What is a god?


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
We had a short discussion in another thread about gods; specifically, what a god was. I suggested that the probability of there being life more intelligent than Human beings is probably very good, considering the size of the universe and the possibility of other universes, etc

Then, someone said, "if that is the case, those would be aliens, not gods"

However, wouldn't any god be an alien? And what is an "alien"? Doesn't that mean something that is not of Earth? Certainly any god we choose of any religion, or merely the concept, is not of Earth.

So what is it that separates aliens from gods? I don't think the concept of extraterrestrial intelligence is ridiculous, do you?

My main question is, what separates a god from simply an extremely advanced and influential conscious entity?

And if there is no difference, why is the concept of a god ridiculous when we Humans are perfect examples of, at least, advanced conscious entities?

Any god, regardless of what religion, would just be a very advanced and influential conscious entity or being.

So what makes the distinction between that and a god?

And if there isn't distinction, doesn't that mean the concept of gods isn't ridiculous at all? After all I'm quite sure there is probably other life out there that is also intelligent.

Now, granted, I'll be fair and lay a few suggestions on the table: I'll assume that your response would be "gods are supposed to have magical abilities"

My response would be, "what is magic?" After all, even if magic does exist, it would be nothing more than a mechanic of reality we don't understand.

But more importantly, how do we distinguish "magic" in the classic sense from just really advanced technology?

And when I say "influential" conscious beings, I mean as in, influence over the laws of nature. Sure, we Humans probably aren't even close to such a thing but there's no telling what knowledge we don't have and others might and what technologies we don't have that others might that enables them to do this.

Then a god is nothing more than a really advanced and influential conscious entity.
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However, wouldn't any god be an alien? And what is an "alien"? Doesn't that mean something that is not of Earth? Certainly any god we choose of any religion, or merely the concept, is not of Earth.

Alien would be "not of our own".

God would be of our own, as we recognize God.

A recognized Alien would no longer have such a status, unless he still acted as an alien and therefore would not be recognized in the first place.
Alien would be "not of our own".

God would be of our own, as we recognize God.

A recognized Alien would no longer have such a status, unless he still acted as an alien and therefore would not be recognized in the first place.

Draq, you're back!

A god would not be "of our own", necessarily, as any god would not have originated on Earth.
Then a god is nothing more than a really advanced and influential conscious entity.

Do you realize what that means? A very advanced influential conscious entity?

Think of a software and an operating system, would the operating system be such advance conscious entity to the software?

An entity so adanced and influential that it is everything including ourselves, without our realization of it being made of us.

Just as a cell has no realization of the greater meaning of its existence...it exists and functions within a body, meanwhile being one of the trillion cells to do so. When a whole body makes us, humans. So is great God that we are always part of it and cannot be part of it, unless we decide not to.
Draq, you're back!

A god would not be "of our own", necessarily, as any god would not have originated on Earth.

why do you assume that of our own is Earthly only?

Would you assume that of our own is everything because we make such a God what it is?
An All Knowing and All Powerful being is the only way I define God, most of the time. Unless it is in another major religion, then I will also consider it a God.
An All Knowing and All Powerful being is the only way I define God, most of the time. Unless it is in another major religion, then I will also consider it a God.

I would agree with you. Because a true God would not be such if it would not be the "all" of everything.
This is not a religious question but a philosophical one.

and to answer it, you are reading a post written by a god.

God Cypher Divine
An All Knowing and All Powerful being is the only way I define God, most of the time. Unless it is in another major religion, then I will also consider it a God.

Why must a god be all knowing and all powerful?

At what point does a human being become a god?
a cell never becomes an organism.
Any god would be living, no?
He's claiming he is a God, because God currently does not have an accepted definition, and by his, even he is a God, or maybe he alone is a God.

You mean a god. You don't capitalize it unless you're talking about the one "God" of the monotheistic faiths

Oh, so he can influence the very laws of nature? Incredible, he must be a god.
A God of his won. I see.

correct. The true and living god is yourself when you realize it.

Any god would be living, no?

You mean a god. You don't capitalize it unless you're talking about the one "God" of the monotheistic faiths

Oh, so he can influence the very laws of nature? Incredible, he must be a god.

I use the same notation, I reserve the capital G for essence of the universe, Allah (God).

I dont know if we can influence the laws of the nature, but we certainly can read and understand them, and that alone is incredible.
Tell me what makes a God, then. Oh, and explain why that is a God, and nothing else is a God, because Norse insists.
correct. The true and living god is yourself when you realize it.

I do realize it, but as soon as I do...I feel alone and around me emptiness and darkness for miles until the horizon of society.

A God is stronger if he is more than his own. That is why governments exist.