What Is This?

clustering, the picture of OP is a cgi project done for a phd by a student in arts.

I know that there was one person that made a video of CG about this thing, but these photos SUPPOSEDLY predated that. I actually just wrote Kris (the guy that made the CG drone video) yesterday in an effort to find out more. I have not heard back yet.

I do not doubt for second that this is fake. It certainly has the appearance of being "a little too good to be true", but I am just investigating because it looks interesting.

Watching the guys video, it's super easy to tell it's CG. Unless what I saw was the shaky product of the digital streaming quality, Chris Cunningham' stuff would blow this guy out of the water in a second.
Heres a link for someone who "debunked" the photos http://www.hyper.net/ufo/vs/m05-001.html

Marc is a former MUFON Field investigator, and has taught
Astronomy for a number of years at a local area east coast
college. Both Marc & Steve I would consider well grounded and I
would consider them both 'non-skeptics' related to 'UFO's. They
think UFO's are 'real' and likely 'extraterrestral' in origin.
Marc works with computer generated images every day. Both
experts state all images of this object are clearly fakes. Mr.
D' Antonio is one of my valued expert contacts I network with in
studying UFO photographs. He has volunteered to assist in future

Marc examined the Coast to Coast images days earlier week (May
10) earlier. I contacted Marc again when this latest witness
report was posted on CMS shortly later (May 12, 2007).

Attached images have been studied by these two friends in the
Special visual computer effects industry. They both
independently state this object is clearly a CG fake.

Marc writes "Those of us in that community can look at and
immediately spot, fakery. I have to say that this one is not
actually even a GOOD fake."