What is your faith? Quiz Time - Nov 2001

"You believe God's word much less than tiassa does, and he doesn't believe it at all"
"We're not trying to discern any private ones.
It's the public ones, you know, the ones you write down, that we are dealing with. "
So which is it Tony?

Do you even know what you believe? Better figure that out before you become concerned with mine.
*Originally posted by Taken
"You believe God's word much less than tiassa does, and he doesn't believe it at all"
"We're not trying to discern any private ones.
It's the public ones, you know, the ones you write down, that we are dealing with. "
So which is it Tony?

Which is what?
I've never seen anyone work so hard to create an issue where none exists, with the possible exception of tiassa.

I'm guessing that the issue you are trying to create is perhaps "public vs. private" since they are the only two antonyms in your quotes.

Since you're asking me which it is, I'd have to go with....hmm...public, no, private...no, public.
Hopefully you realize that your belief in God and his word is public, as written down in your posts.

If you wish to create another impression, then may I suggest saying different things?

*Do you even know what you believe? Better figure that out before you become concerned with mine. *

I've written down what I believe.
Surely that would be obvious to you, since you take such gigantic exception to every word I write.
If there is any vagueness in what I've said, then why such vehemence in your attacks against it?
I'm not posting what the Automaton suggested, purely because it was absolute *$@!

It had me down as:
Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (100%)

Although I denied existance of a god, Denied anything that would seem religiously acceptable, and basically answered everything (other than the gay question) with a disagree, or Non applicable.

It's obvious that the program just can't cater to a persons personal belief as it is only dealing with the religions that are set groups of people.

My beliefs are simple:

Worship no man, beast or apparition (Although I will worship one particular lady, but thats just because she makes me feel I should)

If it needs explaining find the answer.

disagree with Gay, killing, rape, childporn, guns, hard drugs and Microsofts monopoly.

Death is Oblivion and we all go there sometime. (and we don't come back)

Although no religious holidays are put aside, you can make up for it by enjoying everybody elses.

And thats pretty much it. (Of course I could expand but I wanted it simple)
Stryderunknown, thank you very much for your 2 cents. Not ALL will appreciate it, but I as a Christian do.

Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers;
it comes from being open to all the questions.
Earl Gray Stevens
*Originally posted by Stryderunknown
It had me down as:
Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (100%)

Although I denied existance of a god, Denied anything that would seem religiously acceptable, and basically answered everything (other than the gay question) with a disagree, or Non applicable.

Has it occurred to you that the Mormons might actually believe sort of the way you do?
Maybe they don't believe what you think they believe, maybe they believe what you believe.
Rather than start a new thread how about those who haven't answred yet adding their results.
I don't think I'll post my full list here, but I can say that I now understand why I disagree with tony1 about most things. Take his list and reverse the order and you have something approximating my list. :)
Here are my results:

1. Theravada Buddhism (100%) (this shocked me)
2. Unitarian Universalism (94%)
3. Liberal Quaker (90%)
4. Liberal Protestant (86%)
5. Bahá'í (84%)
6. Mahayana Buddhism (82%)
7. Sikhism (69%)
8. Taoism (69%)
9. Neo-Paganism (68%)
10. Jainism (66%)
11. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (62%)
12. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (62%)
13. Secular Humanism (61%)
14. New Age (56%)
15. Hinduism (55%)
16. Orthodox Quaker (53%)
17. New Thought (52%)
18. Atheism and Agnosticism (49%)
19. Conservative Protestant (47%)
20. Jehovah's Witness (46%)
21. Reform Judaism (43%)
22. Orthodox Judaism (35%)
23. Scientology (32%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (24%)
25. Islam (24%)
26. Roman Catholic (24%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (22%)
Okelidokeli.... Here I am. Pigeonhole me!! :D

