What is the endgame in Gaza?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
While in exile, I popped in now and then into sciforums to see if anyone had mentioned the Gaza Freedom March. When representatives of over 40 countries form a 1000 strong group to show solidarity with the 50,000 Gazans commemorating the Gaza massacre, a Holocaust survivor goes on a hunger strike because she is not permitted to go into Gaza, when riot police and the army are used to keep out peaceful nonviolent demonstrators, when American leaders, among others are effectively put under house arrest in their hotels or arrested by the Egyptian army, when major luminaries of the I-P intelligentsia in Israel come to the streets and vigils are held across the United States to show solidarity with principles of liberty and against oppression, you'd think it would be the top news item on US media.

So, how many of you were even aware of this mind blowing drama playing out on our television screens?

For anyone who would like to catch up:

The Code Pink page on the GFF.

We were getting a blow by blow as demonstrators in Egypt blogged and commented at mondoweiss but, apart from some lame references here and there, this groundbreaking event was largely missing from the American MSM.

Not only that, but the role of the Americans in laying down a steel wall between Egypt and Gaza with plans to flood the tunnels and salt the earth, destroying the tenuous lifeline by which Gazans survive the enormous blockade on basic necessities imposed by Israel and collaborated by the US and the Egyptians paid to look the other way, is also completely absent in the US

No doubt at the instigation of the Israeli government, the Obama administration has authorized the United States Army Corps of Engineers to design a vertical underground wall under the border between Egypt and Gaza.

In March, 2009 the United States provided the government of Egypt with $32 million in March, 2009 for electronic surveillance and other security devices to prevent the movement of food, merchandise and weapons into Gaza. Now details are emerging about an underground steel wall that wil be 6-7 miles long and extend 55 feet straight down into the desert sand.

The steel wall will be made of super-strength steel put together in a jigsaw puzzle fashion. It will be bomb proof and can not be cut or melted. It will be "impenetrable," and reportedly will take 18 months to construct. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8405020.stm)

The steel wall is intended to cut the tunnels that go between Gaza and Egypt.

The tunnels are the lifelines for Gaza since the international community agreed to a blockade of Gaza to collectively punish the citizens of Gaza for their having elected in Parliamentary elections in 2006 sufficient Hamas Parliamentarians that Hamas became the government of Gaza. The United States and other western countries have placed Hamas on the list of terrorist organizations.

The underground steel wall is intended to strengthen international governmental efforts to imprison and starve the people of Gaza into submission so they will throw out the Hamas government.


Meanwhile, what are young Palestinians saying? Ahmed Moor is a Palestinian in Beirut, a 23 year old journalist and this is what his thoughts are:

I want to focus attention on an issue that hasn’t gotten enough press. The Mubarak regime is building a subterranean steel wall on the border with Gaza. Conservative estimates put the depth of the wall at 18 meters (nearly 60 feet). The BBC reports that American engineers designed the wall panels, which were constructed in America.

30-meter-deep holes are being bored into the ground on the Palestinian side of the wall. Egypt will pump salt water from the Mediterranean Sea into the earth to destroy the tunnels – the lifeblood of the besieged Gazan Palestinians. Soil quality will be degraded and the Coastal aquifer, Gaza’s source of potable water, may well be destroyed.

The deranged Obama-Netanyahu-Mubarak cabal seems to be possessed of a biblical rage. Dare to defy the divine edict? We will crush your men, women and children underfoot. Refuse to starve? We will raze your cities, poison your wells, and salt the earth. Their grandiosity – think of it, they’re building an 18-meter-deep steel wall(!) for 11 kilometers – beggars belief, and beggars Gazans.

Protests have erupted across the Arab world and Europe targeting Egyptian embassies and consulates; I attended one yesterday in Beirut. But the Egyptian regime isn’t responsive to popular pressure, so a group of activists here in Lebanon have begun a movement to draw attention to the Egyptian company assembling the wall – Arab Contractors. Our hope is that details emerge, other companies can be targeted. I reported on our first press conference for Electronic Intifada.

We spend so much time on the Zionists in Israel, Egypt and America and their actions today that the big picture sometimes loses focus. The most powerful state in the world – and its regional lackeys – are targeting the people in Gaza for… what? For starvation? For extermination? What is Mr. Obama’s endgame here? Once the tunnels are gone, the land degraded and the water undrinkable… well, then what? I cannot express how I feel. There is no solace in this tragedy.

Ahmed Moor is a Gaza-born Palestinian-American freelance journalist living in Beirut.

source: mondoweiss

Perhaps, its only when Americans become Palestinians, homeless and stuck at checkpoints, with foreigners deciding what they should eat and where they should live and under what circumstances, will they shake off their apathy and wake up to their responsibilities.
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.... So, how many of you were even aware of this mind blowing drama playing out on our television screens?

About the same awareness of the Gaza issue as all the crap that's taking place in India over that same time period ....pretty much zilch. It's old news, SAM, so freakin' old that most people don't even want to hear about the ME issue anymore. Why should they? It's always the same freakin' thing.

Ya' know, SAM, I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to be that the news media could just show footage and relay news that was decades old about the ME and few people would pay enough attention to even know that it was from decades ago. ...LOL!

