What is the weakest theist argument?

no. You always think that! LOL
I'm in Michigan, its one of the most northern continental states.
I grew up on a farm. Not all farms are in the south, they are all over the US. ALL OVER.
Have you ever been to the US?
my post, number 10, is not to render a definitive opinion. just to give insight into different wasy of approaching the subject. different mindsets are involved and there is no denying that faith is a powerful facet to the human condition. There are positives and negatives alike, it is not for me to decide what is right and what is wrong.
'Because the good book says so' is by far the weakest. In similar fashion I particularly enjoy when creationists narrate the Beginning especially in conjunction with modern day science. Still, my favorite part is God resting, a totally unexpected turn of events.
'Because the good book says so' is by far the weakest. In similar fashion I particularly enjoy when creationists narrate the Beginning especially in conjunction with modern day science. Still, my favorite part is God resting, a totally unexpected turn of events.

Do you not think it is interesting that as far back as many thousands of years ago, before ipods, religion was espousing a belief in more than just the material world? As far back as history goes this tenet is held by many religions. So before modern day science, religion was already warning against the intoxication of the material world. Strange, don't you think?
Do you not think it is interesting that as far back as many thousands of years ago, before ipods, religion was espousing a belief in more than just the material world? As far back as history goes this tenet is held by many religions. So before modern day science, religion was already warning against the intoxication of the material world. Strange, don't you think?

Are you asking if I find it interesting that our forefathers believed in something more than the material world? Mildly, they didn't have that much to go on so they did what seemed right.

Do I think it strange that some of their beliefs are still with us? Yes, why shouldn't I? It seems they got the intoxication part right.
Do you not think it is interesting that as far back as many thousands of years ago, before ipods, religion was espousing a belief in more than just the material world? As far back as history goes this tenet is held by many religions. So before modern day science, religion was already warning against the intoxication of the material world. Strange, don't you think?

The lower the involvement in the material world (or specifically, the lower the expectations) the easier it is for the ruling royalty/ priesthood to maintain control.
"OF course life is hard now and you have few possessions. But behave and you'll get your certain reward in the afterlife. Meanwhile finish cleaning the stables and then get that pyramid built".
The lower the involvement in the material world (or specifically, the lower the expectations) the easier it is for the ruling royalty/ priesthood to maintain control.
"OF course life is hard now and you have few possessions. But behave and you'll get your certain reward in the afterlife. Meanwhile finish cleaning the stables and then get that pyramid built".

Would you compete for the power to control another man?
Would you compete for the power to control another man?
Before I even consider answering:
Is there a point to that question?
Does it have any relevance to what I posted?
Before I even consider answering:
Is there a point to that question?
Does it have any relevance to what I posted?

It is just a question. You stated ruling class attepting dominion over subjects (inferrence) by creating religion that states what ruling class has is not important? And you have cracked this ruse?

So you would compete with these men for what they have to obtain it, and a Robin Hood sort of way or to be them?