What is a Fetus?

May I say for the record that I sound intollerant, but that is because I have to put up the straightfoward face on this one, wellcooked. This issue is rather personal for anyone, and it evokes a lot of emotions, woman or man. Don't take my wanna-be George Carlin style of posting to be typical for me. I'm not usually that cynacle.
There you go, Xev... screw around and not bother thinking about her or the kid she gets because of you.

Huh? Since when could I get another woman pregnent?

*Mutters "oh shit" and hopes she hasn't impregnated any lesbians recently*
Ya that can't be done... not even in a lab can then mate two ova: a sperm is needed every time, except of clones of course.

Yes there are people born that do to a translocation of a chromosome arm or 2 are rendered genetically incompatible with other people. Yet people suffering from this kind of defect are usually healthy.

I feel trying to define human by what is human as a species is not flexible enough to allow equal rights for future Cyborgs, AI and Biorobots.
Cyborgs, AI, and future robots aren't here yet... and we have no idea if they will be anything like what you might think they look like. I don't think that is relevant anyhow, because they aren't members of our species. That does not mean they shouldnt get rights for their own sake, but we as a society aren't there yet....

Xev, I need to toss you a bit of an apology for the snap. I see so many guys doing the worst things to girls in a relationship and walk away leaving her pregnant. I don't understand why lots of girls date loosers and then cry their eyes out when they end up pregnant or abandoned. The lack of support on his part often drives a woman to abortion. I'm not insensetive to that, and in fact I am VERY angry about that. When people like me ask the same girl out, she says "Awww, your so nice but..." and I sit there, wondering why I'm being passed up for a guy who treats her a lot worse. It is like girls say they want one thing, but get something else.
that’s the basic animal impulsive of a human. Despite over a century of going off the smart ones the urge to breed with the beautiful is still much MUCH stronger.

I am quite aware those things are not here yet I just feel a definition of human should revolve around a soul (not the spiritual one but the center of human consciousness) rather then basic biological terms. Like you I also believe abstinence and a control of impulsive in general are a lot better then and abortion.

Though humans are animals and trying to control are urges is a fight we will have tell the day we die.
Men are such experts on the subject

I know exactly what my wife would say if she saw a bunch of guys talking about abortion. Because I've heard it a couple of times: "I'll give a flying f*** what you think about it the first time one of you gets pregnant!"

Apologies to the women here. You should just kick us out. What we think is so irrelevant that its nookyaler.
Amen Rocker!

Though if they ever make a synthetic uterus as an organ implant your wife might have to eat her own words.
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No hard feelings. I'm just not sure how I can get another woman pregnent. I mean, I don't even have a dick.

When people like me ask the same girl out, she says "Awww, your so nice but..." and I sit there, wondering why I'm being passed up for a guy who treats her a lot worse. It is like girls say they want one thing, but get something else.

Given your previous mistake per my gender (in spite of the fact that I'm obviously female), are you sure you're asking the right sex out? Maybe you're hitting on guys by mistake.

Or maybe it's just 'cause you're a over-conservative loser.
So, here we have the crux of it... it doesn't matter how many ways I express my opinion, in the end I'm not qualified because I am not a male, no matter how Abortion can effect my life or the lives of those around me.

You know I hate it when people run to that sort of tactic. "I can't disprove anything you are saying, so I am going to decide that your opinion doesn't count." Yeah, junk science and politicians are like that. At least it goes to show you what most pro-choicers really believe.
To Xev

When did anyone ask what sex you are? For all I know your could be a small rat running over the keyboard of some anonymous computer somewhere. For all you know I am actually a chard and oven baked fetus that is writing to you from the 4th circle of hell.

No offence but anyone that jump around constantly saying: “I’m a girl, I’m a Women Ya look at me!” is probably not a girl just some really sick lonely guy with a micro penis.

Umm, well, given that it's impossible for a woman to impregnate another woman, and Xevious made the mistake of assuming I was male.

Of course I'm going to tease him. Now go get a life.


How on earth does abortion affect your life?

Abortion can emotionally effect the lives of anyone who knows someone who had one. All one has to do to be effected is take some emotional investment in the new life. If life begins as conception as per biology states, then in the mind of someone who accepts that as true considers them a human being. When the said woman has an abortion, all the people who placed value on that life will find an emptiness in them. It is no differnt in that if a friend died, a sister, brother, or any other relative, and then you have the aspects of knowing that the child therefore was killed purely for the convenience of the mother, which feels like murder. It is so easy to see why this issue is so hot, and why abortion clinics get blown up and attacked a lot.
I said no offence Xev, obviously I hit something there :D

As for the both of you: stop talking to your self, it is sad really.

Did you know that every time a man jerks off he is preventing the lives of thousands of children from ever being! Yet strangely I don’t see most men ever giving a dam… WHY DON’T THEY! Think of the poor little sperm: a life that could have been!
Hell we commit mass murder just by taking a hot bath! Hell those little sailors only have a few week life spans in the sack we are killing them just by sitting around! Oh I'm so depressed I haven't sleep with a women in 3 years I must be like Hitler to my own sperm!

Abortion can emotionally effect the lives of anyone who knows someone who had one. All one has to do to be effected is take some emotional investment in the new life.

You are such a pussy.
i don't think that there is a fixed ethical rule that says you can't kill human beings. It happens all the time. Wars, death penalty, abortion, etc.
I guess it is up to us to decide which circumstances allows for ending human life.
The argument that a fetus should be treated as a human because it has the potential to become a human is invalid. If this were a valid argument, then it would be equally valid to argue that since the fetus has the potential to become a human, and that humans eventually die, then we should treat the fetus in the way that we treat dead humans.

Potentialities aren't actualities. Your new car has the potential to become a pile of scrap metal. Would you mind that I treat your new car, in actuality, as if it were a pile of scrap metal? Similarly, the fact that all humans have the potential to die does not imply that we ought to treat living humans as though they were dead.

There's no instant when one can look at a fetus and say, "There! Did you see that? It just became a human!" A fetus develops minute by minute; it's more like a human at 8 months than it was at 8 weeks; but a fetus is not a human. However, the fact that a fetus is not a human does not imply that a fetus is without value. It has the value we assign it at any given stage in its fetal development.

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