"The discovery of these most normal galaxies suggests that they are older than the big bang."
Care to expand on that. It's news to me.
The age of the big bang universe is a recurrent problem (1). Light from the most distant galaxies takes a long time to reach the Earth. This time is about 90% of the age of the big bang universe. Therefore the found normal galaxies at the outskirts of the observable universe will have no enough time to form. This confusing observation is naturally explained by Eugene Savov’s theory of interaction, in whose “firework universe” all space bodies are ejected from the 3D-spiral structure of their sources and later cool off to create what we now see as galaxies, stars, planets and cosmic microwave background radiation (2). The structure of the found sources of all-building interaction accounts also for the dark matter problem (2).
1. Maddox, J., (1995) Big bang not yet dead but in decline, Nature, Vol.377, page 99.
2. Savov, E., Theory of Interaction the Simplest Explanation of Everything, Geones Books, 2002.