What is Honor?

Living by a strict set of laws that one deems as the ultimate good.

Of course, laws are like opinions in that they change all the time, so it depends on who you're asking to find out what those honorable laws are.

- N
Judging from the way the concepts have been treated throughout history rather than from dictionary or classroom definitions: Honor is looking good to other people. Pride is looking good to yourself.

There have been too many instances of people defending their "honor" by doing utterly atrocious things. To save face, to hide scandals, to silence those who know the truth.

Yes, pride can be taken to an extreme and then it becomes conceit or hubris. And at some point honor and pride overlap, for example in patriotism which often incorporates the worst features of both. "My country, right or wrong."

But in general I feel that more damage has been done in the name of honor than in the name of pride.
Honor is being resolute in your beliefs and always following your morals while being open-minded enough to accept others and understand their beliefs. It is helping those that cannot help themselves. It is being chivalrous and just, while understanding that justice and chivalry take precedence over written law. Honor is everything that the modern world is not.
Fraggle Rocker said:
Judging from the way the concepts have been treated throughout history rather than from dictionary or classroom definitions: Honor is looking good to other people. Pride is looking good to yourself.

Right on Rocker.. I would go further and say Honour can not exist without pride.

Fraggle Rocker said:
But in general I feel that more damage has been done in the name of honor than in the name of pride.
I would have to disagree, pride being the fundation of honour is the ultimate culprit in human depravity.

Arquibus said:
Honor is being resolute in your beliefs and always following your morals
That is correct. But remember it can also lead you down the path to depravity and evil.
Arquibus said:
while being open-minded enough to accept others and understand their beliefs.
yet ready to drop one morality when presented a differing reference. But you just said honour was to be resolute.
Arquibus said:
It is helping those that cannot help themselves.
Helping others in its self is not an honourable act.
Arquibus said:
It is being chivalrous and just, while understanding that justice and chivalry take precedence over written law.
So another sheep is in the line. Ready to drop our deeply treasured cultural law for a self judged higher moral cause.

Arquibus said:
Honor is everything that the modern world is not
Strange yet again. So may young people seem to think the system that created them is immoral, they preach about their elevated morality, but are oblivious to the fact that they are a creation, manifestation of the culture they despises.

My cultural Honour

Do what you say and say what you do.
You misunderstood my meaning in accepting others. I meant that you allowed them to hold on to their own beliefs even if they were not the same as yours as long as they were not directly harming others.

Helping others that cannot help themselves is an honorable act, though the definition of help in this case is not necessarily the norm. Doing this can include stopping others from harming themselves by committing evil acts, meaning that you are doing something to remove the temptation to do such things which is inescapable by the person which is doing them. Helping others is honorable as long as you are truly helping them.

What exactly do you mean by deeply treausured cultural law? I am simply at a loss for understanding this. Please elaborate.

The system that created me? What are you reffering to? Two human beings created me biologically. God created my soul. I do not know what you mean. Also, I do not claim to be an honorable individual. I try, but I know that I am an opportunist at heart. And I understand quite a bit about my culture, which is exactly why I try to distance myself from what much of it stands for.
Sorry Arquibus I think I came down a bit hard on you. I apologize.

What exactly do you mean by deeply treausured cultural law? I am simply at a loss for understanding this. Please elaborate.
The system of law that has slowly been developed and refined over the many thousands of years, it is the foundation to our culture. To step outside this cherished foundation of law is to step into anarchy. There is plenty of latitude in the law but we as a society must abide by it or we will return to the dark ages.

The system that created me? What are you reffering to? Two human beings created me biologically. God created my soul. I do not know what you mean. .
You are a creation of your culture. On the simplest level the language you speak, the foods that you eat, your attitudes, expectation and your daily routine are based on your culture. Despising and denigrating your culture is belittling your self. A common response from adolescences trying to adapt to the harsh reality of life.
Our cultural law, then, has been going downhill for years. Our laws no longer care about the individual. You must see it. As justice collapses around us, the uncaring nature of mankind shows. It seems that people not caring is a relatively modern thing. Honor amongst people is shown the best when a problem brings them together. In history this is shown. Honor is most visible in times of war, whether it is the soldiers fighting on the frontline or some elderly folks pulling together to watch over children who have lost their parents. I think that our laws are more representative of greed than justice. Because of this, we need to watch out for each other, because the government isn't.
As for me being a product of my culture, while I would agree with you to a point, it is not for a normal reason. I hate many aspects of our culture. I hate the fact that everything revolves around sex. I hate the hatred pushed onto people by the racist, sexist gang style rappers that are so popular. I hate the happy-go-lucky version of real life often portrayed by the media. I hate the way we seem to blame everyone but ourselves for our problems. Our culture sucks for these and other reasons. This is why I try to separate myself from it.
Arquibus said:
I hate many aspects of...
I hate the fact that...
I hate the hatred pushed onto...
I hate the happy-go-lucky version of...
I hate the way we seem to...

Wow! Ye're just full of hate, ain't you? Got any other hates that you'd like us to know about?

Is that what "honor" is .....the guy with the most hate is the winner?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Wow! Ye're just full of hate, ain't you? Got any other hates that you'd like us to know about?

Is that what "honor" is .....the guy with the most hate is the winner?

Baron Max

I was giving my response to my generation's culture, and why to try and hold honor I distance myself from it. The honor comes from standing for what you believe, and I haven't allowed myself to fall into the culture trap.
Integrity is adherence to ones personal ethics and morals. Honor is adherence to societies standards and ethics.
Weasel: No. Honor is going above and beyond society's standards and ethics. You gain honor when you do something others wish they could but do not have the will to endure.
Honor is the den that keeps the pride of lions at bay. Keep a den next to you and you won't have to be eaten by your own lions.
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lion meaning your own concience and pride, which are quite powerful psychological factors. Simply put if honor everything you are meant to you will have little or no problem and little harm will come to you. Simultenously honoring some things may certainly put you right in the face of danger, e.g soldiers honoring their country; similarly keeping a lion's den in the first place means danger but at least its better than having them roam about your enviroment. It all depends on what you honor just as it all depends on the size and temperment of the lion you keep
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Chatha, what's all this crap about lions and dens and shit??? Is that just some psycho-babble crap to keep you from actually saying what the fuck you mean??

Why can't you just speak in regular ol' English and not couch your posts in meaningless drivel and psycho-babble! Are you trying to pretend to be some highly educated, high-class college professor or something? ...can't just say it, you have to use bullshit to cover it all up so no one knows exactly what you mean?

Baron Max
Well, just trying to be too original I guess. LOL. By the way anybody that is educated should be proud of it and use it anyway they want to because many people do not have the same opportunity. Yep, I'll try to be a little less formal and dramatic