What is the end..??


Registered Member
If God is the alpha and omega (beginning and end) what is the end if you are infinite. (go to heaven or hell) and stay there forever.
if you are the beginning and the end (alpha and omega). who is god?
If something is infinite , there is no end ...
God is an abstract term , invented by man - in else, Man created god ....

very easy questions .....
lackofskill said:
If God is the alpha and omega (beginning and end) what is the end if you are infinite. (go to heaven or hell) and stay there forever.
look at this Earth, yeah? it is spherical shaped right. now, if say you set off from your house right now and walked about, you bacially culd walk about infinitely......yes? cuse there is no 'end point'.....where on a sphere is 'the end'....at the end of a linear track there might be, but world aint that

so feel, think spherically, spirally

also heat and cold. at extremes of bth tey chage tnto te polar opposite. think of light and dark. have a look at today. see what light and dark does. is there anywhee you can say hand on heart 'all is totally light' or totlly dark? not only can you see the subtle mergings of te 'abstracts we call 'light' 'dark' but even at its darkest you can see light flecks called by scince 'photons' and in te lightest day you can still see shadows......then you have twilight of course.....so ligh dark ligh dark etc IS infinite. if you say 'just light' 'just dark' then each bcomes FINITE dont it?...it takess twooo abaaaby
look at this Earth, yeah? it is spherical shaped right. now, if say you set off from your house right now and walked about, you bacially culd walk about infinitely......yes? cuse there is no 'end point'.....where on a sphere is 'the end'....at the end of a linear track there might be, but world aint that

ie. Whats north of the North Pole?
look at this Earth, yeah? it is spherical shaped right. now, if say you set off from your house right now and walked about, you bacially culd walk about infinitely......yes? cuse there is no 'end point'.....where on a sphere is 'the end'....at the end of a linear track there might be, but world aint that
are you saying time is spherical?
lackofskill said:
If God is the alpha and omega (beginning and end) what is the end if you are infinite. (go to heaven or hell) and stay there forever.
M*W: The 'alpha' and the 'omega' do not represent the literal beginning and end. When the alpha reaches the omega, the omega is simply the beginning again. It's a cyclic universe. There is no 'beginning' and there will be no 'end.' In other words, it's cosmological recycling every 25,800 years. The 'alpha and the omega' refers to a complete cycle of the constellations around the sun. Each Sun Sign lasts about 2,150 years. The stories of Abraham arose during the Age of Aries (the ram/lamb) and focused on the sacrifice of the 'lamb' instead of his son Isaac. Also in the Sign of Aries, Abraham's son Ishmael was sent away with his mother Hagar. That, too, was symbolic of a mythical sacrifice. The stories of Moses came about in the Age of Taurus (the bull/calf). Moses was represented by the bull, and he destroyed the golden calf. Mithras was also represented during this age with the bull.

Our life cycle on Earth is infinite since we pass down our living DNA, but there is no heaven and no hell. These are symbolic, too. With the universe being cyclic, why should any god be needed?
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Medicine Woman said:
With the universe being cyclic, why should any god be needed?

but it doesn't explain where the stuff comes from... by god the religions mean the self...
c7ityi_ said:
but it doesn't explain where the stuff comes from... by god the religions mean the self...
are you your self? is there something greater than your self?
greater? the same self is within everyone, the difference is that all people don't know themselves completely.
if it is the same self how is their a difference?
Spectrum said:
Obviously not because you posted this......which simply is not true.

Please prove your statement, that it is not true that Man created god ....

I am just curious .....

And please remember, that the Bible was written by man not God ....
duendy said:
we cant just say 'time' now but 'spacetime'.......and yes it is hyperspherical and multidimensional
why cant we just say time? what happened to time?
duendy said:
whay cant we just say space? what happened to space?
i can just say space why cant you? as far as i know nothing happened to sapce or time. so why do you say we cannot say time anymore?

are you reffering to the 24hour licensing laws? you are working in pub????????
c7ityi_ said:
The body makes a difference. The body limits how much the self can express itself.
stay with me. do you have any other way of expressing this?
is the self then the soul? the self is the son of god? the father has not taken form. the mother has taken form. the mother is the body? does this work for you? yes / no / why ? ? ?