What is God's political slant

predicting what a particular human will do if stung by a bee on the 5th hour of the 270th day of the 13,758,102,301st day since the universe began.

A rather simple equation, I imagine. He would be pretty good at maths I reckon.
KennyJC said:
I just don't think that anything that can be created by an 'intelligent designer' can have free will.
Why not? :confused:
I can't see any reason to think this.

Also, if it isn't possible, that means you do not believe God is omnipotent?
On the contrary, that could mean God actually is omnipotent as his creation does not have free will and 'he' has complete knowledge, control and authority over everything that goes on in his creation. Free will means he does not have control over his creation.
Quit the spinning.
Yes, an omnipotant God could very well decide to have complete and total control over his creations.
I am not trying to dispute that.

Your claim, however, was that anything that can be created by an intelligent designer can not have free will. Your claim was that it is impossible for God to imbue his creation with free will.
That is what I am sking you to explain the reasoning behind.
How cen an omnipotent God not have the ability to create something with free will? Or do you not believe God is omnipotent?
Gods government, i think obviously would be a monarchy. This is why i am often confused by american patriot christians.
dzerzhinsky said:
Hmm...I mean God in general, nothing specific as in allah or jesus or buddah. Personally I think that God as most of us know it is a communist.

There are many reasons for this.

Firstly it's the idea of equality. I mean generally in God's eyes all those who believe in him are equal, there is no class struggle or anything like that.

Secondly, in a communist society all those who do not support the dominant ideology are punished. In God's case all those who do not believe in him are sent to hell.

Thirdly, we do not question God's rule, just like in a communist nation such as China the citizens to not question what Wen Jia Bao says. His word is literally law, and cannot be disputed.

What do you think?

God is more like an absolute Monarch. So a benevolent absolute Monarch would be a closer description than communism.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
God is more like an absolute Monarch. So a benevolent absolute Monarch would be a closer description than communism.

I once thought of that initially, but won't a monarchy have quite an obvious class division, like aritocrats, landowners and the peasants and working classes. Whereas it seems when it comes to God it's more of everyone being equal in God's eyes.

But it cannot be considered pure communism because God himself does not say that he is equal to all of us. It's more of the Josef Stalin version, dictatorship and all that.
one_raven said:
Quit the spinning.
Yes, an omnipotant God could very well decide to have complete and total control over his creations.
I am not trying to dispute that.

Your claim, however, was that anything that can be created by an intelligent designer can not have free will. Your claim was that it is impossible for God to imbue his creation with free will.
That is what I am sking you to explain the reasoning behind.
How cen an omnipotent God not have the ability to create something with free will? Or do you not believe God is omnipotent?

To have free will from God, I would expect us to have all the freedoms that he has. But we will always be simplistic and inferior to God as we are trapped in this bubble obeying his design and not with any option to escape the bubble or change the design for ourselves. Maybe this will happen sometime, but for now we most certainly don't have free will, and I demand an explanation from our 'designer'.

If I build a robot, by my definition, it would not have free will until I made it everybit as advanced and intelligent as me... So in other words we don't have free will until we become God.
dzerzhinsky said:
I once thought of that initially, but won't a monarchy have quite an obvious class division, like aritocrats, landowners and the peasants and working classes. Whereas it seems when it comes to God it's more of everyone being equal in God's eyes.

But it cannot be considered pure communism because God himself does not say that he is equal to all of us. It's more of the Josef Stalin version, dictatorship and all that.

:D well i would never have thought of old Jo Stalin as a benevolent fellow. But be that as it may. God says that all men are created equal. But of course every person has freedom to make whatever they can from the equality given. In the end upon the final judgement people will not be considered equal. And some will receive greater reward. So in the end It is still much more like an absolute monarchy with subjects considered family.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
dzerzhinsky said:
What do you think?

The mood of most of the Israelites was one of enthusiastic expectation. The elders of the nation, strongly supported by the people, came to Samuel, demanding a king to judge them like all the nations around them. Samuel was not pleased. He sensed that this has not been prompted by faith and obedience to God, and God confirmed his suspicions as He also comforted Samuel regarding the personal affront of the elders’ demanded to him. Before then and in that day, the Israelites were turning from God to idols. The people were not rejecting Samuel as their judge; they were rejecting God as their King.

In spite of their sin of asking for a king, God instructed Samuel to warn the people concerning the high cost of a king and then inform them that they will indeed be given a king. With this assurance, Samuel dismissed the people and sent them to their cities.

Politics was not God's intentions, and he knew the cost of a having a government and warned the people, but still granted the request and the first Monarchy that God endorsed was born.
I just throught of a better way to phrase my thoughts on 'free will' as I was sitting here doing work.

Half-Life 2, it's a great game we can agree. The baddies in the game, will never do the same thing twice (unless you repeat exactly your movements). So since the baddies are never in the same place at the same time and never fire at the same time and can react to certain things at random times, is that free will?

Although they are never doing the same things at the same time, it doesn't mean they have free will, since they are still obeying the code set by the programmers.

As are we.