what if time, is what was keeping the univerce all together before the bigbang, i mean, all in one, mass or something, since time and everything was already one, and, how big can that mass be? it can be even infinitly small, and infinitly dense, what if the time at that point, was, not a one line, but rather, past future present all in one nothing different, like if time don't even exist, everything happen at the same moment, and also everything happens in future or past considering that mass or whatever, but, if that were a mass, what's around it? i mean, if the bigbang, before that, the univerce was a hall mass, what surrounded that big mass or whatever? and if we think that the bigbang is how we think it is, how can the maters and the enegy and etc... spread, in the nothing, means, spread, in, a space, that don't even exist, or, when the bigbang, did the bigbang produced the space first and after it the spread of mater and the energies and etc... and, if that mass was not surrounded by anything, means, it have it's borders, means nothing around it, none none, nothing, 0, absolutly nothing, not even empty space, so how can it expend on, none, but, since there is none, nothing, absolutly nothing, then it would expand, and so on, but, how can it expand like that and so one, while it's only a condensed matters and energies and time and all, to where will everything spread? exept if the bigabang, also created the empty space first, or somehow, wich the so called empty space don't exist anyway, because there's the dark energy, the dark matter, and so on that we don't know...what if there was, something surrounding it, but, if there was, how was it stable their, if it was already surrounded, then, the time and all, weren't originated from the bigbang and that mass, i mean, there must were other forces holding that or something, or also, what if there was more than one bigbang in different, masses? and, those masses, if time is already mixed with them and gravity and all, it can even be infinitly small, and infinitly dense, what if there was another univerce, holding all those masses, but did that start anyway, what was their before the bigbang, since everything have been existed after the bigbang, how could all that spreaded and etc..., spread on, nothing, none, extremely nothing, and that none is like borders, but, what's beyond the space and the univerce and the other univerces?