What is the foundation of blessing one's food before eating?

Yeah, I appreciate the good things in life, I don't feel guilty about them. I feel guilty if I do something wrong.
M*W: I want to know more about this simple religious habit. How/where did it originate? What was its purpose? Is praying over one's food necessary or is it just a religious passtime? What happens when one pray's over one's food but still gets a bout of food poison?

From my observation, praying over one's food is done for show, especially in large crowds. How many religious folks out there still pray over their food? In how many cultures does praying over food exist?


i agree with you. i think it's showy, ceremonial bullshit. if people were really thankful for the food that is provided by god on this earth, they wouldn't eat what they do. they would eat food that was healthy, they wouldn't waste it and contaminate it like they do, and they wouldn't pray about being thankful for it in public. people are full of hot air and they are stupid enough to think that god falls for it. people aren't grateful for much of anything on this earth and it's apparent by the way we treat it. they should put their money where they're mouths are. saying some trite rhetorical bullshit before they fill their fat faces with contaminated junk food that we rape the planet to produce so much of that we end up throwing half of it away isn't really being so grateful.
i agree with you. i think it's showy, ceremonial bullshit. if people were really thankful for the food that is provided by god on this earth, they wouldn't eat what they do. they would eat food that was healthy, they wouldn't waste it and contaminate it like they do, and they wouldn't pray about being thankful for it in public. people are full of hot air and they are stupid enough to think that god falls for it. people aren't grateful for much of anything on this earth and it's apparent by the way we treat it. they should put their money where they're mouths are. saying some trite rhetorical bullshit before they fill their fat faces with contaminated junk food that we rape the planet to produce so much of that we end up throwing half of it away isn't really being so grateful.

Strangely enough, you'll find waste is very low in these communities.
Strangely enough, you'll find waste is very low in these communities.

WHAT communities? what planet are you on? because this one's just about depleted, and unless you live in some amish community or are a native in the rainforest, you're just as much to blame as anyone. i am to blame. i just sat my fat ass in some air-conditioned restaurant last night being gluttonous and i used to work in a restaurant. i KNOW how much we waste. i used to throw away more food than people ever ate, and they ate too much, and food that is not nutritious. that's why everyone, especially in this country, is sick. so now i work for a japanese auto parts manufacturer which isn't any better, as we make more cars so we can spew more filth in the air and nobody cares as long as we're all making money, which is what it all boils down to...greed and gluttony and sloth and you know the list. we're destroying ourselves and the planet in the name of sin. we're all slaves to it and nobody really gives a shit.
Yeah, I was very surprised to see the waste in the US. Its unbelievable

Japanese say itadakimasu which can be translated as "I gratefully receive" but the feeling is of appreciation that someone/something has died for you to live.

So it's probably recognizing the cycle of life and death.


Japanese say itadakimasu which can be translated as "I gratefully receive" but the feeling is of appreciation that someone/something has died for you to live.

So it's probably recognizing the cycle of life and death.


the cow consented to die a horrible death to nourish another?
its cycle of life and death determined by humans?
the cow consented to die a horrible death to nourish another?
its cycle of life and death determined by humans?
I didn't say anything about consented. I said that some people make the acknowledgment that yes something died (or was murdered) for you to live. Hell, people are so far removed from food now-a-days some probably don't know ham comes from a slaughtered pig.
Look at the Judaeo-Christian myth of the "first people". What happened to them? They got booted out of the garden because they ate something - some food.

Why were they forbidden to eat the fruit? It was apparently a fig-tree, let's think about these fig things for a sec.

Imagine an early people who have a resource available - a grove of wild figs - and also that they don't know much about agriculture, or horticulture. A bit of rationality should lead to the desire by this group to preserve the resource - they don't want members of the tribe going there and helping themselves, or the fig grove will get used up, the resource will disappear.

We must have had some kind of early agricultural/husbandry ideas; one of which I imagine was awareness that things like fig trees have to be husbanded, "don't eat all the figs, or there won't be any seed stock", etc.

Adam and Eve were transgressors - they broke the group rule, about going to the big fig-tree; they go and help themselves to the "sacred resource", which has cultural and ritualistic strictures, they are guilty of transgression against the group. They get ostracised, they feel shame.

What do they do about their shame - their inability to make any reparation to the group, because the group has cast them out? They notice their own nakedness, they appease their shame and guilt by covering their genitals.
When I sit down to eat I don't worry that somewhere in the world another person is dying of starvation. But I would have to think that this thought or something similar is the basis for thanking god for chow. However, it's not thanking god for food but for another chance at survival.