What is a Sacrifice?

Your willingfully giving something up is equal to the magic voodoo payoff in the afterlife.

The notion is silly.
M*W: Why wait for the unattainable 'afterlife'? The sacrifice IS the reward.
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Why blood sacrifice though?
What's this thing with blood?
because its the thing about eating meat ... you can't do it without spilling it.

For instance there are vedic references that point out that whatever benefit one can hope to be achieved with slaughtering an animal can be achieved by offering a sliced lemon with a bit of crimson paint ... yet for some reason people prefer to slaughter an animal.


I mean what do you suppose they do with the animals they slaughter?
Throw them in the trash?

Why blood sacrifice though?
What's this thing with blood?
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? What kind of god needs blood and death to appease their fury?

But the more precious the sacrifice the greater the favor gained. God is probably not going to be impressed with the crust of toast from your breakfast. Better the vital fluid that sustains life... even better the lives themselves. If it comes from your prized heifer even better. Of course, the ultimate sacrifice is a human or even a demi-god (if you can find one). That will really win you points.

It's is nice for the priests too, since gods seem to primarily be interested in the "life force" and the blood and not the parts the priests might want to use for dinner. Many priestly classes through history have sustained themselves on the gods' leftovers.

M*W: Why does sacrifice exist in nearly every religion? For the guilt trip, of course!
I agree with you, but this is harldy limited to religions. The military has this deeply ingrained and then governments use this against the people - don't you support the troops?. Secular authorities and private company owners are always asking (read: demanding) sacrifices from people. Hell, who bailed out the banks? It wasn't the Pope that called for that.
I agree with you, but this is harldy limited to religions. The military has this deeply ingrained and then governments use this against the people - don't you support the troops?. Secular authorities and private company owners are always asking (read: demanding) sacrifices from people. Hell, who bailed out the banks? It wasn't the Pope that called for that.
M*W: Whole-heartedly agreed.
because its the thing about eating meat ... you can't do it without spilling it.

Do you think that Ritualistic religion is based on overcoming taboos about eating meat?

Interesting idea.
It works in Christianity and Judaism.

In the story of Cain and Abel, Cain was the vegetable offerer, and his sacrifices were not pleasing to god. Cain's animal sacrifices were acceptable to him.

We read in the Bible:
"In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel brought of the firstlings of the flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard" (Gen. 4:3-5).
because its the thing about eating meat ... you can't do it without spilling it.

For instance there are vedic references that point out that whatever benefit one can hope to be achieved with slaughtering an animal can be achieved by offering a sliced lemon with a bit of crimson paint ... yet for some reason people prefer to slaughter an animal.


I mean what do you suppose they do with the animals they slaughter?
Throw them in the trash?


oww, what's that second picture ??!!

sacrifice, means, to defend your honor, to defend your contry from invaders, not attacking other contries) sacrifice with your confort, to take kare of your family,
sacrifice is not by killing and terrorism, or kill people by the name of allah (god)
or doign bad stuff with the name of the relegion or allah (god), terrorism's relegion is terrorism, they just keep doign vilence stuff,killing... by the name of islam and allah(god)
gosh, that's not right,
they don't even know what does really sacrifice means,
sacrifice is not always to fight in wars,
in one hand, sacrife is defending on your contry from invaders, not attacking other contries,
also sacrifice, also to do an effort to help people in need, to help orphelines, to use your life to build, to create, to move foroward to a better future,
to fight for the rights ( i don't mean wars or fightign by weapons or stuff, i don't mean that kind of fight, fight doesnt always mean to beet people, to kill, to ... to ... to..., the word fight, can be used in peacefull tences, like, fight to help poor people, fight to get them out of their miseryes, not by atacks
Do you think that Ritualistic religion is based on overcoming taboos about eating meat?
I think the rituals that surround meat eating in religion are simply meant to regulate it

Interesting idea.
It works in Christianity and Judaism.

In the story of Cain and Abel, Cain was the vegetable offerer, and his sacrifices were not pleasing to god. Cain's animal sacrifices were acceptable to him.

We read in the Bible:
"In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel brought of the firstlings of the flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard" (Gen. 4:3-5).
I think it has more to do with offering the seconds