All (based off the similar concept in Hermeticism) or the Dryghten (by Gerald Gardner himself). My theology is conventional Wiccan theology, developed in the 1930's and 40's, which is itself based heavily off of Hermeticism and Hermetic Revival beliefs.

There is a fundamental difference between Wiccan theology and Hermetic theology, though. Hermeticism worships the Prime Mover itself, whereas Wiccans worship the gods that emanate from it. As such, I worship only a few gods and honour minor deities alongside them.

My view of the soul is oddly similar to that passage. I see the soul as existing by virtue of its organic vessel. Thus, I believe that all living beings have a soul or spirit.
I think that at the very least god is the embodiment of all of the laws of the universe, which would make god our creator, omnipotent, and omniscient.

I also believe in a spiritual realm, because some rather intense interactions with it initially knocked me on my ass, and ultimately developed me.
Yeah, you're right, we don't. But don't you think that such intelligence had to come from something greater than us? I mean, as people, we are considered miracles.

How is it that we live on this earth, in this nature, and are able to survive?
We were made to live on this earth.
Sounds like a masterpiece created by someone or thing or spirit.
You can ask the same questions about " God " too . Who created him ? how did he start ?......etc .
You sure could, but I don't think we deserve or need an explanation.
If we knew all of the answers, there would not be a question of faith.
We lost these privileges long ago...