What is God? - 10 Questions


Valued Senior Member
I'd like for you to answer the following questions. The answers are to be based on your personal views alone. (Obviously, this question is aimed toward those who believe God exists.)

1) Is God all-knowing?

2) Is God all-powerful?

3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?

4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?

5) Has God always existed?

6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?

7) Can God assume human form?

8) Does God answer prayers?

9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?

10) Does God communicate directly with you?
I am currently interviewing God, and God has answered in the affirmative to all questions. Hold on,oh here comes the orderly with my meds!
I'd like for you to answer the following questions. The answers are to be based on your personal views alone. (Obviously, this question is aimed toward those who believe God exists.)

1) Is God all-knowing?


2) Is God all-powerful?


3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?


4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?


5) Has God always existed?


6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?


7) Can God assume human form?


8) Does God answer prayers?


9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?


10) Does God communicate directly with you?


All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'd like for you to answer the following questions. The answers are to be based on your personal views alone. (Obviously, this question is aimed toward those who believe God exists.)

1) Is God all-knowing?

2) Is God all-powerful?

3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?

4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?

5) Has God always existed?

6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?

7) Can God assume human form?

8) Does God answer prayers?

9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?

10) Does God communicate directly with you?

6=god is not physical, god is not a being, god is god, the being is a creature, not the creator, and i didnt undertsnad your question, if ou are asking about the form of god, idk, how would we know, we don't know and will not know,and god is not a being, just beyond our understanding, if the univerce itself is beyond our understanding in many things, what do you think when it's about god
7=yes, but god don't just, take a human form or whatever, i think there are the prophets to tell he's message
8=worked for me many times ;)
9=god is everywhere, and in all times, all locations, and in all all at the same time, god is who created time, and everything, our physics doesnt apply on god, because god created those, and i don't think that what i said here is not possible, infact, we can't even understand what is the time, and what's the spacetime exactly and how does it work, and etc...
What is God?

A myth that has been made up over time by mostly men that want others believe that this "supernatural being" exists, which it doesn't but only in their minds
I'd like for you to answer the following questions. The answers are to be based on your personal views alone. (Obviously, this question is aimed toward those who believe God exists.)

1) Is God all-knowing?

2) Is God all-powerful?

3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?

4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?

5) Has God always existed?

6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?

7) Can God assume human form?

8) Does God answer prayers?

9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?

10) Does God communicate directly with you?

IF there were a god as conceived by christians:

Question 1 and 2 are the same: and the answer must be yes. (If he is all knowing, than he knows how to be all powerful... he is all powerful, he can use that to be all knowing.

Of course I would be willing to accept appearances of all powerful/all knowing as close enough for a discourse about a God. (maybe he's not but so technologically advanced that he can appear as such.... From where I am standing that could still be a God.)

3: Probably not, at least not on a large scale, but it is possible that there are minor tweaks here and there as neccesary.

4: Does he have to be? If he created us, isn't that still good enough to be God?

5: Depends on what the definition of "Always" is... For example if god creates the universe, from the Universal perspective god has always existed... (there is no time before the universe for which God did not exist). But the question could be raised is Did God Always exist from his own perspective... I will ask him should i ever meet him.

6: Probably yes, if such a god exists, after all he was around before humans.

7: Probably not, if he were able to it would require becoming human, thus no longer being god. (Which makes sense if you think of the whole sending his son to earth xtian thing).

8: No

9: Yes

10: Yes
The Natural Happening

Why these little subatomic things, ask the wise,
In such amounts and of their special size?
Well, I agree that this shows they had to be made
As we see from the causeless quantum’s shade;

It’s been shown by Aspect there’s nothing hidden
Underneath this necessarily indefinite disorder
Whence random particles become, unbidden,
For causes beneath causes would have no border.

So, from this causeless bottom where bucks stop,
Hails the ultimate freedom to live and be a lot.
This scheme, too, would hint that the Ultimate Yore
If it could ever be, would need cause all the more.

Yet, at this very point, which is not an answer,
But a call to think no more and surrender,
Religion introduces Complexity Infinite
For the downwardly simpler bottom unit.

So, there’s no answer given, but only
A larger mystery of the One and Only
That is an infinitely larger question there,
Rendering the entire ‘answer’ beyond repair.

