What is it in Koran, that radicals USE it to MURDER the INNOCENT?

Gravity said:
Well - this is silly, but ok - how do you explain this:


Looks like a lucky find. You have any idea what book that is?
How do you explain this....


and this...


Quran 9:111. GOD has bought from the believers their lives and their money in exchange for Paradise. Thus, they fight in the cause of GOD, willing to kill and get killed. Such is His truthful pledge in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran--and who fulfills His pledge better than GOD?
the guy looks mulim to me thats why his face is hidden
looks like a muslim propaganda site
what would a muslim need with a dictionary

they only know 5 words martyr,terroist,infidel,bombs

and deathhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Well, it said on the link that it was the Bible. Clutching a dictionary and a rifle? :) Anyways - the whole thing is silly. We all know that militant Christians, Jews, Hidu's, Muslims and etc have long used religion as a handy way of justifying their actions and for motivating others to join them in killing. We can find endless photos and story's about any such group.
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Deus ex Machina (222 posts)

Today, 07:56 PM
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Well, it said on the link that it was the Bible. Anyways - the whole thing is silly. We all know that militant Christians, Jews, Hidu's, Muslims and etc have long used religion as a handy way of justifying their actions and for motivating others to join them in killing. We can find endless photos and story's about any such group.

what a cop out gravity you supply a dud link to justify your point, then moooo away
to get out of it, the content of your entire posts is cow dung, you have now just admitted as much moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
The quran is a happy book filled with flowers and funny stories mostly....oh and scientific miracles.
Even Handed
But What is it in the Koran that they are so easily able to use it for their global crimes?
The same thing that is found in the Bible that made the Crusaders use it to massacre thousands in their quest to conquer lands that didn’t belong to them.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, which made the inquisitions the terror of Medieval Europe.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, that suppressed scientific insight, threatened intellectual exploration and condemned men of learning to house arrest and the punishment of fire.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, which led a bunch of imbeciles to burn women as witches.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, which makes people who have read it and who considerate it the “word of God” think of themselves as the chosen people, the children of God and the bearers of ‘truth’.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, which makes morons believe that they are altruistic, benevolent symbols of ‘goodness’ in the world.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, which separates the universe into ‘evil’ and ‘good’ camps of delusion and enables the myriad of imbeciles to fight, kill and die in the name of a supposed God and in the name of righteousness.

Before you analyze the failures of another, first try to make sure that those same failures cannot be found in you.
Violence towards civilians and ‘terror’ tactics has always been the weapon of the downtrodden and weak.
Every civilization that has experienced a dark age and a period of powerlessness, as Islam is currently, goes through this war of attrition against the powerful.
Christianity was once where Islam is today and Islam was where Christianity is today.

But your need to see your own creed as “innocent” is by itself an act of delusion and hypocrisy, if not stupidity.
There are no innocent victims in life.
We are all responsible for our fate, if by an act of will or an act of ignorance we all participate in the world.

Learn to accept responsibility for yourself, your consumerism, your indifference towards others when they suffer, your ignorance and your stupidity.

If I go to another’s home, rape, loot and burn his property and then he comes to mine and break a window or kills my son or daughter, I shouldn’t cry about it or bitch about how innocent my kids were.
As beneficiaries of this cultures actions, none of us are innocent….only ignorant, pampered and idiotic.

I’m not saying they should be excused or that every one of them should not be eliminated.
I’m saying we should learn to accept the consequences of our actions.
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Gravity said:
Well, it said on the link that it was the Bible. Clutching a dictionary and a rifle?
Even if that is a bible, the way it is held in the picture suggests nothing.

Gravity said:
We all know that militant Christians, Jews, Hidu's, Muslims and etc have long used religion as a handy way of justifying their actions and for motivating others to join them in killing. We can find endless photos and story's about any such group.
The issue being discussed is about how a religious text is used to justify atrocities. If you think some non-muslims were able to do so then please give some actual examples.
Even Handed said:
The same thing that is found in the Bible that made the Crusaders use it to massacre thousands in their quest to conquer lands that didn’t belong to them.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, which made the inquisitions the terror of Medieval Europe.

The same thing that is found in the Bible, that suppressed scientific insight, threatened intellectual exploration and condemned men of learning to house arrest and the punishment of fire.
I think you are just speculating. Otherwise can you show us at least some bible verses that have actually been used to justify atrocities in each scenario?
Wanderer, beautifully said!

DoctorNO said:
Even if that is a bible, the way it is held in the picture suggests nothing.
But had it been the Quran, your nose would have flared in excitement at the prospect of a Muslim holding a gun as such.

Otherwise can you show us at least some bible verses that have actually been used to justify atrocities in each scenario?
Just read the Bible DoctorNO, it contains a plethora of verses advocating the killing, raping and enforced slavery of non-believers. I'd suggest you take a look at these sites for quick reference:




Take your pick as which ones could have been used to justify the atrocities in history. Most could apply and have. Here's one example:
Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves... Numbers 31:16-18

And from the same site:

"And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain." (Deuteronomy 2:34)

"And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Hesbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city. But all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities we took for a prey to ourselves." (Deuteronomy 3:6-7)

Such words helped give justification to mediaeval Crusaders who slaughtered men, women and children along their way to Jerusalem and stole the spoils of the cities. Even today, many Christian military men use Scripture to justify their actions.

And then of course we can also use Hitler as an example. After all, it was he who said:
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
Hitler's Christian Beliefs and Fanaticism... Selected quotes from Mein Kampf
The issue being discussed is about how a religious text is used to justify atrocities. If you think some non-muslims were able to do so then please give some actual examples.

Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, of Palestine told an Israeli newspaper Haaretz, that George Bush told him, "God told me to strike at al Quaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did.".....................Something George Bush has never denied