What is the end..??

ellion said:
stay with me. do you have any other way of expressing this?
is the self then the soul?

I don't know what people mean by the soul. Some people say that the soul is the personality or consciousness and some say it's immortal and equal to God.

the self is the son of god?

Yeah, the one which we have crucified between space and time (the material world)

the father has not taken form. the mother has taken form. the mother is the body? does this work for you? yes / no / why ? ? ?

I don't know what you mean by father and mother. There is only one God which has taken infinite forms.
I don't know what people mean by the soul. Some people say that the soul is the personality or consciousness and some say it's immortal and equal to God.
iam with you there the word has become so confused / corrupt...avoid it!

Yeah, the one which we have crucified between space and time (the material world)
i feel this too.

I don't know what you mean by father and mother. There is only one God which has taken infinite forms.
so....the form.....is also....the self? the body is god too?

you see what i notice though, where you say...the self....that, like the word soul, has become confused/corrupted. it is not always understood the way you understand it.
MAn did not create God.
We jsut put a name on it. MAny diffrent religions most of witch are based on the same thing have diffrent names for it but it still is based on the same thing.. I could call God tomatoes if I wanted but it is still there the name is jsut to reconize and to and communicate...
ellion said:
so....the form.....is also....the self? the body is god too?

The body is more like an instrument for God. God, the self, clothes itself in matter. Clothes are not the same thing as YOU, but people identify themselves with their body, so they become very much like them. Most of us have forgotten that we are a free mind instead of a limited body.
(^),...When people--for example the pre-reformed Dionysians took their psychedelic sacrament which had names referring to sacred mushroom/Dionysos the celebrants believed they were 'possessed' of god of Nature.......this feeling happened IN the body. the body chewing, drinking sacrament, and then is ingestion and ecstatic FEELINGS with others , AS sensual body, AS sensual Nature.

When this becme reformed by the Orphics they abstract god to ''G'od'--a 'divine being' said to be apart, and that our bodies have parts of him trapped as 'divine sparks......can you not see the danger of this idea????.....eventually even psychedelic sacrament is diluted, and later phased out, and all thats left is dry ritual, symbols, and a desire to escape and 'return to 'God'', and the sense of not being GUILTY cause one is trapped in a body. Orphic saying was 'soma sema' meaning 'the body a tomb'!!......that belif system influences Christianity, right??
in Christianity we have the guilt about the body, now termed in Pauline Myth as the 'flesh'....different term same objective. which is to denigrate instinct, sensuality, and see an ' everlasting END' in some spirit-world.......This is diastrous propaganda for individual, community and Nature, cause it divdes you from your body, community, and Nature, and denies you your rightful freedom to freely explore all of this wonder with symbiosis of a psychedelic sacrament.

so soul reall means FEELING. what the cults, religions, political ideologies have done/are doing is..DUMBing you'll down! also NUMBing yo down.
so soul reall means FEELING.
to some people it means this, to some people it does not.

duendy said:
what the cults, religions, political ideologies have done/are doing is..DUMBing you'll down! also NUMBing yo down.
no one is doing anything of the sort to me. why are you letting them do it to you?
duendy said:
The body is more like an instrument for God. God, the self, clothes itself in matter. Clothes are not the same thing as YOU, but people identify themselves with their body, so they become very much like them. Most of us have forgotten that we are a free mind instead of a limited body.
but you also seem to be saying that these bodies are the form god has chosen to take? there must be a reason for this, do you think?
man did not create god, we jsut gave it a name, with many diffrent religions most of witch are based on the same things they call god diffrent things,but in all acutallity it is the same thing. I could call God tomatoes if I wanted but you would still know what I was talking about. The name is jsut used for communication and reconition...
ellion said:
to some people it means this, to some people it does not.

me))))))ie., means 'soul is feeling'....well to those it does not it does not, but that dont mean they right.

no one is doing anything of the sort to me. why are you letting them do it to you?
Why do you assume they are doing it to me?
i HAVE had it done to me in the past, and such experience impassioned me to investigate the myths and explor seeing thru them....an ongoing learning
ellion said:
but you also seem to be saying that these bodies are the form god has chosen to take? there must be a reason for this, do you think?
ellion? tat is not my quote. it is C7iti's quote........hummmmpgh, concentrate
ellion said:
but you also seem to be saying that these bodies are the form god has chosen to take? there must be a reason for this, do you think?

I'm not sure if I know what you're talking about. God doesn't choose anything, he doesn't have free will. The self clothes itself in all possible forms because it IS all those forms, from the lowest to the highest. Those forms reflect its infinity. The vedanta says: "God expresses his infinity"