1.  Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (96%)
3.  Neo-Paganism (96%)
4.  Liberal Quaker (96%)
5.  Liberal Protestant (93%)
6.  New Age (92%)
7.  Mahayana Buddhism (90%)
8.  New Thought (90%)
9.  Scientology (88%)
10.  Theravada Buddhism (76%)
11.  Taoism (72%)
12.  Bahá'í (71%)
13.  Hinduism (66%)
14.  Secular Humanism (66%)
15.  Reform Judaism (62%)
16.  Orthodox Quaker (60%)
17.  Jainism (58%)
18.  Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (54%)
19.  Conservative Protestant (48%)
20.  Sikhism (48%)
21.  Jehovah's Witness (42%)
22.  Orthodox Judaism (39%)
23.  Atheism and Agnosticism (38%)
24.  Islam (32%)
25.  Seventh Day Adventist (28%)
26.  Eastern Orthodox (16%)
27.  Roman Catholic (16%)
Oh, all right, Cris. Just because you asked so nicely... :)

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (99%)
3. Liberal Quaker (90%)
4. Liberal Protestant (86%)
5. Neo-Paganism (69%)
6. Atheism and Agnosticism (67%)
7. Theravada Buddhism (67%)
8. New Age (60%)
9. Bahá'í (57%)
10. Reform Judaism (53%)
11. Taoism (52%)
12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (51%)
13. Mahayana Buddhism (48%)
14. New Thought (46%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (44%)
16. Scientology (43%)
17. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (38%)
18. Jainism (35%)
19. Sikhism (34%)
20. Conservative Protestant (32%)
21. Jehovah's Witness (28%)
22. Islam (21%)
23. Orthodox Judaism (21%)
24. Hinduism (18%)
25. Seventh Day Adventist (17%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (13%)
27. Roman Catholic (13%)

Awright. I had a feeling we were seeing things the same way. Your number 1 matches mine.

Thanks for the effort.

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
3. Liberal Quaker (86%)
4. Liberal Protestant (81%)
5. Atheism and Agnosticism (76%)
6. Theravada Buddhism (70%)
7. Neo-Paganism (61%)
8. Bahá'í (56%)
9. New Age (45%)
10. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%)
11. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (42%)
12. Taoism (41%)
13. Jehovah's Witness (37%)
14. Mahayana Buddhism (37%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (34%)
16. Reform Judaism (34%)
17. New Thought (32%)
18. Conservative Protestant (31%)
19. Jainism (27%)
20. Scientology (24%)
21. Sikhism (23%)
22. Hinduism (18%)
23. Seventh Day Adventist (16%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (15%)
25. Islam (15%)
26. Orthodox Judaism (15%)
27. Roman Catholic (15%)

Very interesting

Now that is interesting. You have 100% for both 1 and 2, I didn't think that was possible. I'll have to take a closer look at UU.

Oh and a very warm welcome to sciforums.

I find that interesting as well.

The percentages in other religions i find peculiar as i do not share the same views, as i have no evidence of there plausabilty.

I see life from the standpoint of nature as a whole. I have spent a surprisingly large amount of time outdoors observing things that require a great deal of patience and time.

Nature makes perfect logical since in all my observations, no paranormal activity has ocurred in my life, i feel that "faith" and "hope" are natural feelings that are required to keep us functioning, some need it more than others.

Things live and die, stronger individuals tend to survive, although i will not go into this as it is far to complicated.

You just look at it and it makes perfect sense.

I think we should enjoy our life, try to make humans a more effecient race, promoting survival of our children, and we will be rewarded with the removal of conciousness in death, thinking will no longer be required.

The fact that religions exist does not surprise me. Someone long ago figured out it was a good way to control people.

OBL, controls his people with islam.

Some are not being controlled to be honest, but need it to survive without feeling hopeless and lost, i won't knock them for it.

I just take what i am for what it is. 1 temporary human in a ever changing envirnment with a limited lifespan, and i will derive what knowledge and conclusions i can in my time.

Know, if Jesus Christ himself appears next to me as i type this, i would of course change my opinion very quickly! I just find that i need more than hope to believe.

I also think that there is no argument of religion vs science.

Religion must prove its existence, not science. Science tends to disprove religion.

Evolution-Makes perfect logical sense, i firmly belive in it from what i have gathered. The times in years, maybe a bit shorter i think.

The idea that we were just poofed out of nothing by god, not logical.

Unfortunately, i feel we will never no the answers.

All i ask from any religion, is this.