While both science and religion claim the causeless,
They are as opposite as could be, none the less,
For one finds no order there, none at all,
While the other imagines a Perfect Ordered All.

If all the above opposed were not bad enough,
There is entirely insufficient evidence for God,
Zero, in fact, in the face of the opposite there,
For One who is supposed to be everywhere.

Beyond that even the absence of evidence
For the interceding Ruler, the obvious nonpresence,
That leads to the sure evidence of absence,
Is that a first cause can have no reason to it.

Humanists [nontheists] push science forward
God naturally flunking out, with no pushes backward,
While creationists, with nothing to push forward,
Ever attempt to push science backward.

This, then, is the end of faith’s season,
Being the celebration of rational reason.
A myth that has been made up over time by mostly men that want others believe that this "supernatural being" exists, which it doesn't but only in their minds

And I suppose you can proove that no such being exists?

Actually, more intelligently: There is no requirement for God to be supernatural.

God could have created the entirety of the universe in his grade school lab, and placed primitive genetic material on the right catalyst on a whole bunch of worlds...

Science does not disprove god, it replaces god (in many cases) with arbitrary infinity, for example 'the matter of the universe was always there'. This is a rather simple cop-out for avoiding the question of 'where did it come from' to which the answer is "we will likely never know". Which is as good of an answer as 'God made it'.

But something for the athiests around (I am agnostic for the record) to consider: There is a Jewish tradition that teaches the big bang theory; it predates modern science by 2000+ years. It says There was nothing, then there was a 'limitless light' then there was a point, which expanded into the universe, then there was time, then there was creation.... (paraphrasing here because my hebrew sucks, but Ain, ain soph, ain soph aur, kether, binah, chockma, da'ath.... ) Anyway it was considered a mystic tradition... and it taught what we accept now as fact. (Before the facts were known....) Supposedly handed down by god himself. (the point of this rather boring rant, is that religion when properly understood, reinforces science.... not creationist BS from dumb americans in the bible belt)
The only (omnimax)god I think could exist:
1) Is God all-knowing?
2) Is God all-powerful?
3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?
4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?
5) Has God always existed?
Something has. Although, the first time I decided that it was intuitively impossible, I was 5 years old.
6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?
One can't know god. You can know another being. God permeates the universe.
7) Can God assume human form?
Could. Almost definitely doesn't.
8) Does God answer prayers?
prolly not
9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?
I guess, if that''s how you see it
10) Does God communicate directly with you?
That'd be nice
I'd like for you to answer the following questions. The answers are to be based on your personal views alone. (Obviously, this question is aimed toward those who believe God exists.)

1) Is God all-knowing?

2) Is God all-powerful?

3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?

4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?

5) Has God always existed?

6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?

7) Can God assume human form?

8) Does God answer prayers?

9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?

10) Does God communicate directly with you?

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Yes

4) Yes plus he always existed

5) Yes ^ lol

6) Yes

7) He creates all human form and knows all we do but he isn't one of us.

8) He Can if He Wants to

9) He can even Make you be in 2 different locations at the same time.

10) Yes

And I suppose you can proove that no such being exists?

It need be noted - and I find it spectacularly daft that theists, (and even atheists), continually fall into this error - that nothing (outside of mathematics and various mental concepts)) is ever 'proven'. No, we cannot 'prove' your specific 'god' exists anymore than we can prove invisible leprechauns do not exist.

For what it's worth, even a god is stuck in the same position. Should all of this be a computer simulation, the god of it would never know that it was just a programmed 'god', that in reality it wasn't even real. It couldn't know precisely because that's how it had been programmed.

Science does not disprove god, it replaces god (in many cases) with arbitrary infinity, for example 'the matter of the universe was always there'. This is a rather simple cop-out for avoiding the question of 'where did it come from'

This is very naive but we'll allow it for now. Ok, so where did god come from? (Don't fall hypocrite by saying it "was always there" hence, in your own argument, making a "simple cop-out for avoiding the question").

There is a Jewish tradition that teaches the big bang theory; it predates modern science by 2000+ years. It says There was nothing, then there was a 'limitless light' then there was a point, which expanded into the universe, then there was time, then there was creation....(paraphrasing here because my hebrew sucks

Paraphrasing isn't of any use when demanding that something teaches something. Does it actually teach it or are you just paraphrasing? I presume you're just paraphrasing, (as you confess), something that, (as you confess), you suck at understanding.

