What is death?


Registered Senior Member
What is death?
What is after death?

Just wanna get some opinions...

I think time after our death is something we cannot imagine ... not being alive is something we have never experienced and therefore cannot imagine how it is... As for death, it is the destruction of our conciousness.
What is death?

The end of living. The point where all brain activity ceases.

What is after death?

Nothing. We simply die then help to fertalize the ground, which helps new plants grow, which feeds other animals, which feed yet more animals, which eventually die to start the process again. An afterlife is simply an invention of the human mind designed to comfort the dying and their loved ones when the end is near. It's doing it's job quite well.... a little too well even.
Death is simply the passage between physical and non-physical existance. The end of the end and the beginning of the beginning. The return to home. :)
No, because it´s not physical and can´t be proven physically, maybe philosophically though. Or by your own experience. :)

But for the non-physical to have any meaning it has to interact with the physical. No experimental evidence supports this.
We all know what happens to the meat, the body. Is there anything more to it? I have know idea. I haven't died yet. When I have, maybe I'll come back and let you know. Or not. Either way, I won't know until it happens. And maybe even then I won't.
That´s because the experiments have been invalid. And it does interact, to such an extent that the physical world would not exist without it. It has created it. And it doesn´t have to interact physically to have meaning, that it has anyway, in itself. The physical world is a created "illusion" by the non-physical world.
But then, don´t take my word for it, find out for yourself, otherwise it will not be any real knowledge, just belief.


can YOU show one shread of evidance that there is NO afterlife of some respect?
WOW do you ever listen to yourself?

The nonphysical created the physical and since the phisical exists that proves the nonphysical. Thats not the least bit circular. ;)

The only thing we have to evaluate the world with is evidence everything is just guesswork or wishful thinking which has everything to do with faith but nothing to do with fact.
I'm an atheist and a skeptic. But as someone who values scientific principles and learning over acceptance of the unknown, I have to say I can not dismiss the idea of an afterlife. Not until it is disproven. Nor will accept that any afterlife exists until proven. Once again, this goes in my Undecided tray.
Well, that´s just your opinion. ;)
I didn´t say that the physical world proves the non-physical by merely existing. Though it does, but only after you already have gotten proof for the non-physical. Otherwise we would not bother to have this discussion even. :)

And yes, I do listen to myself, much to often...:p
True there is noe evidence against an afterlife as such but there is evidence that there is nothing beyond the physical world. Because as i said before the non-physical world would have to interact with the phsical world to have any real existance. All experimental evidence suggests that there is no non-physical influence effecting the expeiments. If there is a type of non-physical existance than it has nothing to do with the physical world so therefore nothing to due with us. Which means no metaphysical afterlife.
If there is a type of non-physical existance than it has nothing to do with the physical world so therefore nothing to due with us. Which means no metaphysical afterlife.
Unless there is more to us than merely the physical. I'm not saying there is, but I do think there is the possibility that all those ideas we humans have carried for scroes of millennia might be based on something more than fear and superstition. I personally have experienced odd things which I attribute to what you might call the supernatural. I just can't explain them in mundane physical terms. However, I remain in need of explanations and evidence or pretty much everything.
You´re in for a pleasant surprise then...or unpleasant depending on the level of chock. :D

Its possible that there is some non-physical aspect of us but like i've been saying it would have to interact with us to have anypart of our real existance. Since it has no part of the real person its not so much of an after life as a non-physical copy of you living on in heaven or hell (however it can't be judged because anything you did in life was because of your physical self) If there is some sort of non-physical existence it has to be completely seperate from the physical world like an alternate universe. Which means you cna never relate the two so for our purposes it dosent exist.

Oh, and Bebilina i strongly doubt that im in for any suprises when it comes to metaphysical reality.
I don't know enough to propose a theory, but the the discovery of quantum entanglement and the possibility that our consciousness may derrive from quantum interactions within microtubules (microscopic cellular structures) of the brain could support a theory that conscious could be linked in some manner between individuals.

Quantum entanglement of macroscopic particles has also been demonstrated now... maybe we are all one.

I'm not suggesting it's true... but it sure is interesting and might be feasible.

Anyway, it's an idea I like to toy with.


can YOU show one shread of evidance that there is NO afterlife of some respect?
Certainly. Look at the invisible immaterial 6-inch wide crystalline dodecahedron that is floating 2 inches in front of your eyes.

This crystal is equally real as an afterlife. Both are figments of the human imagination.

Things that exist are based on observation and detection. Nothing can be said about any concept that does not conform to this criterion.

There are probably a near infinite number of imaginative contrived constructs that also do not exist. The probability that any one of these might be true is effectively mathematically zero.


No, because it´s not physical and can´t be proven physically, maybe philosophically though. Or by your own experience.
Ok so you agree it can’t be proven through material means. And philosophically in this regard is no different to imaginative fiction.

So how about your own experience? I cannot experience your personal experience so I can never share your alleged proof, however, can you show that your belief is quantifiably different to an irrational delusion?

If you cannot do that then why should we believe anything other than that you are deluded?
