Yeah, right. If you don't want the mods having a go at you, use reason and not insults.
visceral_instinct said:Haha, yeah.
Some people have only one X and a vagina...some have 3...
and some have 2 Xs and a penis.
They interfere with freedom of speech.
They close threads and delete messages concerning abuse of moderator powers. Some of them use their powers to push a feminist/sexist agenda.
Well, I finally found a statement of the rules, and they say that the moderators have the final say, no arguments will be entered into, blah blah blah. The problem is that several of the moderators have the habit of picking fights and then using their moderator powers against people who protest the way that they act. In the fights that they have been in the last few days, the moderators have been banning people who haven't actually broken any forum rules.
I have also seen moderator behavior like personal attacks, unnecessary threats, name-calling, false accusations of being off-topic, false reporting of non-existent violations of the forum rules. These are against the forum rules.
Did you read the rules and find out that there is no rule against sexist comments?
The actual statement that more than one person tried to make was that women have the right to contribute to household expenses according to their capabilities, and that some of us do have the problem of living with women who won't.
There was and still is no call to delete a thread about that. Certain moderators are attempting some kind of coup or something.
In any case, I call for the moderators to show more tolerance and more integrity than they have been showing lately.
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