What is the Bible good for?

What is the bible good for? well now....

Now that we've seen how many athiest reacted to this question, other than fire wood, and toilet paper, the bible is the best tool to use as reference agaisnt theism as well. See this webpage,


Here you will really find what the bible is used for in an secular way. It is the best weapon against thiests.
Originally posted by GRO$$
As for the Bible and MY belief, which some of you may not agree with ( I dont care if you accept it or not )... I think a race of being much more advanced than us passed by this planet a long time back, maybe they stop by evey once in awhile to watch, but last time they came, they saw how f-ed up the world was, how barbaric everything was, so they dropped a nice book on us: the bible... now, look at how we have advanced...
Unfortunately, Chinese invented paper, gun powder, compass, and printing long before bible took step in China. And I think even today, the bible still rely on two of those inventions to extend its life.
And Gro$$ you do realize of course that the middle ages, the most religious period in european history, had less progress than any other. So much for Bible progress.
"For years, religion did nothin but divide"


B.I.B.L.E. by Killah Priest

I think it is crazy that you mention how the Bible organizes and bonds people. Being that it is the same Book that Killed millions.

Check out my "The problem with religion and atheism thread". The bible didn't kill anybody, people did because its in our nature, as much a part of us as the sex drive. Humanity will never get along until they acknowledge that and make a conscious effort to alter our past behavoir.
In response to the question "What is the bible good for?" and arguments over those who have killed in the name of God we often forget the silent majority of those who adher to the various faiths of the world. Christians are people, and have their faults, but for the most part they are good people who are trying to live moral, compassionate lives. Church groups, missionaries, etc. provide a great deal of the charitable work done in this world. It's a shame that most people need a divine commision to help their fellow man, but if that's what it takes its fine with me.
Let us not forget that for most of human history organized religion and polictics were inseparable. This changed with the Bill of Rights and the seperation of church and state in the USA. My point is that religion or God has provided a crafty cover for those wanting to advance their own political interests. IMHO, with the exception of perhaps the Crusades, many of the great atrocities commited in the name of religion would have been commited even in the abscense of religion for strically political reasons.
The bible is an incredibly useful book, as all sacred texts are. Understanding humankinds spiritual musings is key to understanding human motivation as a whole.
Beyond that, the bible is a very valueable historical text.
Why is it more valid than the works of Homer? For one, he wrote hero epics, not religious texts. While the very early Greeks may have regarded those works as authentic accounts, by the time of "classical" Greek culture, especially in Athens, those tales were regarded as we might regard our folk tales, with great interest and love but not with religious faith.
But ythe thing is since god is all-knowing he knew ahead of time that his book would provide the excuse for countless deaths. If he really wanted to prevent it he either wouldn't have published the Bible or at least would have tried to stop some of it.
So my opinion will not be automatically dismissed, I am fascinated by all faiths and religions but owe allegeance to none. I do not consider myself an atheist or a theist.
The bible, nor any religious text, has killed anyone, except in one freak accident where the Bagavhad Gita fell on some guy's head(That a really bad joke)
People kill people. Not bibles, not even guns.
I, for one, agree with Starman Avatar on several points. I thank Xev for the web sites, I was very unfamiliar with the origins of the Bible or its writing. I am saying that the Bible is a book unlike others written in its time, it is one of the oldest book and still the most read, most rewritten, most analyzed, and overall most popular of all books. That right there makes it more useful than hitting people over the head...

Yes, i know its a joke, but as long as people can be offended by it, it is a bad joke. And i know a lot of jokes can be offensive, and they are all bad IMO, lots of bad joke out there... yes. But as long as you try to look at life from the viewpoint of everyone you meet, you will not have to make those jokes, and will respect God and their belief in Him as much as you respect your own opinion.
"I, for one, agree with Starman Avatar on several points. I thank Xev for the web sites, I was very unfamiliar with the origins of the Bible or its writing. I am saying that the Bible is a book unlike others written in its time, it is one of the oldest book and still the most read, most rewritten, most analyzed, and overall most popular of all books. That right there makes it more useful than hitting people over the head..."

Everybody in Hitler's Germany owned a copy of Mein Kempf. Like 1 in 20 read it.
The bible, nor any religious text, has killed anyone, except in one freak accident where the Bagavhad Gita fell on some guy's head(That a really bad joke)
People kill people. Not bibles, not even guns.

So you're saying that religious attrocites are actually manifestations of the darker side of human nature? That evil just dresses in the clothes of God's word? I agree to a certain extent. But:

A hypothetical: A religious text causes an evil act, by appealing to a person's goodness.
Let us say that we live in peace with the Weird sisters(these ones are nice, they leave Macbeth alone) next door, until one day we read a religious text that says "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". Now we know that goodness is obeying God's word, so, our commitment to goodness neccesitates the killing of these witches. We invite them over for a BBQ.

In response to the question "What is the bible good for?" and arguments over those who have killed in the name of God we often forget the silent majority of those who adher to the various faiths of the world. Christians are people, and have their faults, but for the most part they are good people who are trying to live moral, compassionate lives. Church groups, missionaries, etc. provide a great deal of the charitable work done in this world. It's a shame that most people need a divine commision to help their fellow man, but if that's what it takes its fine with me.

That is not the work of the religion, by your reckoning it is the better aspects of human nature kicking in. And if we do need a divine commission, the cynical might say this hints at something less than altruism.