What is God? - 10 Questions

one wouldn't see anything during the big bang (at least until the universe became transparent)

I could be through we could 'see' through the 380,000 years opaqueness by further analyzing gravitational wave types as Steinhart and Turok suggest and did some of in their 'Cyclical Universe' book, especially after a better WMAP satellite launches, but this has been delayed by the Mars landing program. It could tell whether the Big Bang was/had from inflation or just from some kind of collision.

Question Added: Go ahead, give it your best shot, explain to stone age people, the creation of the universe. (should I start a thread?)

I think I will, too, as logical philosophy, but for present-day people.
I could be through we could 'see' through the 380,000 years opaqueness by further analyzing gravitational wave types as Steinhart and Turok suggest and did some of in their 'Cyclical Universe' book, especially after a better WMAP satellite launches, but this has been delayed by the Mars landing program. It could tell whether the Big Bang was/had from inflation or just from some kind of collision.

I think I will, too, as logical philosophy, but for present-day people.

I will be interested in thier reports, I haven't read anything in a few weeks did they dismiss the WMAP rings as noise yet?

The interesting thing is doing it for stone age people, modern people understand more concepts than our stone age peers. For example using a term like explosion modern people would grasp, stone age people really couldn't as the concept is beyond thier experience.

Is it? Just maybe it has always been here... :shrug:

Seems the most logical conclusion to me.

same could be said of god

This illustrates my point, Saying that 'God' did it, and saying 'It was always there' is essentially the same thing from different points of view. The person who won't attribute it to god does so out of vanity for thier own percieved intelligence. ("If I say god did it I would sound stupid") and yet, they are really not saying anything at all more than the religious who yell 'god did it'. Neither argument is truely more valid than the other.
I will be interested in thier reports, I haven't read anything in a few weeks did they dismiss the WMAP rings as noise yet?

They have methods for sorting out noise, looking for 'E' and 'B' modes kinds of polarization, and have ruled out some inflationary models to a level of 35%. They think they can get to 99% percent with a better, successor satellite. Of course, they are mostly interested in their string brane collision theory, but along the way maybe they will come up with a snapshot 'photo' of the birth of the universe and put it on their Facebook, ha-ha.

It is also very difficult to detect gravitational waves, going by the ones here on the ground that are trying to do so. A pin dropping could disrupt the whole big miles wide apparatus.
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They have methods for sorting out noise, looking for 'E' and 'B' modes kinds of polarization, and have ruled out some inflationary models to a level of 35%. They think they can get to 99% percent with a better, successor satellite. Of course, they are mostly interested in their string brain collision theory, but along the way maybe they will come up with a snapshot 'photo' of the birth of the universe and put it on their Facebook, ha-ha.

It is also very difficult to detect gravitational waves, going by the ones here on the ground that are trying to do so. A pin dropping could disrupt the whole big miles wide apparatus.

I think string theory is less likely than a god tbh. And I was glad one version of it got to DIACF recently as its results were found to be lacking at CERN. But there are a billion other versions :( ...
'God' is a figment of the imagination, so no use layering more figmentations upon the false start.


Should I believe you ? What if you are contrary to my experience ?:)
1) Is God all-knowing? -----Can you imagine How complicate is the cell mechanism and he created that.:)
2) Is God all-powerful? ---- He is patient and accomplishes what he wants
3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?----- many times
4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?---He created life , then let life evolve in different forms
5) Has God always existed? ---- I am not that old to testify
6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?----We have His spirit
7) Can God assume human form?----Why not , the spirit of God was in Jesus
8) Does God answer prayers? ------many times
9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?---The spirit of God can be
10) Does God communicate directly with you?-- Some times:)
I'd like for you to answer the following questions. The answers are to be based on your personal views alone. (Obviously, this question is aimed toward those who believe God exists.)

I'm not sure what the word 'God' means. I definitely don't believe in a Judeo-Christian-Islamic-style personal theistic God.

