What is the weakest theist argument?


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
What is the weakest theist argument for the existence of God?

As for me, I think the "it's in the [insert Holy book here]" argument is the weakest. A BOOK IS NOT EVIDENCE, any more than Harry Potter books are evidence of the existence of Harry Potter.
What is the weakest theist argument for the existence of God?

As for me, I think the "it's in the [insert Holy book here]" argument is the weakest. A BOOK IS NOT EVIDENCE, any more than Harry Potter books are evidence of the existence of Harry Potter.

The weakest argument is "Do you know what happens when you die? Do you want to take that chance?"
The weakest argument is "Do you know what happens when you die? Do you want to take that chance?"

Which is not an argument for the existence, rather an argument to believe in an already accepted existence
One of the weakest arguments is, "I know God exists by just looking at his creation." The assumption that since the observer is too ignorant or lazy to explain something, godidit.
Some one once told me that Mohammad was the Last Prophet and to prove it just think about the Sun - it's proof.
There is no solid proof of a God(like) entity. I can say that there probably is or there probably isnt. Just depends on the day.

There are different types of people. Those who are spiritual and those who are not, i see no reason to rule over either with an iron fist. But someone will, someone will. We are all just people, how we got here or why we got here is a mystery. As humans we have a hard time accepting this, by the same token i am not convinced of evolution either and i see where it requires a degree of faith because there really is no proof of it either if taken in its entirety.

I can say that a wolf and a dog have similarities and taken further i can say that a bear and a dog have similarities. The both have heads with two eyes and ears but i have never witnessed, over time, one species turning into another.

If you are asking about an afterlife then i will take my chances and assume that if there is creation and it was the work of God then this creator should know me, should know how my brain works and accept it. Afterall it was their creation so weather i my sexual orientation is one way or another that is how i was made. Like it or not is not for anyone to decide.
By the same token i am more inclined to accept a theistic stance as a possibility. Presently, and really for as long as i was able to form an opinion, i have been Agnostic but i can never see myself being an Atheist.

It is just too much of an absolute where it is not possible to know for sure. In actuality Atheism is a form of fundamentalism.
One of the weakest arguments is, "I know God exists by just looking at his creation." The assumption that since the observer is too ignorant or lazy to explain something, godidit.
Yeah I'll have to go with this one too. "Look how beautiful everything is, it must have been designed!"
Norse, Honestly, it started with too many hypocritical christian bigots. Too many christians not having a shred of christian charity in them. So then I started asking questions. Even as a kid I asked and my Mom got pulled into the preacher's office (how humiliating!) and told to get me in line. The whole thing seemed more about control than anything.

Just common sense makes it all seem ridiculous.
Norse, Honestly, it started with too many hypocritical christian bigots. Too many christians not having a shred of christian charity in them. So then I started asking questions. Even as a kid I asked and my Mom got pulled into the preacher's office (how humiliating!) and told to get me in line. The whole thing seemed more about control than anything.

Just common sense makes it all seem ridiculous.

Yea, but it's rare to see an American atheist mother.