What IS a god?

A God is a myth developed by those wanting to control people with myths

that people cannot prove. Whenever someone tells you that God exists ask

them to prove it and they only tell you that you must have faith to believe

but no facts are ever presented except a book which was written by the

myth makers and only they can add to it, tell you what it means and make

you adhere to the heresy evidence they want you to BELIEVE.

This definition would also fuel the theory that GOD is infact an acronym:

Genesis Of Deception
Genesis Of Deception

Or Grand Old Daddy..

What is a god?

God is the voice of our subconscious mind, the bicameral mind of ancient men heard voice in their head, their primitive mind communicating with their subconsciousness since they didn't have the knowledge that they were basically schizophrenics these voices were the gods, then men evolved a consciousness and the voices became silent, men created their gods out of chaos..

Well that's just my version read the research of the bicameral mentality by Dr Julian Jaynes, you'll get a clue what a god is.



Why is it better?

As to this threads question:

I suppose a God could be classified as Omnipresent,immortal,omnipotent ..a lone creator of all the universe(s).Possesing super natural abilities.
Able to take physical form from it's normal "spirit like" state.

Or as in many polytheistic religions, Gods and Goddesses represented various aspects of the one God at the center of their beliefs.
Example: One God may represent aspects of nature that control the weather,Gods/Goddesses of fertility,Gods/Goddesses of war,Gods/Goddesses of love and passion,etc.

In the old polytheisms, it was not a matter of the many aspects of "the One God" but of many very different gods competing with each other.

Since there is no scientific evidence "spirits" exist, monotheisms are more advanced, that is, they are more ACCURATE, than the old polytheisms. The fewer the "spirits" believed in, in the human historical mainstream, the more advanced the civilization. This is social evolution.

charles, http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com
I am God.. I love ya'll so much I might not even BBQ you in Hell for eternity....maybe.

Jesus freaks stand in single file for an opportunity to kiss my ass.
M*W: But NONE of them are real!

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"We shall tell ourselves that it would be very nice if there were a God who created the world and was a benevolent Providence, and if there were a moral order in the universe and an after-life; but it is a very striking fact that all this is exactly as we are bound to wish it to be." ~ Sigmund Freud

No they're all real, you're deluded into believing fantasy over reality
A "god" is a powerful "diety." Satan is powerful, so he, also, is a "god" no matter what the Bible calls him. Christ, also. People pray to "Mother Mary" so they must think she also has power; so she is also "a god."

That's just the New Testament! In the Old One, there are scores of references to "the other gods."

Who says "The Religions of the Book" are monotheistic?

Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7
Exodus 12:12, 15:11, 18:11, 20:3,5, 22:20, 28, 23:13, 24, 32, 34:14
Numbers 33:4
Deuteronomy 6:14-15, 10:17, 28:14
Joshua 24:14
Judges 11:24
Samuel 6:5, 28:131 Chronicles 16:25 Psalm 82:1: 82:6, 86:8, 96:4, 97:7, 136:2
Jeremiah 1:16, 10:11

charles, http://humanpurposse.simplenet.com

there are however unique positions given to monotheistic understandings of god, and not merely the linguistic sense in which the word appears - eg - cause of all causes, fully independent, possessor of all opulences, etc etc