"Prove to me that your god exists"
Last edited:

1. Conservative Protestant (100%)
2. Eastern Orthodox (91%)
3. Roman Catholic (91%)
4. Orthodox Quaker (89%)
5. Seventh Day Adventist (85%)
6. Liberal Protestant (61%)
7. Islam (54%)
8. Orthodox Judaism (54%)
9. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (49%)
10. Hinduism (45%)
11. Liberal Quaker (38%)
12. Jehovah's Witness (33%)
13. Sikhism (33%)
14. Bahá'í (32%)
15. Unitarian Universalism (30%)
16. Reform Judaism (26%)
17. Jainism (26%)
18. Atheism and Agnosticism (25%)
19. Mahayana Buddhism (24%)
20. Theravada Buddhism (24%)
21. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (23%)
22. New Thought (19%)
23. Scientology (16%)
24. Taoism (14%)
25. New Age (13%)
26. Secular Humanism (12%)
27. Neo-Paganism (11%)
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Liberal Protestant (80%)
3. Theravada Buddhism (78%)
4. Liberal Quaker (74%)
5. Secular Humanism (68%)
6. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (64%)
7. Atheism and Agnosticism (60%)
8. Bahá'í (60%)
9. Jehovah's Witness (55%)
10. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (55%)
11. Conservative Protestant (37%)
12. New Thought (35%)
13. Mahayana Buddhism (34%)
14. Neo-Paganism (31%)
15. Hinduism (30%)
16. Taoism (30%)
17. Jainism (22%)
18. Sikhism (22%)
19. New Age (17%)
20. Scientology (16%)
21. Orthodox Judaism (12%)
22. Reform Judaism (12%)
23. Eastern Orthodox (8%)
24. Islam (8%)
25. Orthodox Quaker (8%)
26. Roman Catholic (8%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (4%)
1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
3. Liberal Quaker (85%)
4. Mahayana Buddhism (79%)
5. Hinduism (73%)
6. Taoism (70%)
7. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (69%)
8. Neo-Paganism (67%)
9. Secular Humanism (64%)
10. Liberal Protestant (61%)
11. Atheism and Agnosticism (60%)
12. Bahá'í (56%)
13. Jainism (55%)
14. Jehovah's Witness (48%)
15. New Thought (46%)
16. New Age (46%)
17. Orthodox Quaker (43%)
18. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (39%)
19. Conservative Protestant (36%)
20. Scientology (35%)
21. Seventh Day Adventist (30%)
22. Sikhism (18%)
23. Eastern Orthodox (4%)
24. Islam (4%)
25. Orthodox Judaism (4%)
26. Reform Judaism (4%)
27. Roman Catholic (4%)

Which really doesn't surprise me. I've been studying Buddhism for a while now, as well as a slew of rather radical and alternative views on deity and religion. My favorite work recently, which by chance makes more sense to me than any other religion out there, is "God's Debris" by Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy). It posits that an omniscient God would know the outcome of anything, therefore, the only possible unknown for God would exist when he/she/it does not. So, God committed suicide to find out what would happen, and we're all made up of God's Debris. Check out the book, it's very good, if a little farfetched in the physics area.

I took the quiz twice, since the first answers seemed a bit off (I am *not* a Quaker, and yes I read the description. Way off). The test needs a section on whether or not God committed suicide :D

1.  Secular Humanism (100%)
2.  Unitarian Universalism (98%)
3.  Liberal Quaker (89%)
4.  Liberal Protestant (75%)
5.  Atheism and Agnosticism (72%)
6.  Theravada Buddhism (72%)
7.  Neo-Paganism (69%)
8.  Taoism (62%)
9.  New Age (55%)
10.  Mahayana Buddhism (51%)
11.  Orthodox Quaker (45%)
12.  Reform Judaism (43%)
13.  Bahá'í (42%)
14.  Jainism (37%)
15.  Sikhism (37%)
16.  Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (30%)
17.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (29%)
18.  New Thought (29%)
19.  Scientology (29%)
20.  Hinduism (22%)
21.  Conservative Protestant (21%)
22.  Seventh Day Adventist (20%)
23.  Jehovah's Witness (19%)
24.  Eastern Orthodox (11%)
25.  Islam (11%)
26.  Orthodox Judaism (11%)
27.  Roman Catholic (11%)

Yeah. I'm comfortable with that.
