What is God's political slant


Registered Senior Member
Hmm...I mean God in general, nothing specific as in allah or jesus or buddah. Personally I think that God as most of us know it is a communist.

There are many reasons for this.

Firstly it's the idea of equality. I mean generally in God's eyes all those who believe in him are equal, there is no class struggle or anything like that.

Secondly, in a communist society all those who do not support the dominant ideology are punished. In God's case all those who do not believe in him are sent to hell.

Thirdly, we do not question God's rule, just like in a communist nation such as China the citizens to not question what Wen Jia Bao says. His word is literally law, and cannot be disputed.

What do you think?
But the different gods seem to have different political slants. You need to be specific as to which of the gods you are referring to.

One says, "Love everybody." Another says, "Kill anyone who doesn't accept ME." Fortunately, most of them don't care about politics.
I don't think God (insert existence disclaimer here) likes politics at all. Who needs it if everyone is generous and kind?

The Christian God represented in the King James Bible, prefers, go figure, a monarchy.
I'd say if I took the parallels of a Christian ,Jewish, and Islamic God, and considered what was left, he'd be Socialist. So, if there is a God, I think you're right.
he couldn't be of any political slant. politics is a human concept. all human governmental types are infinitely inferior to god's government: the universe.
RoyLennigan said:
he couldn't be of any political slant. politics is a human concept. all human governmental types are infinitely inferior to god's government: the universe.

Therefor if God created humans he made their thoughts possible, and everything was set out to unfold from the moment of 'creation'. I don't see how you can say anything within the universe (such as politics) is inferior to the universe.

You see we have no free will. God already knows full well what we will get up to doesn't he? It's not like 'God' sits there on a chair with time ticking past as it does for us.

I find it unlikely that God will go 'OMG I can't believe the conservatives won that election!'.

For the record, I don't believe what I am saying as nobody knows, but I just think I am more likely to be right than you. But I am much more likely to be right by saying there is no divine creator.
God is a fascist but Jesus, his alter ego or 'son' is a socialist; the holy ghost or the third member of this menage a trois is beyond politics; a bit like the CIA or The Illuminati.
KennyJC said:
Therefor if God created humans he made their thoughts possible, and everything was set out to unfold from the moment of 'creation'. I don't see how you can say anything within the universe (such as politics) is inferior to the universe.

You see we have no free will. God already knows full well what we will get up to doesn't he? It's not like 'God' sits there on a chair with time ticking past as it does for us.

I find it unlikely that God will go 'OMG I can't believe the conservatives won that election!'.

For the record, I don't believe what I am saying as nobody knows, but I just think I am more likely to be right than you. But I am much more likely to be right by saying there is no divine creator.
how is god's foreknowledge of what we will do prevent free will? you can predict a die roll, but that doesnt mean that you had control over it. we still make decisions, whether or not god knows them (or even if god exists or not). the presence or lack of free-will is about as definate as a god ruling over the universe. i am saying that god would not be a communist, or a democrat, or a monarchist, but rather a conglomerate of all aspects of ruling over something. human governments are mere glimpses of what a perfect government would be.

you see, i believe there is no possible way for there to be a perfect being such as god is described as. but god would be as close to a perfect being there is. it would then be possible that he could predict every action within the universe with, say, 99% accuracy. but that would not mean he controls it happening (he could take things into his own hands, but he does not have to). he merely forsees it happening due to his virtually unlimited knowledge. this does not take away free will at all.
My definition of free will appears to be different then. I programmed a clone of pac-man once and everything within it obeyed the laws I set out. The characters did not have free will because when it was complete, they did everything I made it possible for them to do. Now if the pacman suddenly did something that surprised me and behaved in an opposite way that what I told it to, despite the fact there were no bugs... Then Pac-Man would have free will.

Do we surprise God? Nah...
dzerzhinsky said:
Hmm...I mean God in general, nothing specific as in allah or jesus or buddah. Personally I think that God as most of us know it is a communist.
Gods are almost exclusively depicted as dictators, "a form of government in which a dictator or small clique has absolute power without effective constitutional limitations" (WUD), except sometimes in the cases that depict a pantheon and then generally its feudalism.

Firstly it's the idea of equality. I mean generally in God's eyes all those who believe in him are equal, there is no class struggle or anything like that.
No. God is never depicted as equal to the rest of us except in religions that depict us as aspects of god. In communism everyone is equal.

Secondly, in a communist society all those who do not support the dominant ideology are punished. In God's case all those who do not believe in him are sent to hell.
That's fascism. "any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of opposition" (WUD, emphasis mine).

