what is a true christian?


a realist
Valued Senior Member
many times religious people like to label themselves as "True christians"
could you explain WHAT EXACTLY is a TRUE CHRISTIAN?
One who believes in TRUE fairy tales?

But, really folks, don't we first need to define 'True' and 'Christian' and what connotation is refered to in so much as one describing the other?
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There's no such thing as a True Christian. Christianity is a living organism, constantly growing and changing. A Christian is someone who belongs to the group of people commonly referred to as such. Many common characteristics accompany this label, but none define it.
Could we say it was someone who believes a charcter named JC was real and that he was divine?

Since there are some 20,000+ sects and cults all pertaining to be Christian then it seems unlikely we could expand this definition much further without violating one of their variations.
Nope I'll have to adjust that - I went too far.

The name Jesus has a hebrew origin and means "savior". The word Christ is a Greek term and means messiah.

Everyone was hoping for a savior around that period so naming was very optimistic. A lot like muslims that keep naming themselves Mohammed.

So his name was never Jesus Christ - that isn't a name but a mixture of two titles.

Let's just say they agree a character named Jesus existed and was divine.
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Isn't that the same thing as messiah? Gosh my memory is failing recently.
Messiah means "anointed one" in Hebrew, I believe. Christ means the same thing in Greek. Someone could check on that, but I'm pretty sure they both mean the same thing in two different languages.
A lot like muslims that keep naming themselves Mohammed.

You are partially right.

The prophet's name was actually

Abu al-Qasim Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim

where ibn means son of and gives the lineage

Mohammed or Muhammed or Ahmed or Ahmad are actually epithets which mean "the praised one".
scorpius said:
many times religious people like to label themselves as "True christians"
could you explain WHAT EXACTLY is a TRUE CHRISTIAN?
this is it EXACTLY

a true xian

1, does not worship on Sunday.
2, does not believe in a Trinity doctrine.
3. is certain that he does not have an Immortal Soul.
4, is aware that Christmas is not Christ's birthday.
5, and Easter is the ancient pagan fertility goddess.
6, knows he will not ascend to Heaven upon his death
7, is positive that the Bible is the only authoritative source of God's divine word.
8, Most of all, he believes with all his heart that Christ will soon return as King of Kings
9, give's beyond reproach
10, can raise the dead and drink poison without harm

ok does that help, if you need more dont hesitate to ask.
The true Christian believes in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and that the Bible is the word of God.
A true Christian does honor the Sabath (for one day - usually on a sunday) that God (triune God) is the ultimate power and that all things come from him (through Jesus Christ). the Division of Sects began during the Reformation and continues today.

The word Christian originated during the Roman times (Nero) - Christianus (follower of Christ)

This is not a fairy tale.
Christianity is the only religion to have its founder die, then rise from the dead.
I will not expand

Roman Legionare - the equivalent of a Green Beret today held a very regimented life. If he fell asleep on duty this may have happened

1. Instant death
2. the Gauntlet - going through a line of his fellow legionares carrying sticks and he had to survive it
3. even if he did survive it, his fellow army members could then vote to see if he would return to the legion.

When Rome assigned two guards to Jesus's tomb, they knew this would happen and they did not want it to happen. Imagine two Special forces guarding the same tomb today and facing Court Martial and a death sentence. That would motivate me.

Also, consider the fact that Jesus appeared to over one hundred people after his death and ressurection. If this was a psychosis, then it would have only happened to his disciples and the women. it did not. Jesus appeared to people who did not know him during this teaching period.

Let us put this in modern times.

CNN reports the death of Jesus. Papers read, "Man who declares him self God dies on Cross"
In this article, it states, "Elite Guards guard his tomb and ensure that his followers do not steal body."
this article gets out to the world.
sunday arrives and CNN then prints, "Jesus's tomb empty, Military Court Martial to follow"
it continues, "two women followers oif Jesus arrive at an empty tomb. The Elite Guards are not there. the huge two ton sealing stone was moved and the tomb opened. the sealing wax showed no human actions and the probability of two women moving such a stone does not make sense."

The next story, "Jesus sighted by over one hundred people"
It continues
"Over hundred people claim to have sighted the risen Jesus. After interviewing these people, this News Agency has determined that the broad selection of these people outweigh the "Jesus Fanatics" theory. This theory states that these "fanatics" have experienced a psychosis and have delusionary views. The broad range of people who have sighted Jesus (after showing a picture of him) negate any such "fanatic" psychosis.

CNN has interviewed Henry Williams,
"I did not believe in Jesus and thougth his death and ressurection a lie. A man walked up to me and shook my hands. He had a firm grip, as though he worked with his hands. I noticed calusses and variious cuts/abrasions. I noticed a strange wound about his hands. it appeared to pierce his entire hand. It though nothing about it. I thought that it was a accident. After showing a picture of this man, I (with out any error) identified him as Jesus.
When the interviewer asked me if I knew this was Jesus, I replied "No, I did not, and I just walked and talked with him. we finished our converstion and we parted."

The Roman who was at Jesus's death said, "truly this is the Son of God". For a Roman to say that, that meant he recognized Jesus's divinity.

Fairy tales happen when truth becomes mixed with fact. The fact that we can now name that Roman, locate the tomb and the benefactor that supplied the tomb, etc... states not a fairy tale, but a truth.
Yet people ascribe all kinds of differing personality traits on Christ. If he were to return today, chances would be very good (read: bad) that he would be strung up yet again and denounced by the very people who profess to follow him.

And he'd say, "No, wait. I AM the Christ. What are you doing? Get these mutts away from me, I don't find this amusing anymore!" Okay, that last bit was by Paul Simon (and if that's not a Christian play-on words, I have my work cut out for me!).

So, a true Christian is undetermined at this time. As Cris pointed out, the only safe answer to please the 20k sects out there is to say they based their varied beliefs on what they interpret a person named Jesus to do over 2000 years ago. Anything more or less from this is pure speculation. We'd have to wait for the Real Deal to show up so all 20k sects would exclaim, "Oh, that's what you meant with that part! And this whole time I was thinking you wanted us to destroy the village in order to save it. Well, glad that's taken care of."
Some fundamentalist christians and
most traditionalist catholics and orthodox.
It depends on each case.
A liberal christian is either decieved by the Devil
or terribly misinformed.

Christ himself explicitly warned about "wolves in sheep's clothing."
Therefore we must hold that some enter the ranks of the Church
who seem to be worshippers but are not, they are decievers.
These are the Liberal Catholics. They are trying to change our
precious traditions. Angry Protestant-fundamentalist goats
are much more trustworthy than those friendly wolves.
scorpius said:
many times religious people like to label themselves as "True christians"
could you explain WHAT EXACTLY is a TRUE CHRISTIAN?

A True Christian believes Jesus.

Jesus said:

John 6
63It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

All His Words, not just some, but all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
scorpius said:
many times religious people like to label themselves as "True christians"
could you explain WHAT EXACTLY is a TRUE CHRISTIAN?
Someone who dies on a cross.
For all practical purposes, a "true Christian" is someone who insists that his definition of Christianity is the right one.