Perhaps, its only when Americans become Palestinians, homeless and stuck at checkpoints, with foreigners deciding what they should eat and where they should live and under what circumstances, will they shake off their apathy and wake up to their responsibilities.

Well, SAM, you'll be pleased to know that Joepistole thinks that's coming real soon in America, so you should make plans to travel over here so you can point at the starving American women and children, and laugh yer ass off.

Nothing bad happened in India in all the time you've been gone? It's only in the ME where you're loyalties lie? Everything in India is wonderful and perfect and you have no complaints whatsoever? You have to go all the way to the ME to find something to complain about? ...LOL!

Baron Max
The end game is the Palestinians get fed up with Hamas for being unable to bring them a normal way of life and reject them.
I think Israel wants its own holocaust. Perhaps we should just let them have it.

During the night of August 25th to the 26th, the last columns made a crossing from the Old Town. Germans began erecting a heavy dam under the manhole cover on Muranowska Street. The purpose of this dam was to stop all traffic in the sewer, and even worse, to significantly raise the water level in the sewers under Miodowa Street, Krakowskie Przedmiescie, and the New Town district. The dam was well-built with wooden beams, steel beams, and sandbags. After 2-3 days, news came from the Old Town district that the raised water level in the sewers has already reached the vicinity of Krasinski Square. It was then the idea was born to blow up the dam using demolition charges.

Its not Godwin when its about Israel, see Netanyahu and Lieberman using Auschwitz, opposing the findings of the Goldstone report.

The world will mark International Holocaust Day on Wednesday. Monday will see President Shimon Peres fly to Berlin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leave for a visit to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland. They will be joined by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in Budapest and Information Minister Yuli Edelstein in New York. Before meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Edelstein referred to the report accusing Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza, calling it "anti-Semitic".

Except the Jews knew the Nazis had murdered millions of their people and aimed to do the same to them. The Israelis sometimes counter missile and terrorist attacks with attacks of their own in an ongoing border dispute. Only the most hysterical propagandist would consider the two situations to be anything alike.
Except the Jews knew the Nazis had murdered millions of their people and aimed to do the same to them. The Israelis sometimes counter missile and terrorist attacks with attacks of their own in an ongoing border dispute. Only the most hysterical propagandist would consider the two situations to be anything alike.

The Germans only started in 1942. By even the most rigorous calculations, at ~8000 Jews a day [not to mention ~ 8000 non-Jews a day], they wouldn't have reached 6 million when the dam was built.

But its an ominous sign. Perhaps Gaza 2009 is the beginning of the Palestinian holocaust. Matan Vilna'i did say greater shoah, didn't he?
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Like Mohammed Othman?

The AP has picked up the story on the ongoing Israeli campaign against nonviolent protest against the occupation. Ben Hubbard connects the dots between the arrests of Abdullah Abu Rahmeh, Jamal Juma’, Mohammed Othman and the recent tougher response to the protests in Bil’in, Naalin and Sheikh Jarrah. The article opens, "Israel is arresting a growing number of prominent opponents to its policies toward the Palestinians, say critics who are accusing the government of trying to crush legitimate dissent."

Othman, who was arrested upon his return from an advocacy trip to Norway, said he was interrogated almost daily. "The questions focused on the boycott movement, ‘How do you work on this and who are your contacts?’" said Othman, 33.

Interrogators searched his computer, his cell phone and e-mail accounts, he said. He had to pay a $2,700 bond.

Perhaps, its only when Americans become Palestinians, homeless and stuck at checkpoints, with foreigners deciding what they should eat and where they should live and under what circumstances, will they shake off their apathy and wake up to their responsibilities.

Americans generally don't care about the wellfare of Gaza because its "government" (and I use that term loosely) is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that doesn't care about its citizens. On the other hand the entire international community would support Gaza in full if Hamas were driven out/destroyed and power given to Fatah (whom has demonstrated the willingness and ability to care for its people).
Americans generally don't care about the wellfare of Gaza because its "government" (and I use that term loosely) is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that doesn't care about its citizens. On the other hand the entire international community would support Gaza in full if Hamas were driven out/destroyed and power given to Fatah (whom has demonstrated the willingness and ability to care for its people).

You mean like they did before Hams was elected? this is just wishful thinking
Americans generally don't care about the wellfare of Gaza because its "government" (and I use that term loosely) is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that doesn't care about its citizens. On the other hand the entire international community would support Gaza in full if Hamas were driven out/destroyed and power given to Fatah (whom has demonstrated the willingness and ability to care for its people).

Actually the only dumb clucks who think an elected government is a terrorist organisation are Israel and their lapdogs, the Americans. The EU is just a shill but at least they know that Hamas was freely elected in the most transparent election in the Middle East. As does anyone with a brain cell in the United States.

But yeah, with current passions running so strongly globally against the Israelis, it will be interesting to see how this Warsaw ghetto pans out where Israel's legitimacy is concerned. Curiously, it seems the certified lunatics in power there are determined to destroy Israel as a state. All we can do is watch in fascination as they hurtle uncontrollably to their own doom.

The morons are already planning for Cast Lead II

Israel preparing public for a new war in Gaza

Israel's Looming War in Gaza: Can Obama Stop It Before It Starts?
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