What is it in Koran, that radicals USE it to MURDER the INNOCENT?

Even Handed

Registered Member
I've seen some Muslims distancing themselves from chechen/palestinian/alqaeda terror.
But What is it in the Koran that they are so easily able to use it for their global crimes?
hello Kiwi, or are you Laluna (or are you both the same people) hey maybe your Otheadp who knows? but at the end of the day you have simply posted a stupid two line thread with no evidence or disscussion.

there is absolutely NO single verse that promotes killing innocent people in the Quran. these so called "evil verses" you have talked about can be found on Christian missionaries and there are millions of them so go there and if you want the answers and refutation there are millions of Islamic sites refuting these missionaries.

but seriously, do you want me to disect the Old Testament and Torah and show how it (unrefuteably) promotes murder, hate, fornication, lies, (extreme) racism, (extreme) supression of women etc. if the Zionist crew on Sciforums wanna make these stupid proapagdanda hate threads i will make the same about Jews

and honestly, Jews dont kill Kids or sumthing??

right ill be making some of the type of threads that Kiwi and you etc. make about Jews then :D
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Even Handed said:
of course, I share the horror everyone feels , but I am astonished sat the surprise. Arab terrorists have been slaughtering Jewish Children for 50 years. Children, indeed , are their preferred target. Not only do they gewt to kill as always, but they get to kill the future.

They hurt themselves more than any other can.

I always say to them that the real oppressors on palestinian Arabs are their leaders and parents...

Maybe more Westerners will see in Beslan the FACE of ARAB MUSLIM monster terror that victim Israel IS forced to DEAL with.

And I'm tired of the "critics" of the specially-restrained Israel as "too excessive"...

LaLuna said:
Neither are Arab palestinians helping.

Even Handed said:
I've seen some Muslims distancing themselves from chechen/palestinian/alqaeda terror.
But What is it in the Koran that they are so easily able to use it for their global crimes?

LaLuna said:
I know it's effective in shocking, but it is also effective in showing their ugly sinful face covered unsuccesfully in "freedom fighting & justice" slogans.
They are very determined in killing, look how they shot the escaping kids them in the back.
Just as diabolical the palestinian Arab Muslims skin -- Israeli passers by -- alive (Ramallah lynch etc., stoning kids in Tekoa & more) & mutilate Israelis' bodies.

LaLuna said:
They do, and only THEY.
Grow up from your palestinian lying "stories" on Israeli victims. the x-terrorist: http://www.shoebat.com says also that when he grew up asa yopung Muslim Arab, he was told such senseless stories that it took him years to wake up in to the reality of the lying "story tellers".
Have a bit of respect that Israeli higher morals defendors go into all the troubles of inventing special low range mini-missiles that aim at singular targets like gunning down terrorists to minimize collateral damage that Arab Muslim terrorists love to use as shields because they know that Israelis fear killing the unarmed.
On the expense of these special missiles missing more than once their intented targets.
Or Israelis going into troubles, into booby trapped bombes-doors, that had to go from house to house in search of weapons instead of just leveling the entire place down.
Or Israelis announcing (an hour or 2 before striking) residents to evacuate certain buildings when Arab terrorists use them to shoot from.
Most Arab dead were in one way or another attacking, most Israeli dead were going about their daily lives.
Would armed Israelis really target the innocents like the Arabs do, there wouldn't be one surviving Arab in a matter of an hour.

LaLuna said:
Well, Of course Arabs dominated the Islamists Child Butchery in Beslan, RussiaIt had to be, it had to be that Arab Fascistic murderers were involved, as soon as you saw the target, kids, kids were always Arab Muslim militants' greatest favorite.

Not to mention the same TYPE of CRIME in 1974 on Israeli kids' school in Maalot.

So as we all know now, the Alqaeda Arabs were involved in the child kidnapping and massacre of over 400 innocent.

Someone is going to tell me about ~freedom fighting~ about Arab foreigners in Russia or in Iraq, and I'm gonna puke.

What on earth were they so viciously shooting the kids in their backs when escaping anyhow, what "issues"?