Just out of interest, saying there was "limitless light" does not infer the 'big bang', which wouldn't have been "light" at all. In fact, given eyes to see, you would never actually 'see' the big bang.
It need be noted - and I find it spectacularly daft that theists, (and even atheists), continually fall into this error - that nothing (outside of mathematics and various mental concepts)) is ever 'proven'. No, we cannot 'prove' your specific 'god' exists anymore than we can prove invisible leprechauns do not exist.

For what it's worth, even a god is stuck in the same position. Should all of this be a computer simulation, the god of it would never know that it was just a programmed 'god', that in reality it wasn't even real. It couldn't know precisely because that's how it had been programmed.

This is very naive but we'll allow it for now. Ok, so where did god come from? (Don't fall hypocrite by saying it "was always there" hence, in your own argument, making a "simple cop-out for avoiding the question").

Paraphrasing isn't of any use when demanding that something teaches something. Does it actually teach it or are you just paraphrasing? I presume you're just paraphrasing, (as you confess), something that, (as you confess), you suck at understanding.

Just out of interest, saying there was "limitless light" does not infer the 'big bang', which wouldn't have been "light" at all. In fact, given eyes to see, you would never actually 'see' the big bang.

It's not naive to state t he obvious: Replacing one infinity with another is not solving the problem. I don't have the answer; hence agnostic, not thiest, not athiest (And tbh most of the time I don't care, but I do love a good debate...)

Actually, I did spend time (over a decade ago) in the study of these works. And while you are correct in that one wouldn't see anything during the big bang (at least until the universe became transparent) I tend to think of these things in the following manner:

If I were to try to explain to a backwards people, who are barely able to create fire and hold it, the science behind the universe, I would use terms that they could actually comprehend. In doing so I would be able to relate to them the science that they can't understand, through use of common language. Many scientists today do the same thing when writing a book or a paper or a topic for the general public, they 'dumb things down'.

But the firm treatment that one does or doesn't exist (a god) is something that is beyond the realm of reality, barring such a god from landing on the planet and doing a jig. However if you look at the creation myth from the Judeo-Christian movements, and think, 'If I were explaining science to someone who was so uneducated that it would take forever to educate them, how would I do it' you find that there are interesting correlations, enough that if one says 'This came from god' you might be open to thinking that it is an interesting similarity. It could be completely my knowledge of science that has me looking at it in this way and saying ... yeah I can see how that could be interpreted.

Now IF you take the holy books and say : 1) these are not literal, 2) they are science being explained to uneducated people and 3) are there parallels or similarites between what we now know, and what is being said? Then answer the questions, Can it be a metaphore, for a real event? If the answer is yes it could, there are two possibilities... Someone gave them the answers or they were just lucky. I say its a 50/50 chance either direction.

But absolutism (There IS / Isn't a god) and arrogance over the view point when one is at best simply avoiding the question, is simply uncalled for and unenlightening on both fronts. Rather it would be better to look at the options ponder the questions more.

So my answer to you is : Don't know if there was anything before god, Just as much as you don't know what was there before the Big Bang. Don't know how either came into existance. (For that matter don't know IF either came into existance... but thats more a philosophical debate). But simply saying, 'it was always there' is exactly the same as saying, 'god did it'. (As in, it is NOT an answer to the question.)

Question Added: Go ahead, give it your best shot, explain to stone age people, the creation of the universe. (should I start a thread?)
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1) Is God all-knowing?
If it exists, no.
2) Is God all-powerful?
If it exists, I don't know.
3) Does God intervene in our daily lives?
When has it ever? Absolutely never, if it exists...it may have before, if it exists.
4) Is God responsible for the creation of everything in existence?
I doubt it. If so, then I believe in magic...awesome!
5) Has God always existed?
I don't think so.
6) Is God it's own individual being separate from humans?
If it exists, I think so.
7) Can God assume human form?
If it exists, I suppose.
8) Does God answer prayers?
As often as talking to yourself does.
9) Can God be in two physical locations at the same time?
If it exists, I guess.
10) Does God communicate directly with you?
Not that I know of.