What is the false gospel?

i know. i think you misinterpreted the message based upon your experience.

i mean you were indoctrinated into a false representation of the church. you don't seem to understand that the rcc is a false representation of the church.

How can that church be wrong when the Pope is infallible and Christ's vicar on earth. It's your choice, either the RCC or the Lake of Fire

All Praise the Vatican
that scripture, in my opinion, doesn't sound like it's referring to the antichrist, but instead to the pharisees, which have not changed a lot since christ's day.

Some of my best friends are Pharisees but I wouldn't want my daughter to marry one.
Well they're human so?

Priests are not human, they are God's anointed. All Protestants lie and are heading for the Lake of Fire which God, in his infinite mercy, has prepared for them.

All Hail the Vatican
:shrug: You're presuming the bible is the final arbiter of truth. As a rather malleable document, historically speaking, that seems a dangerous presumption.

the bible, yes. one man, or one man-made organization's interpretation of it, no. i think that the bible is more than just a book to be interpreted by some man's discretions, but a spiritual tool to be used, and interpreted by the holy spirit on a personal level. i've had the holy spirit use it in this way with me.

Moreover, I think that even the bible could be interpreted to imply differently.

2 Thessalonians 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

2 Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

Phillipians 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

Now, I would read that and understand that maintaining teachers of faith and also maintaining a single, traditional biblical interpretation would be important.

the traditions taught throughout the bible are of many different people and of many different groups having a personal relationship with god. either hearing his voice and reacting to it, or knowing jesus christ personally while alive and the reprocussions of it. there weren't a lot of stories about people going to a church, but of becoming the church, no matter where they went or who they were affiliated with. those who are born again, who hear god's voice and are given new eyes and couseled in their own lives of the holy spirit do witness in simply living those lives and interacting with those around them. and they do teach if called upon to do so. we hear the same voice, and are counseled by the same spirit, so we are inherently of the mind and love, that's coming from the same source. we are one in spirit. whether we are physically proximal or not. do you really think that being a member of one particular organization is the means to salvation? i think there are a lot of factors and scriptures that you may not be considering or considering with the right perspective. one of my favorite scriptures is john 3:1-21. it's about an interaction between jesus and a man named nicodemus, who is a pharisee, which is one of the men who ran the temple. it seems to me that most of the people involved in organized religion today are nothing but modern day pharisees. and if you're wondering why those at the rcc might misrepresent this aspect of salvation, think about what they stand to lose if people realized they didn't need them to receive it.
How can that church be wrong when the Pope is infallible and Christ's vicar on earth. It's your choice, either the RCC or the Lake of Fire

All Praise the Vatican

that was funny. :p

ok to me it was, but really it's not funny because people actually believe this shit! so maybe they deserve it for being so gullable? or maybe they're not gullable, maybe the rcc satisifies some ill intent on their part. as i would guess that giving your life and money to the vatican is lot easier than giving it to christ. christ'll put a whammy on your ass. no hail marys will get you outta that shit. it's one thing to sit through a catechism class and confess your sins to some faceless guy in a booth and recite some bullshit. but it's quite another to have your life laid open and turned upside down by god himself.
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that was funny. :p

ok to me it was, but really it's not funny because people actually believe this shit! so maybe they deserve it for being so gullable? or maybe they're not gullable, maybe the rcc satisifies some ill intent on their part. as i would guess that giving your life and money to the vatican is lot easier than giving it to christ. christ'll put a whammy on your ass. no hail marys will get you outta that shit. it's one thing to sit through a catechism class and confess your sins to some faceless guy in a booth and recite some bullshit. but it's quite another to have your life laid open and turned upside down by god himself.

Are you tying to tell me that you are not a member of the One True Church ?
do you mean you have a problem with the holy spirit or religious institutions?
M*W: I don't have a problem with the holy spirit, because I don't believe in it. I do have a problem with religious institutions, because they are man-made and corrupt.
the bible, yes. one man, or one man-made organization's interpretation of it, no. i think that the bible is more than just a book to be interpreted by some man's discretions, but a spiritual tool to be used, and interpreted by the holy spirit on a personal level. i've had the holy spirit use it in this way with me.

:shrug: The tool itself declares that you should all agree, and rely upon faithful instructors. Sounds like a church and an official doctrine to me.

the traditions taught throughout the bible are of many different people and of many different groups having a personal relationship with god. either hearing his voice and reacting to it, or knowing jesus christ personally while alive and the reprocussions of it. there weren't a lot of stories about people going to a church, but of becoming the church, no matter where they went or who they were affiliated with. those who are born again, who hear god's voice and are given new eyes and couseled in their own lives of the holy spirit do witness in simply living those lives and interacting with those around them. and they do teach if called upon to do so. we hear the same voice, and are counseled by the same spirit, so we are inherently of the mind and love, that's coming from the same source. we are one in spirit. whether we are physically proximal or not.
The bible, as far as I'm aware, has no examples of individuals disagreeing with one another on Christian doctrine. Individual interpretations of it clearly lead to that.

do you really think that being a member of one particular organization is the means to salvation?
Of course not, I think you're all nuts.

i think there are a lot of factors and scriptures that you may not be considering or considering with the right perspective. one of my favorite scriptures is john 3:1-21. it's about an interaction between jesus and a man named nicodemus, who is a pharisee, which is one of the men who ran the temple. it seems to me that most of the people involved in organized religion today are nothing but modern day pharisees. and if you're wondering why those at the rcc might misrepresent this aspect of salvation, think about what they stand to lose if people realized they didn't need them to receive it.
Well obviously. I'm not trying to make an honest suggestion that the Catholic Church is the way to go, I'm simply pointing out that your own interpretation of "the way it ought to be" is also contradicted by the bible (I suspect other passages would support it), because the book itself is meaningless, contradictory tripe.
:shrug: The tool itself declares that you should all agree, and rely upon faithful instructors. Sounds like a church and an official doctrine to me.

no it doesn't. think about how much conflict goes on amongst denominations and within the denominations themselves. it's pure politics at this point. i'm not sure it was ever anything else. those who know god personally do agree because we are all instructed by the same source, and that is the holy spirit.

The bible, as far as I'm aware, has no examples of individuals disagreeing with one another on Christian doctrine. Individual interpretations of it clearly lead to that.

Of course not, I think you're all nuts.

denominationalism and church politics clearly lead to that. and because of it, it's no wonder you think we're all nuts. the holy spirit is the great interpreter.

Well obviously. I'm not trying to make an honest suggestion that the Catholic Church is the way to go, I'm simply pointing out that your own interpretation of "the way it ought to be" is also contradicted by the bible (I suspect other passages would support it), because the book itself is meaningless, contradictory tripe.

what i am testifying to is 100% confirmed repeatedly in the bible. you'll see...