Neither is tr here any "issues" among the Arab Muslim butchering Israeli kids whenever they get a chance in their Genocide Bombing or plain "gunmen" chasing kids in their beds like Danielle Shefi and so many others.

yep this is probably the most stupid and most common Zionist trick, relating the actions of ARABS all around the world at different stages throughout history and then LINKING THEM TO PALESTINE. one of (Kiwis) sites that Otheadp linked to even used "Saudi apartheid" and linked it to the international verdict of how the Israeli wall is illegal

so do you want me to link cases of Jews killing kids and storming people (eg. Goldstein or the terrorist attacks of the 1900's onwards) and make threads about because of the actions of these fews Jews, ALL ARE JUST AS MURDEROUS???? (just as you are doing with Arabs/ Palestine if not then why the hell are you doing them about random Arabs and linking it to Palestine???
erm, please reply to the many questions ive ginven you.

and yes you are just like David F and Kiwi, your one of a kind and yes i recongnise the name too which gives me a few ideas as to the truth about you :p

kiwi, David F, Dane Mark, Thersites, Balanced... all zionists have been proved liars and cheats by the moderators who exposed them,, just goes to show you exactly how credible and truthful zionists are :rolleyes:

i though zionists are meant to be clever, Kiwi and the above really made a stupid mistake, (you'll understand in the coming days why)

your probably the same.

and i hoipe you realise that simply changing computers doesnt work you know as the country and location can be allocated :cool:
There must be something in the Koranic tradition that they USE it for murder, Beheading/mutilating/child-killing/womenAbducting with that:"Alla U Akhbar" horror shouting, is in the NAME OF ISLAM.
like i said before if you want these go to a Christian Missionary and if you want replies then go to a Islamic Anti_missionary site for the answer. simple really :)

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.

oops sorry, ill back off then :D
Preacher_X said:
like i said before if you want these go to a Christian Missionary and if you want replies then go to a Islamic Anti_missionary site for the answer. simple really :)

Sanhedrin .

oops sorry, ill back off then :D

the boring very very very old lies on the Talmud has been long refuted ( here is a bit from a friend who is Jewish:


Talmud Exposé

The Truth About the Talmud
Falsifiers of the Talmud (by Non Jewish)
Re: Lies on Holy Talmud
On Fake Talmud Quotes
Haters use the Old Lies on the Talmud
Rebuking the Old Hate Lies, resurfaced lately:
View in: PDF
Good News from Judaism... You don't have to become Jewish to go to Heaven

The Saint, The Hero of 9-11-2001

On the Nonsense


"Receive - Embrace All Human Beings with Cheer and Joy." - Talmud --- "Do not do unto others that which you dislike." - Talmud

How interesting it is that Haters from the Islamo Militant Propaganda Camp, that claim to have a 'beef' with Zionism only, mix the Old Lies on Talmud (already exposed) with their Political Agenda.

1) (Even if one disagrees with A. Sharon's Defense Policies), Sharon and Govt. just as the early and founders of the Zionist movement, are not 'Talmudists', nor religious, but rather 100% Secular, all the way!

2) The most Anti Zionist religious Jews are the most fervent Talmud learners and followers.

3) (Today) Only Jihadists Islamic Militants use Religion to Kill, one can Never connect this holy Compassionate Talmud book to anything immoral whatsoever (but on the contrary)!

And you know that, repeating the bluffs won't vindicate Muslims that are the ONLY ONES to USE the Koran to KILL.
(No one USES any writing by the Jews to kill.)
Allah U Akhbar???

You made a huge mistake, for the fact is that the references (without any rebukes) in the Koran for VIOLENCE upon NON Muslims is saturated everywhere in Surah and Hadith, I purposely did not mention them, but the thread was:
"What is it in the Koran teaching OR Phrases that they are so EASY to USED for MURDER?"​
Please CONCENTRATE on the issues and MAYBE you will even have a real reply once...
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i think there are hidden messages in the koran the naked eye cannot see, telling
these muslims to go and kill infidels,

either that or muslims are easily brainwashed to do these attrocities

i have always seen islam as a cult, the whole of islam acts as one, a muslim brother dies in palestine, there is infidel flag burnings around the world

cults act as one which is why islam is a cult
vincent28uk said:
i think there are hidden messages in the koran the naked eye cannot see, telling
these muslims to go and kill infidels,

either that or muslims are easily brainwashed to do these attrocities

i have always seen islam as a cult, the whole of islam acts as one, a muslim brother dies in palestine, there is infidel flag burnings around the world

cults act as one which is why islam is a cult
And mainly the WAY they are taught in their radical Madrassas, the seeds of evil.
Western police (I don't care if it's Australian British US Israeli or Indian etc.) should crack down on these planting of Seeds such as the Koranic Mosque of Poison Gas in London of Abu Hamza, much much earlier.
Even Handed
Registered User (27 posts)
And mainly the WAY they are taught in their radical Madrassas, the seeds of evil.

