What is a "good" person?

Perhaps in some cases.
Subjectivity is always an exaggerated quality regardless. There is more commonality in cultures than we usually are comfortable recognizing.

I agree , humans are bascially wanting the same no matter where they live on a general level of living day to day.
Live and let Live.
Why does this prove so hard to actually put into practice? (shurg) the difference are given more wait than anything...
Why does this prove so hard to actually put into practice?

Because there are some people who enjoy power, control and money. They want to be in charge to tell others what to do even if they are wrong, they seem to think they are right just because of their position. Many times leaders really care only about themselves and their cronies and make their citizens work hard for them, not for everyone as a good leader would want.
Can you tell me, how to be good? Good to others and good to yourself.
If you can find a way to be good to civilization, then by definition you are being good to everyone. Not individually of course--shit happens and it can't always be prevented--but in aggregate.

Try to contribute just a little more than you take out. Try to leave the world a slightly better place than you found it.

We don't always succeed at everything we try to do, and despite your best efforts you may not be able to accomplish this. But if you try, there's a very good chance that at least you will not have done any serious damage.

If you want to do more than that, possibly the greatest contribution you can make to civilization is to teach. Not even formally in a school, it's easy to teach in a place like this website. Try to pass on the things you have already learned to someone who is younger, or someone who is not as well educated, or someone who is simply lost. We get all of those folks right here.
a good person's base is from sincerity rather than deception. even the most ignorant, uneducated or even less intelligent (iq) can become eventually more intelligent if they start from sincerity than someone with a high iq that uses it for deception (furthering lies). even if they never rise above a humble station in life, they are more an asset overall than those who are clever but use it for lies. this is because every experience, mistake or understanding accrued by one who is sincere will be honestly re-evaluated within themselves (which takes humility) to further truth rather than deception which will make the world a better place. people who have a good heart are actually the most intelligent people inherently even if the world does not define it or see it that way. they are the true seed of intelligence. you can liken it to a diamond in the rough.
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