Thirdly, we do not question God's rule, just like in a communist nation such as China the citizens to not question what Wen Jia Bao says. His word is literally law, and cannot be disputed.
Once again, that's a dictatorship, not communism. In China, it's a kind of dictatorial or oligarchical socialism.

i think the christian god would be like bush, hes not to smart and hes kinda evil if you look closer, i think buddha wouldent even vote or care he would be eating some heaven dumplings, probably smoking a J somewhere chilling,
KennyJC said:
My definition of free will appears to be different then. I programmed a clone of pac-man once and everything within it obeyed the laws I set out. The characters did not have free will because when it was complete, they did everything I made it possible for them to do. Now if the pacman suddenly did something that surprised me and behaved in an opposite way that what I told it to, despite the fact there were no bugs... Then Pac-Man would have free will.

Do we surprise God? Nah...
we're talking about a hypothetical being here but...
it would be highly improbable that god would have 'programmed' every single reaction for every single living thing that ever lived. but he would have set up the universe in such a way that he knew life would evolve and he knew the intricacies of what would occur, but he did not actually make these things happen, other than to set it all in motion. we're talking about extreme complexity here, not pacman. have you ever known a pacman to have a consciousness? does your pacman think? of course it doesn't, its not even living. the way i see it, if god was a perfect being, then free-will wouldn't exist. but if there is no such thing as a perfect being (which i believe is so) and god was the closest thing to it, then free-will would most likely be inherent in life, as it appears to be.
RoyLennigan said:
we're talking about a hypothetical being here but...
it would be highly improbable that god would have 'programmed' every single reaction for every single living thing that ever lived. but he would have set up the universe in such a way that he knew life would evolve and he knew the intricacies of what would occur, but he did not actually make these things happen, other than to set it all in motion. we're talking about extreme complexity here, not pacman. have you ever known a pacman to have a consciousness? does your pacman think? of course it doesn't, its not even living. the way i see it, if god was a perfect being, then free-will wouldn't exist. but if there is no such thing as a perfect being (which i believe is so) and god was the closest thing to it, then free-will would most likely be inherent in life, as it appears to be.

The universe being far more complex than a pacman game isn't a good argument - The concept could be the same. The universe is our only example of anything to go by, and what turns out to be large amounts of 'time' and what our conciousness and senses are could be very basic in the grand scheme of things. It's all relative, and the pacman game could be infinately more complex than another creation and there could be something much more complex than our existence from which if we could stand would look at this universe much differently.

It's reasonable to assume that everything has a natural order and that we can not possibly do anything outside the design set out for us.
Let's say you can see the future.
Let's further say that you have three kids.
Being that you can see the future, you can see EVERYTHING your kids will EVER do.
You decide, for whatever reason, that you should not tell your kids what their future will hold (I can think of several valid reasons for this right off the top of my head).

Does that mean you have programmed your kids to act in that exact way, or does it simply mean that you KNOW how they will act?
That is not a good example. I don't create kids - Biology does, and that design was laid out either by accident or by some dude with a beard and a white gown.

I just don't think that anything that can be created by an 'intelligent designer' can have free will. If we think we have free will, then it is probably an illusion.
KennyJC said:
That is not a good example. I don't create kids - Biology does, and that design was laid out either by accident or by some dude with a beard and a white gown.

I just don't think that anything that can be created by an 'intelligent designer' can have free will. If we think we have free will, then it is probably an illusion.
say the human race was developed and created by an alien race as a genetic experiment. they knew, basically, how humans would progress and create culture, communities, civilization, etc. but they didn't know the intricacies of it all. this is an example of intelligent design that allows free-will.

now say we have a being that is so powerfull we could call it the perfect being (even if it isnt). and this being creates the big bang and sets everything in motion for the development of life and humanity as we know it. he knows what will come because he can predict things at the particle level. he knows how groups of gases will expand, how systems will form, how life will evolve, how humans will react to different stimuli, almost everything that will happen he knows. but he only knows this because he can predict cause and effect. because one particle moves this way, it will cause this, and because of this cause, it will cause this, and so on and so on until he is predicting what a particular human will do if stung by a bee on the 5th hour of the 270th day of the 13,758,102,301st day since the universe began. but it isn't completely accurate. imagine an outside effect causes a disturbance in the universe unforseen by god. this will affect everything in the universe and soon god's predictions will no longer apply. this is because god's predictions have no control whatsoever over the universe. it is like predicting that the sun will come up tomorrow. it happens everyday, but that doesn't mean that you control the sun. if you predict correctly that a monkey will take a banana if you offer it to him, does that mean that the monkey has no free will? no, you just made an accurate prediction.

the way you are thinking of the universe is deterministic. you are thinking that every miniscule event in the universe can be predicted with the right amount of knowledge. perhapse you are right, and there is no free-will, only illusion. but what is more likely is that we will never find out.