If you are reading a book that is supposed to be factual but find out that the information within is not factual but indeed fictional then yes, I would advise not taking it seriously.
Let's stop here a moment. Do you have any books that contain only facts? If my phone book has my phone number listed incorrectly, should I suppose, then that all the numbers are listed incorrectly? How about an Encyclopedia from the 1950's or so? The facts now are not what they were then in many cases, so should we assume that all encyclopedias from the 1950's are not to be taken seriously? If the book from the 1950's has one fact that agrees with one fact from today, does it make them both true? or are they false? You seem to want to deal with the books of the Bible in this manner.
If your entire religion rests on; "well, you know he was just a man and couldn't remember certain details", then you establish no reason with which to take any of it as factual.
no the religion rests on faith in God. Not in faith in the bible. Try not to get confused.
And, if you are willing, I would be more than happy to go through the entire book and see what you, the theist, dismisses as fiction.
By all means, please go verse by verse, so that we can consider it contextually as well, would you? Start with Genesis 1:1.
You've already done it with Genesis, so that's one book out the way.
Actually I have suggested that Genesis is a series of morality based stories. Don't misunderstand this as dismissal of the entire book. I don't dismiss the moral of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, either. Do you?
Shall we continue? By all means, but as I said previously, let's be thorough and go verse by verse. If you would like to start somewhere besides Genesis, perhaps we could start in Matthew and start by going through the New testament.
If you are constantly dismissing the text of your own bible, how could you expect me or anyone else to take your religion seriously?
I don't expect anyone to take anything seriously. I interpret things differently from some people, and I thought that you were an Atheist on a quest for actual knowledge. Was I mistaken?
Not according to jesus. I am now just wondering to myself whether you are a higher authority on the matter than jesus - woops, sorry, the mistaken matthew.
Not by any means. If you believe Matthew literally, then I support you in your belief. I suspect, however that you do not, and you are merely fishing for christians to show how smart you are to. I love it when Atheists take on the "Holier than thou" approach.
If you blaspheme the holy spirit, aka holy wind, then you are not forgiven - now or ever, so sayeth matthew quoting jesus.. apparently incorrectly.
Main Entry: blas·pheme
Pronunciation: \blas-ˈfēm, ˈblas-ˌ\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): blas·phemed; blas·phem·ing
Etymology: Middle English blasfemen, from Late Latin blasphemare — more at blame
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : to speak of or address with irreverence
So what word would Jesus have used to say this in Aramaic, perhaps, then? Do you have Matthew's original handy, probably written in either Greek or Early Latin, about 1350+years before this particular word came about?
However, you put a little whine at the end saying you think I wont accept that as an answer. I hereby give you the opportunity to tell me why I should, why you should be regarded as the authority on the matter. Please, take your time.