What IS a god?

charles brough

Registered Senior Member
A "god" is a powerful "diety." Satan is powerful, so he, also, is a "god" no matter what the Bible calls him. Christ, also. People pray to "Mother Mary" so they must think she also has power; so she is also "a god."

That's just the New Testament! In the Old One, there are scores of references to "the other gods."

Who says "The Religions of the Book" are monotheistic?

Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7
Exodus 12:12, 15:11, 18:11, 20:3,5, 22:20, 28, 23:13, 24, 32, 34:14
Numbers 33:4
Deuteronomy 6:14-15, 10:17, 28:14
Joshua 24:14
Judges 11:24
Samuel 6:5, 28:131 Chronicles 16:25 Psalm 82:1: 82:6, 86:8, 96:4, 97:7, 136:2
Jeremiah 1:16, 10:11

charles, http://humanpurposse.simplenet.com
"a God" is an imitation of THE God. THE God is the great "I am": God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. :worship:

His first commandment tells us to have no other "gods" before Him.

This is what Christianity is about. Other religions have their own gods/versions of God.
"a God" is an imitation of THE God. THE God is the great "I am": God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. :worship:

His first commandment tells us to have no other "gods" before Him.

This is what Christianity is about. Other religions have their own gods/versions of God.

Believers of EVERY old religion consider their "god" "THE" only real one, yet none of them can produce "It" or show physical evidence of it. He can no more be proven to exist than can Santa Claus.

charles, http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com
"a God" is an imitation of THE God. THE God is the great "I am": God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
naw thats just a rumour ;)
His first commandment tells us to have no other "gods" before Him.
jealous bastid aint he? :D
This is what Christianity is about. Other religions have their own gods/versions of God.
so which one is the True god :shrug:
They are all knowing, all seeing, eternal.

Do all gods like to mess with mortals? Greek/Roman gods messed with people. Scandinavian gods did. Christian god had Job to mess with.
Native American gods???
There are many god-like beings, but only one actual God
M*W: But NONE of them are real!

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"We shall tell ourselves that it would be very nice if there were a God who created the world and was a benevolent Providence, and if there were a moral order in the universe and an after-life; but it is a very striking fact that all this is exactly as we are bound to wish it to be." ~ Sigmund Freud
Okay, that's what you believe ....so why can't you allow others to believe what they want to believe without denigrating their beliefs?

Baron Max

One would think that with the +16K posts you have, you'd be in the know about certain things.

Those religions are evangelistic, in other words, it's part of the cults doctrine to get everyone on board with their beliefs. They want the entire world to be run with those beliefs as guidelines.

And you are actually questioning why? :crazy:
Okay, that's what you believe ....so why can't you allow others to believe what they want to believe without denigrating their beliefs?

Baron Max

agreed. How are one persons beliefs any 'wronger' than anothers? Its all in the interpretation.
Moderator Note: Off-topic Posts removed to the cesspool. This thread is "what is a god" not "justify your own superstition."
This is what Christianity is about. Other religions have their own gods/versions of God.

I am somewhat proud of you Sandy! You actually specified which God under which religion you were referring to, instead of outright saying that there is one god and the only god.
I started this thread with the question: "is Christianity really a monotheism?" and have had all sorts of defensive responsed that avoided the subject! A "theism" is a personal god, one that, for example, responds to prayers." I would say that Satan responds to prayers if ANY of them do! Would he deny you if you prayed to him to take your "soul"? Even the Pope prays to Mother Mary. You have the choice of praying to "God" or to "Christ." You generally choose, don't you? How about to the Catholic Saints and to angelsZ? Some people do. The faith is practiced as a scattering of dieties.

But I give you credit. Christianity was and still is a far better religion than the old Egyptian and Babylonian polytheisms and their some four to six thousand gods!

Perhaps the next religion will be about only a very alone, all omnipotent diety of the type Einstein accepted. . . or none at all. Marxism has none at all, but we HAVE to do a lot better than Marxism!

charles, http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com
Christianity was and still is a far better religion than the old Egyptian and Babylonian polytheisms and their some four to six thousand gods!


Why is it better?

As to this threads question:

I suppose a God could be classified as Omnipresent,immortal,omnipotent ..a lone creator of all the universe(s).Possesing super natural abilities.
Able to take physical form from it's normal "spirit like" state.

Or as in many polytheistic religions, Gods and Goddesses represented various aspects of the one God at the center of their beliefs.
Example: One God may represent aspects of nature that control the weather,Gods/Goddesses of fertility,Gods/Goddesses of war,Gods/Goddesses of love and passion,etc.
A God is a myth developed by those wanting to control people with myths

that people cannot prove. Whenever someone tells you that God exists ask

them to prove it and they only tell you that you must have faith to believe

but no facts are ever presented except a book which was written by the

myth makers and only they can add to it, tell you what it means and make

you adhere to the heresy evidence they want you to BELIEVE.
Clearly there are multiple gods in Judeo-Christian mythology. The very nature of the so-called "trinity" is evidence of multiplicity in gods. "Trinity" is a term that isn't mentioned in biblical lore, but used by later Christians who saw the need to reconcile inconsistencies with biblical mentions of various gods (Yahweh, the mysterious Holy Ghost, etc., and the scriptural reference to Jesus as a god).

Of course, the very nature of the biblical description of Satan makes this figure a god as well. Biblical mythology as well as modern Christians assign Satan the attributes of omniscience, omnipotence, etc.

Early Judaic inscriptions even depict Yahweh with a consort or "wife," Ashera, who was the mother of the elohim, the divine assembly of gods in early Semetic cultures. The father of the gods was called El, or Bull El. The term in Genesis, "Elohim" refers to this divine assembly an not just a single deity. Also used among early Semitic cultures was the Storm God, Yamm, whose personal name was Yaw or, in some texts, Yawu. Clearly this is a cognate of "Yahweh" and, ironically, since early Jews believed Yahweh to sacred to say (they still do), the used terms for "Lord," like adonai or baal. Yahweh was, in early Semitic cultures, king of the children of El (the elohim).

Where this information comes from are the early Semitic cultures themselves and the texts they left behind.
Okay, that's what you believe ....so why can't you allow others to believe what they want to believe without denigrating their beliefs?

Baron Max
M*W: I'm not stopping anyone from believing in what they choose to believe. That's a personal choice each of us can make. However, this is a discussion forum on religion in general. If certain members don't like what I have to say, they can go to a religion forum where their specific beliefs are discussed. No one is holding a gun to their head to keep them here.