What is Judaism?

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I doubt thats really true, the worst Nazi guards were Jews, they were hunted down and killed by other Jews/

SAM, when your that thin, that unfed, that unhealthy, youd deal with the devil to survive, thats what some Jews did, anyone else would too.

They werent brutal because they betrayed their religion, they were brutal because they needed food.
Like this?


Doesn't seem very undernourished.
They were Kapos and they were desperate trying to survive. To use this as a way of illustrating that jews had betrayed their religion is completely dishonest. Sam again is only illustrating and trying to justify her anti-semitism.
Some of them even put their own wives and kids on the trains to the gas chambers, thats how loyal they were.
So besides the belief in God, everything else is open to interpretation?

Or how can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye.

Do you practice any ideology that teaches this way?
Why don't you try climbing into a gas chamber sometime?

Rather than throw my parents/children in? I would probably climb in with them if it reached that point. Not send them on and go off to continue the fun in some other place with other hapless civilians.

So what is the reason for the tribalism in Jews if its not religion or loyalty?
We're discussing loyalty and tribalism. Not tendencies for self destruction. Although I did see the gas chamber in Washington, which makes me wonder how anyone can send their kid to a fate like that. Probably thought it was quick and painless, maybe, but to go back? Hard to comprehend.
Some of them even put their own wives and kids on the trains to the gas chambers, thats how loyal they were.

Excuse me? Knowingly? And for this you demonize - what? What element of the Jewish character are you attempting to imply here? This is offensive.
Excuse me? Knowingly? And for this you demonize - what? What element of the Jewish character are you attempting to imply here? This is offensive.

Well if you put your kids in a gas chamber and walked away, you betcha I would demonise you. If you went ahead and made olia to someone elses land and decided you had a right to it because of what you survived I'd probably have you euthanised.

Buts thats just you. :D

I was debating whatzisname claim that Jewish tribalism is based on loyalty.
I see. And no other ethnic group has ever sold out its own?

Sure but do they have the same tribalism that Jews share? Where a Moldovan bouncer or a Philly Nut'Yahoo can move to the Middle East and kick out the Arabs because he belongs to their tribe?
Sure but do they have the same tribalism that Jews share? Where a Moldovan bouncer or a Philly Nut'Yahoo can move to the Middle East and kick out the Arabs because he belongs to their tribe?

By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart.
By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart.

Not if they are Jews apparently. Then by nature they can be left right or center, religious or atheist, black white or brown, but they all converge to a temple that may never have existed [except as a myth] to expiate their sins off a God they may not even believe in, even if they have to kill everyone that gets in the way.

The few who do not subscribe to this pathology are variously termed as self hating or traitors.
That wise saying applies to all men. You will have to show me an example where it doesn't apply. Otherwise you're the one who is wrong.

Just google what is a jew?

Let me know when you figure it out.
There are several different varieties of Judaism, including Orthodox Judaism and Reform Judaism. Their practices and attitudes vary. Didn't you know that, SAM? Have you tried wikipedia?
Why does she bother when you can do it for her ?.....:D:D.
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