Interpreting the word to mean something more vague and philosophical like whatever the ultimate source, principle or explanation for being itself turns out to be, I'll say first off that I have no way of knowing whether there's just one of them. Monotheism can't just be assumed.

1) Is God all-knowing?

Whatever the ultimate source/principle/explanation(s) is/are, I doubt very much whether it will turn out to be a person with a human-like psychology that knows things like we do.

2) Is God all-powerful?

An explanation would have to have sufficient power or causal efficacy to accomplish whatever it is that it's being invoked to explain. But I have no way of knowing whether there are other things that it couldn't do.

I suspect that there probably is. There's that familiar old conundrum: Can God create a stone that's too heavy for God to lift? It would seem that God can't be omnipotent whether we answer yes or no to that one. More generally, does God have the power to do logically contradictory things?

3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?

If God is whatever hypothetically accounts for being and for the laws/regularities of nature, then that's intervention of a sort, I guess. Does the universe's ultimate principle intervene in history Bible and Quran-style? I don't know of any convincing reason why I should believe that.

4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?

I'd say yes, but only because I'm defining the word 'God' for the purposes of this answer to mean whatever it is accounts for everything in existence.

5) Has God always existed?

Presumably God temporally preexisted the origin of the universe if we are using God to account for the initial origin of the universe. Beyond that, who knows? Even if God is temporally eternal, we are still going to need some account of why one or more of these eternal Gods exists and not no God (and hence no reality) at all. Like somebody wrote, it's apparently turtles all the way down and seems to suggest an infinite regress.

6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?

Humans are an integral part of the universe and some people might opt for some kind of pantheism, I guess. That would make humanity into something like little fragments of God. But when I'm defining the word 'God' to refer to whatever it is that accounts for the universe, to equate the universe with God would suggest that the universe is self-explaining.

7) Can God assume human form?

Humans are finite by their nature, whether cognitively, emotionally or physically. If God is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent and omni-whatever, then that would seem to be inconsistent with humanity.

I'll even go further. Not only do I think that God probably can't take the form of a human incarnation-style here on earth, I'd strongly question whether God can have the psychological form of a person anywhere. People are fundamentally temporal, inextricably enmeshed in the flux of time and change. We perceive, we react, we learn, we decide, we act, all of it in time. I have trouble understanding how something that's supposed to be timeless and unchanging can still be meaningfully described as a person.

8) Does God answer prayers?

I don't think so.

9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?

I have no way of knowing. Is God even in one place? Where is God supposed to be anyway?

10) Does God communicate directly with you?

Not in any way that I'm consciously aware of.
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What was that experience that is so sure that it could have no decisional interpretations?

My family travel from Europa my travel to the USA, Our guidance an protection during the war. ete.ete. :)
I'd like for you to answer the following questions. The answers are to be based on your personal views alone. (Obviously, this question is aimed toward those who believe God exists.)
1) Is God all-knowing?

According to scripture
John 3:20 - For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

2) Is God all-powerful?

Jeremiah 32:27 and Matthew 19:26 say that God is omnipotent (all-powerful).

3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?

If doing so is in accordance with his purposes but the Hebrews knew being a people of God wasn't a guarantee of a life of comfort and with out worry. But there are cases like Job who both got special attention from God and Satan.
4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?

According to Genesis God created the Heavens and the Earth.
Whether he's responsible for all things is a matter of opinion. I personally think it's irrelevant.

5) Has God always existed?

He is called the Ancient of Days and Alpha and the Omega.

6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?

Indeed. Separate from Jesus and the Holly Spirit as well.

7) Can God assume human form?

What is known is that if he came to Earth we could withstand his presence.

8) Does God answer prayers?

Along with the model prayer the Bible says at Matthew 6:33
Keep seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness and all these other things will be added to you.

That would seem to be a yes under the purview of his purpose.

9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?

God has only one known location...Heaven.

10) Does God communicate directly with you?

Because man decided his way was the best way and rebelled we may only address God via Jesus Christ through prayer but all that has been communicated is within the bible.
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People can survive danger.


If God have a purpose for that person:)