yeah the madd asses as some westerners call them, they have these madd asses in malaysia, pakistan, and indonesia malaysia even admitted recently that 70% of school were teaching anti-west sentiments to the children, unbelievable but true a so called relaxed islamic country practising such racism to the west by there children

what hope for islam when the kids are being taught to be anti west, another whole generation of nutters to look forward to in 10 years time yippee
Those of you who attribute violence to scriptural incitement, how do you explain the timing of outbreaks of terrorism? Does the scripture change when violence breaks out? Does the Qur'an really contain a higher proportion of bloodthirsty rhetoric than other Abrahamic religious texts, like various popular Talmud/Bible/Old Testament versions? Have you read these in entirety, including the Qur'an? What about the Bhagavad Ghita? Is it responsible for motivating all murderous Hindus? Please do tell, and leave a link to the thread in the Religion subforum ,where it would be more fitting to discuss this.

Or are there other factors, which you seek to obfuscate: If you sincerely want to curtail terrorism, and not incite widening cultural and religious war, then it would be wise to also consider other factors. If not, please do tell, and leave us a link to a Psych subforum, where it would be more appropriate to discuss defense mechanisms.
Registered User (3,587 posts)

Those of you who attribute violence to scriptural incitement, how do you explain the timing of outbreaks of terrorism?

better timing devices for muslim nutters to blow people up with lol

your wading into things you have no comprehension of defending islam to the death

me im catholic i hated ira catholics called them everthing under the sun when they were active

there lies the difference between muslims and catholics, i argued with ira sympathisers even had a fight with one once, i had no respect for these animals

yet a muslim man will not even demonstrate against muslim terroists
he would much rather dance and burn flags of the victims countries

catholics are even handed we can hate other catholics just as much as we hate muslim terroists

but muslims only hate the west, they never hate another muslim after all you are all brothers how can you hate your brother
Preacher_X said:
there is absolutely NO single verse that promotes killing innocent people in the Quran. these so called "evil verses" you have talked about can be found on Christian missionaries and there are millions of them so go there and if you want the answers and refutation there are millions of Islamic sites refuting these missionaries.

Yeah? So how do you explain this....


and this...


Quran 9:111. GOD has bought from the believers their lives and their money in exchange for Paradise. Thus, they fight in the cause of GOD, willing to kill and get killed. Such is His truthful pledge in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran--and who fulfills His pledge better than GOD?
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The Koran, like the Bible and Torah could all be interpreted in rigid, literal, and violent ways. The essential problem is that this way of interpreting things can become institutionalized, as with militant Islam. The Koran is made of words, and the meaning of words can be twisted. The majority of muslims interpret verses about Jihad as a purely spiritual struggle, but others don't. Given Mohammed's history which (correct me if I'm wrong) includes periods of outright warfare, it's not so outrageous to think Jihad means a religously sanctioned war. Many different ideologies can be used as justification for murdering the innocent, I think all ideologies are problematic, even supposedly good ones like democracy. If the ideology is foremost in importance, rather than people, then it's a slippery slope what you will do to defend it.

there is absolutely NO single verse that promotes killing innocent people in the Quran.
OK, then they will just say that since Americans vote for people that support Israel, and sometimes Israel uses violence against muslims, then no American is innocent.
heh preacher

are you preachless preach to beautiful pictures of your flock showing the good book,
and in one pointing at the part in the scripture inciting him to do it,

oh preach how could you be caught with your pance down again
exposed for the whole world to see as a another pathetic apologist of islam,
defending the indefensible

oh preachhh screachhhh i think you need to go to the toilet your knappies dirty
heh gravity boots

i dont know no one can see his face is he a muslim is that why your hiding it


fill your boots with cow dung gravity booty