What is a god?

Any god would be living, no?

To a cell inside a body, would the organism be living?

A cell would simply not realize the greater purpose of its existence within a myriad of functions of everything else of which it is part of.

Living, perhaps...but not in a sense of our own.
But more importantly, how do we distinguish "magic" in the classic sense from just really advanced technology?

magic would be unexplainable and undefinable in every sense and logic as we approach to resolve and understand it. Magic would be there and exist there yet have no back up for the reason of why it exists such way.
magic would be unexplainable and undefinable in every sense and logic as we approach to resolve and understand it. Magic would be there and exist there yet have no back up for the reason of why it exists such way.

So, would "technology" we gain from an alien civilization which works completely different than anything we could possibly know as be technology or magic?
So, would "technology" we gain from an alien civilization which works completely different than anything we could possibly know as be technology or magic?

at first it would be magic and than it would be "technology"

Lesson of the day: Whats magic is later no more.

To simply state it, I just dont believe there is anything out there that we cannot piece together and understand.
I do realize it, but as soon as I do...I feel alone and around me emptiness and darkness for miles until the horizon of society.

A God is stronger if he is more than his own. That is why governments exist.

not in this case. A god is stronger when he realizes he's on this earth alone, and can only see what's above but only from below. not to be confused with Allah.

Ruler Zig-zag-zig Allah said:
I'm the 7 in the center of the sun, I keep shinin
My inner light would turn my baby's tear drop to small diamonds
That be twinklin, while my love be sprinklin
We stay young while your old wicked faces be wrinklin
ALLAH's the most gracious, he made the universe the most spacious
Seen and heard in all places, but still appear faceless
Embraces all races, all caste and all cases
In every spec of life he's the substance of all traces

The answer to all questions, the spark of all suggestions
Of righteousness, the pathway to the road of perfection
Who gives you all and never ask more of you
The faithful companion that fights every war with you
Before the mortal view of the prehistorical, historical
He's the all and all, you searchin for the oracle
A mission impossible, purely philosophical
But you call him on your death bed when you layin in the hospital

And as you play all day like the grasshopper who work and toil
Like armies of ants carrying stones of soil
Building a home for themselves and storing food
At night we praise ALLAH and adore the moon
In sync like the flow of the Nile, the growth of a child
Only fearin' GOD, we great a ghost with a smile
That which is spirit is spirit, which is flesh is flesh
Meaning life has no partnership with death

Yo, I've been highly misunderstood by those who met us
They had ears of corn and heads of lettuce
Mentally dead, essentially lead by the false teachings
And eventually pledge their allegiance
To that which was against them and exempt them from the truth
Then juiced them and pimp them ??
So the church can rise, while their babies home hungry covered with flies
Trying to harness the wind
ALLAH's the father from without and within
On Christ return, who will announce him?
Every tree is numbered, but who can count them?
The name of all things on this world, who can pronounce them?
ALLAH is the father of all, why do you doubt him?

The heart is the general, the eyes are the scouts
the fists are the arrow, the body is the bow
All movements have to be ??
The wrist must be strong and the fingers powerful
Fast, high kicks, a good firm stance
Avoid the enemy's strong points​
not in this case. A god is stronger when he realizes he's on this earth alone, and can only what's above but only from below. not to be confused with Allah.

there are two sides of this world. One side is that which choose to join and other is that we chooses to alienated itself.

A world were all will be one and a world were there will be one of itself made.

In Bible the choice is clear, go with Satan or go with God.
there are two sides of this world. One side is that which choose to join and other is that we chooses to alienated itself.

A world were all will be one and a world were there will be one of itself made.

In Bible the choice is clear, go with Satan or go with God.

there are two sides to everything, its the concept of yin and yang. Even a river has two sides, always permanent but constantly changing. True knowledge can only be attained by seeing both sides of the coin. The sides of the coin of God are his spirit, and his image (us). We are part of God.

the Bible's choice is based upon interpretation. You can interpret all that garbage literally, or interpret all that knowledge metaphorically.
the Bible's choice is based upon interpretation. You can interpret all that garbage literally, or interpret all that knowledge metaphorically.

exactly, so in the end you/I/we decide what is "garbage" and what is knowledge.
We had a short discussion in another thread about gods; specifically, what a god was. I suggested that the probability of there being life more intelligent than Human beings is probably very good, considering the size of the universe and the possibility of other universes, etc

Then, someone said, "if that is the case, those would be aliens, not gods"

However, wouldn't any god be an alien? And what is an "alien"? Doesn't that mean something that is not of Earth? Certainly any god we choose of any religion, or merely the concept, is not of Earth.

So what is it that separates aliens from gods? I don't think the concept of extraterrestrial intelligence is ridiculous, do you?

My main question is, what separates a god from simply an extremely advanced and influential conscious entity?

And if there is no difference, why is the concept of a god ridiculous when we Humans are perfect examples of, at least, advanced conscious entities?

Any god, regardless of what religion, would just be a very advanced and influential conscious entity or being.

So what makes the distinction between that and a god?

And if there isn't distinction, doesn't that mean the concept of gods isn't ridiculous at all? After all I'm quite sure there is probably other life out there that is also intelligent.

Now, granted, I'll be fair and lay a few suggestions on the table: I'll assume that your response would be "gods are supposed to have magical abilities"

My response would be, "what is magic?" After all, even if magic does exist, it would be nothing more than a mechanic of reality we don't understand.

But more importantly, how do we distinguish "magic" in the classic sense from just really advanced technology?

And when I say "influential" conscious beings, I mean as in, influence over the laws of nature. Sure, we Humans probably aren't even close to such a thing but there's no telling what knowledge we don't have and others might and what technologies we don't have that others might that enables them to do this.

Then a god is nothing more than a really advanced and influential conscious entity.

In the vedic breakdown of the universe and its inhabitants god is distinguished as that person who is fully independent and also to whom no one is equal to or greater.

Generally we assert our greatness and independence by technology (hence it is always limited). God doesn't have that requirement.