What is true about Jesus?

Once again, how has saint offered any foundation to establish the truth of his opinion , which crumbles like the inevitable state of his teeth?
Why not ask him, then, rather than comment on the state his teeth?
And surely to "crumble" there needs to be something that subsequently falls apart.
At the moment he has offered at most an unsupported claim/opinion.
Do you offer anything to cause that claim to crumble?
Are you molars rotting?
Why not ask him, then, rather than comment on the state his teeth?
And surely to "crumble" there needs to be something that subsequently falls apart.
At the moment he has offered at most an unsupported claim/opinion.
Do you offer anything to cause that claim to crumble?
Are you molars rotting?
I guess that depends on whether I make claims on the ultimate nature of things via extrapolation from my limited conditioned existence.
The only quotes I can find which say that the Miller-Urey experiment, which produces amino acids, is a proof of evolution,
is on creationist sites. They say that evolutionists say that it is a proof of evolution, and then go on to say why it is not.
It may have been that in the 50s and 60s people became over excited by the early success of these kinds of experiments,
but we are a long way from understanding abiogenesis, and I can find no modern Biologist making rash claims about it being understood.

If some modern school textbook is saying the contrary, then it is probably a bad textbook.
I doubt it though.
I guess that depends on whether I make claims on the ultimate nature of things via extrapolation from my limited conditioned existence.
And you have something else to actually offer other than such things?
You have some support for how Saint's opinion is somehow false, perhaps?
Do you think Jesus has returned, or perhaps will return?
Don't get me wrong - I'm not supporting his position - just trying to understand yours, and the language you seem to dress your position (if indeed you even one) up in.
From Andy1033 Post #12:
Human evolution has not been proven, but you would never of thought that by listening to there mouth piece dawkins. Snake oil salesman are all in science field too.

From my Post #22:
The facts of evolution cannot be questioned. Two of the best examples are Eohippus to modern horse & primitive primates to modern Homo Sapiens as indicated by fossil records.

Darwin’s basic concepts provide an explanation for those fossil records.

Instead of claiming that human evolution has not been proven, provide an alternate explanation of the facts of evolution which is more cogent than the Darwin explanation of the fossil records.

So far, no Poster has addressed the above.

BTW: Only mathematics provides proofs & even mathematics only proves that some conclusion is logically consistent with a set of unproven axioms which use some undefined primitive terms.