What is a foreskin like?

Everything will be just fine if humans just behave correctly, we don't even need police or anything like that.

Now, talking about reality...
I agree completely.

Routine surgeo-religious genital mutilation of infants is flat out wrong and abusive. It is a permanent statement of ownership over another human being without their consent with no good purpose or rational reason. :(

You apparently do not understand the term "genital mutilation". :shrug:

I did not lose sensitivity and at age 61 still suffer pain and discomfort every day from the genital mutilation that was done to me when I was a baby in the name of a religion that I do not believe in or participate in.

Thanks loads for your lack of compassion. :mad:

Are you just making stuff up like the others or there's any evidence to back up chronic pain resulting from circumcision? If that happens, it's not the norm, but an exception that may happen in any sort of medical procedure.

[...] Phantom pain has been described after removal of other body parts, such as the rectum,5*43 breast,29 tongue,19 teeth34 and genitals.21 It is interesting that despite the fact that circumcision is the commonest operation carried out on males, there are no reports of phantom foreskin in the literature. [...]

You mean vaccines that are beneficial without which they might die of horrible diseases?

Yeah, that's the liberal euphemism, just like with circumcision is for mutilation, the "vaccine" effect is the same as posted in that piece of liberal propaganda I quoted before. But it's evil and liberal, so we're better of without it (both), just by praying and behaving like the bible teaches, not the koran or the torah.
Just one question.

Can anyone quantify an acceptable "ethical" price to pay for the ban on a harmless preventive procedure, speaking in numbers of of deaths and incidence of diseases?
Just one question.

Can anyone quantify an acceptable "ethical" price to pay for the ban on a harmless preventive procedure, speaking in numbers of of deaths and incidence of diseases?

You mean not cutting off a woman's breasts as soon as they are born? Because that would prevent breast cancer.
Yes the WHO recommends routine MGM for African men because it has shown to reduce the risk of female to make HIV transmission from the African strain. However in the rest of the world (including Asia as well as the west) the strain is much more virulent and studies have found no protective effect at all. Also even in Africa there are better alternatives, gardicell (the cervical cancer vaccine) will protect boys from the most common strains of HPV which is belived to be the reason for the easier transmissions and condoms have an almost 100% protective rate, rathe than the 5% or so that comes from MGM

Furthermore as you would see if you actually read those threads, no medical association in the western world agrees with routine MGM, even the US paediatric society and the US AMA where it is the most common recommend against it.

As for your repeated comments about being "antijew" are you anti Islam for being against FGM? As I said originally Jews practiced it as part of the manhood ceremony and if you are going to do it for religious reasons that's when it should be done but the choice must lie with the person having it done, that is what autonomy means. The basic principles of parental consent (rather than autonomous consent once a patient is capable of making there own medical decisions) is that parents should only be authorising MEDICALLY NESSARY procedures an religion doesn't come into it. For instance it's specifically written into legislation that if a Johovas witness refuses consent for a blood transfusion on religious grounds that's tough, the doctors can instantly overrule tht because it's medically nessary.

Try this, when you have a baby try saying that your religion demands that the little finger of the left hand be removed and see what they say.
Good time to post this with some text highlighted to make points.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Male circumcision is the surgical removal of some or all of the foreskin (prepuce) from the penis. Early depictions of circumcision are found in cave paintings and Ancient Egyptian tombs, though some pictures are open to interpretation. Religious male circumcision is part of Judaism. In Islam, though not mentioned in the Qur'an, male circumcision is widely practiced and often considered to be sunnah. It is also customary in some Christian churches in Africa.

Estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that 30 percent of males worldwide are circumcised, of whom 68 percent are Muslim. The prevalence of circumcision varies mostly with religious affiliation, and sometimes culture. The timing of circumcision similarly varies, though it is commonly practiced between birth and the early twenties.

Circumcision is used therapeutically, as one of the treatment options for a number of penile conditions. In addition, non-therapeutic circumcisions are commonly performed for social, cultural, religious, or prophylactic reasons. Summaries of the views of professional associations of physicians state that none currently recommend routine (i.e. universal) circumcision, and that none recommend prohibiting the practice.

Strong evidence from Africa indicates that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection in heterosexual men by 38-66%, and studies have concluded it is cost effective in sub-Saharan Africa. The WHO currently recommends circumcision be part of a comprehensive program for prevention of HIV transmission in areas with high endemic rates of HIV. Some organizations have discussed under what circumstances circumcision is ethical.

There is controversy regarding circumcision. Areas of controversy have included the health benefits and risks of the procedure, ethical and legal considerations, and the application of human rights principles to the practice.

Sexual effects

The effect of circumcision on sexual function is poorly determined, with studies reporting mixed effects. The American Academy of Pediatrics points to a survey (self-report) finding circumcised adult men had less sexual dysfunction and more varied sexual practices, but also noted anecdotal reports that penile sensation and sexual satisfaction are decreased for circumcised males. A 2002 review stated that "the genitally intact male has thousands of fine touch receptors and other highly erogenous nerve endings—many of which are lost to circumcision, with an inevitable reduction in sexual sensation experienced by circumcised males." The authors concluded, "intercourse is less satisfying for both partners when the man is circumcised".

In January 2007, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) stated "The effect of circumcision on penile sensation or sexual satisfaction is unknown. Because the epithelium of a circumcised glans becomes cornified, and because some feel nerve over-stimulation leads to desensitization, many believe that the glans of a circumcised penis is less sensitive. [. . .] No valid evidence to date, however, supports the notion that being circumcised affects sexual sensation or satisfaction." A 2010 review reported that "despite conflicting results in some of the historical observational studies, most recent articles do not show evidence of adverse effects on sexual function." A review which analyzed the data from eight clinical trials concluded that the "evidence suggests that adult circumcision does not affect sexual satisfaction and function."

The ladies love it, plus uncut guys are more badass in bed and in life. Only Jews and Amerikans get cut. Europeans aren't supposed to, even according to Christianity.

Accept the facts and consider future generations. Don't make your kids suffer because of your insecurity.
The ladies love it, plus uncut guys are more badass in bed and in life. Only Jews and Amerikans get cut. Europeans aren't supposed to, even according to Christianity.

Accept the facts and consider future generations. Don't make your kids suffer because of your insecurity.

:thumbsup: well said
So kill, the best they can say according to your Infomation is that it MIGHT not ADVERSLY effect sexual stimulation (and I already posted Infomation which contradicts that for both males and females). You don't see anything wrong with that, "cut off you little finger and it might not effect your quality of life so you should do it and you must do it before your baby is old enough to object"
The ladies love it, plus uncut guys are more badass in bed and in life. Only Jews and Amerikans get cut. Europeans aren't supposed to, even according to Christianity.

Accept the facts and consider future generations. Don't make your kids suffer because of your insecurity.

Apparently you can't read or spell worth a damn, and this is what you chose to say on your first post. In any event I don't care one whit whether you think having a foreskin is the way to go through life. But what you are saying is pure BS.