What is the heart of the major religions?

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you mean "burn 'em on a stake when they don't agree with you"

or when they are gay.

That had nothing to do with Christianity - it had everything to do with humans.
Christianity was an excuse in a grab for power, wealth and influence.
Basic teaching of Buddhism:

Help others, if you don´t help them, at least don´t make them suffer. Meditate for self-knowledge.


Hindu texts detail four sequential aims – dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. Dharma recommends righteous and regulated living, so that one is able one to acquire wealth, artha. With prosperity one can then enjoy kama, sensual pleasure. When one realises the futility of temporary gratification, one eventually seeks moksha (liberation). Some traditions, particularly of the bhakti school, accept moksha, but point out the selfishness in even desiring liberation. They mention a fifth goal called prema (love of God) or nitya-lila (eternal loving service). Meditate for self-knowledge.


Gods that are tainted with attachment and passion;
having women and weapons by their side, favour some and disfavour some;
such Gods should not be worshipped by those who desire emancipation.

There is nothing mightier in the world than karma; karma tramples down all powers, as an elephant a clump of lotuses.

Siddhahood is the ultimate goal of all souls. There are infinite souls who have become Siddhas and infinite more who will attain this state of liberation.

Meditate for self-knowledge.
That had nothing to do with Christianity - it had everything to do with humans.
Christianity was an excuse in a grab for power, wealth and influence.

They claimed to do it in the name of Christianity, so obviously it had to do with Christianity.
They claimed to do it in the name of Christianity, so obviously it had to do with Christianity.
And John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan because he was obsessed with Jodie Foster - does that mean it's Jodie Foster's fault?
Is it Jesus' fault that some morong firebombed an abortion clinic in his name?
Is it Buddha's fault that the Japanese subways were bombed with sarin gas?
The heart of all the major religions is man's attempt to make sense of the, apparently, very real experiences gone through during the consumption of halucinogenic substances.

It is the origin of the Egyptian ibis-headed, jackal-headed etc. gods. The pharoahs mummies have been found to contain traces of various substances. It would seem that, in Egypt, the leaders were responsible for making those interpretations.

Moses was a member of that family. (Those languages had no vowels, hence M's's, Ram's's, Thothm's's etc.) He took the 'tradition' to Isreal.

John Allegro, he of Dead Sea Scrolls fame, decided that Christianity was based on this; hence his book 'The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross'.

Mohammed retired to a cave to 'Commune with God', a tradition going back at least 34,000 years, hence the old cave paintings around the world, particularly in Europe.

Interestingly it also gives rise to the modern phenomenon of 'Alien Abduction' theories.

There's a most impressive book called 'Supernatural', by Graham Hancock, which explains it all; and much more.
There's a most impressive book called 'Supernatural', by Graham Hancock, which explains it all; and much more.

I think perhaps he was under the influence of halucinogenic substances when he wrote that.

While I will admit that there is an entire book of the Vedas dedicated to Soma (which may or may not be a halucinogenic mushroom)...
There may be some reason to beleive that the ancient Egyptians partook as well...

You need to offer up a lot of evidence to back those claims up.

You need to offer up a lot of evidence to back those claims up.

There is a lot of evidence. Its always shouted down. Take Christianity. There is John Allegro's book. The chorus of disapproval from people who had never read it was deafening. Never let the facts get in the way of a good belief!

OK, not facts necessarily, but a good argument worthy of concideration.
There is a lot of evidence.

OK, not facts necessarily, but a good argument worthy of concideration.

For example...

What makes it so convincing?
Give me some evidence.
Convince me the book is worth reading and not a load of crackpot shit from a shroom head.
Take the Egyptians. Traces of cocaine have been found in the mummies. Howls of disapproval from all over the place because it contradicts far too many pre-conceived ideas.
Convince me the book is worth reading and not a load of crackpot shit from a shroom head.

Gosh! A howl of disapproval. John Allegro was the only non-Catholic engaged to help in the translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls because of his outstanding reputation in the field.
Gosh! A howl of disapproval. John Allegro was the only non-Catholic engaged to help in the translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls because of his outstanding reputation in the field.

Do you plan on offering up any evidence for your claims, or are you content with simply stating that there was a book written?
It makes for a very dull discussion.
And John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan because he was obsessed with Jodie Foster - does that mean it's Jodie Foster's fault?
Is it Jesus' fault that some morong firebombed an abortion clinic in his name?
Is it Buddha's fault that the Japanese subways were bombed with sarin gas?

Religion is a subjective thing, open to interpretation. Thus, just because you don't consider something "Christian" doesn't mean that it can't be Christian.
This thread has become erratic. If anyone wants to discover, what is the heart of the major religions, I suggest you turn to more reasonable and authoritative sources of information - like books on world religions.

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