What is the future of religion?

If I told you that I believed in a giant spaghetti monster and that he existed since you could not disprove him, would you still believe me?
I don't have a problem with your spaghetti monster God as long as his followers don't try to limit my freedoms for fear of upsetting him.
I believe: Jesus Christ doesn't NEED "rational substantiation". That is foolish to Him. He is too big for anyone to understand. He is about faith, not sight. Jesus is alive and well and living inside me and the rest of His children.
God and Christianity are two of the best reasons to be alive. :)
M*W: Sandy, whoever you are, you are empty. You have nothing inside of you but emptiness. You believe in something that is not there, and you are only delusional that this substance, whatever you may think it is, does not fill you up like you think.

You are one of the saddest and most empty people I have ever heard of. You are ignorant and base that on christianity. You claim to be a Republican, but you are nowhere in that politico, either. I'm just humiliated to say that you are a woman, and that's about all I can say we have in common. You are a shame to your religion, and you are a shame to your political affiliation. It's time you bit the bullet, my friend, and fessed up to your true nature... that which is stupid and conniving. You really don't fit into any delegation. You are totally worthless. Christian or not.
The Church of England newspaper in 2005 predicted that religion was in steep declin in the west (giving dire figures). It is only in poor and uneducated third world countries that religion is growing. In the west, people now begin to find it ever less relevant in their lives. Better education also shows them that it is "somehow wrong" as they realise that such miraculous things cannot be. Even in America, creationism has fallen to about 60%.

While many muslims continue to hang onto their religion in their own countries, younger muslims see a completely different lifestyle which has nothing to do with religion. A muslim I know with three children in the UK has two who have a very casual view of islam and one who is taking some interest in it. I think the fanaticism of islamic terrorists is putting some muslims off while attracting others as a way of getting things done.

Long term, I don't think religion has any future.
The Church of England newspaper in 2005 predicted that religion was in steep declin in the west (giving dire figures). It is only in poor and uneducated third world countries that religion is growing. In the west, people now begin to find it ever less relevant in their lives. Better education also shows them that it is "somehow wrong" as they realise that such miraculous things cannot be. Even in America, creationism has fallen to about 60%.

Traditional creationism and Christianity do not always go hand in hand. While 60% still believe in creationism, over 80% of all Americans claim to be Christians in one way shape or form. Much of the Old Testament is viewed as metaphor by neo-Christians, but the core beliefs remain the same.
Non-belief will certainly increase. More people these days are less exposed to indoctrination and learning through a less controlled media that there are other ideas out there. Atheism is getting less and less taboo every day.

But there are still large pockets where children will still be brought up in ignorance and without choice but to go along with the religion of their parents.

The fact that billions claim to believe that Jesus was really the son of god and not just another David Blaine and that Mohamed was talking to the creator of the universe and not just another power hungry crackpot shows us that people will continue to believe anything and everything. Just ask Tom Cruise and Mitt Romney.