What is Evil?

In your own words can you explain what the essence of evil is? Is it possible that evil can change? Is it even real?


Evil can change, it is malleable to destruction. That is because it is a delusion. We can't pierce it though because it is not an entity but a concept alone. What we must do is define it against its absence (which is not an absence, but non-absence). Think light and dark. True and false.
Evil can change, it is malleable to destruction. That is because it is a delusion. We can't pierce it though because it is not an entity but a concept alone. What we must do is define it against its absence (which is not an absence, but non-absence). Think light and dark. True and false.

Cortex_Colossus...you are more then a scientific genius, your straight up a genius!!!

(Takes one to know one)
I've seen horrors... Horror. Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies. I remember when I was with Special Forces. Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate the children.

I almost cried with laughter when I read that. That has to be the best Big Train sketch EVER. Yeah, I know it's from Apocalypse Now, but Big Train's version is better.
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You know, I don't think Evil truly exists in reality. It's merely a matter of perception.

What one person would consider evil, others would consider an act of someone who has lost their wits. Humans are such many-layered beings that terms so black-and-white as Good and Evil can't really apply. The word Evil belongs to the world of Fairy Tales.
You know, I don't think Evil truly exists in reality. It's merely a matter of perception.

What one person would consider evil, others would consider an act of someone who has lost their wits. Humans are such many-layered beings that terms so black-and-white as Good and Evil can't really apply. The word Evil belongs to the world of Fairy Tales.

Evil is subjective. I prefer to follow along the route of anything that causes unnecessary evil.

Oppressing the weak through ignorance, fear, and threats. Harming the innocent and those unable to defend themselves. Harming anything out of sadism or the sake for killing for unnecessary purposes. Suppression of natural rights as long as there is no need for the oppression. Using euphemisms for a massive misinformation campaign. Using religion to cover up for political maneuvers. Oppressing others due to differences in upbringing- culture, race, sex, social hierarchy. Yes, they suit my definition of unnecessary harm quite well.